Warlock Invocations
Eldritch Essences
Beshadowed Essence
Duration: 1 round / 10 levels
Save: Fortitude negates blind
Spell resistance: Yes
Infuses Eldritch Blast with Beshadowed Essence. Creatures struck by the blast become blinded for the duration on a failed fortitude saving throw.
Bewitching Essence
Descriptor: Mind-affecting
Duration: 1 round / 10 levels
Save: Will negates confusion
Spell resistance: Yes
Infuses Eldritch Blast with Bewitching Essence. Creatures struck the blast become confused for the duration on a failed will saving throw.
Binding Essence
Descriptor: Mind-affecting
Duration: 1 round / 10 levels
Save: Will negates stun
Spell resistance: Yes
Infuses Eldritch Blast with Binding Essence. Creatures struck by the blast are stunned for the duration on a failed will saving throw.
Brimstone Essence
Descriptor: Fire
Duration: 1 round / 5 levels
Save: Reflex negates burn
Spell resistance: Yes
Infuses Eldritch Blast with Brimstone Essence. The blast deals fire damage. Creatures struck by the blast catch on fire on a failed reflex saving throw, taking 2d6 fire damage every round for the duration. The effect does not stack with itself.
Draining Essence
Duration: 1 round / 10 levels
Save: Will negates slow
Spell resistance: Yes
Infuses Eldritch Blast with Draining Essence. Creatures struck by the blast are slowed for the duration on a failed will saving throw. Slowed creatures move at 50% speed, suffer a -2 penalty to armor class, reflex saves, and attack rolls, and are limited to one attack per round.
Frightful Essence
Descriptor: Mind-affecting
Duration: 1 round / 10 levels
Save: Will negates fear
Spell resistance: Yes
Infuses Eldritch Blast with Frightful Essence. Creatures struck by the blast become feared for the duration on a failed will saving throw.
Hellrime Essence
Descriptor: Cold
Duration: 1 round / 5 levels
Save: Fortitude negates dexterity damage
Spell resistance: Yes
Infuses Eldritch Blast with Hellrime Essence. The blast deals cold damage. Creatures struck by the blast become frozen for the duration on a failed fortitude saving throw, taking 4 dexterity damage. The effect does not stack with itself.
Screaming Essence
Descriptor: Sonic
Duration: 1 round / 5 levels
Save: Fortitde negates deafened
Spell resistance: Yes
Infuses Eldritch Blast with Screaming Essence. The blast deals sonic damage. Creatures struck by the blast become deafened and suffer a -50 penalty to their Listen skill for the duration on a failed fortitude saving throw.
Utterdark Essence
Descriptor: Negative
Duration: 1 round / 5 levels
Save: Fortitude negates level drain
Spell resistance: Yes
Infuses Eldritch Blast with Utterdark Essence. The blast deals negative damage. Creatures struck by the blast are level drained by two levels for the duration on a failed fortitude saving throw. Level drain incurs a -2 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, caster level, DC of spells, and saving throws. The effect stacks with itself.
Vitriolic Essence
Descriptor: Acid
Duration: 1 round / 5 levels
Save: Fortitude negates acid burn
Spell resistance: No
Infuses Eldritch Blast with Vitriolic Essence. The blast deals acid damage and bypasses spell resistance. Creatures struck by a vitriolic blast suffer from an acid burn on a failed fortitude saving throw, taking 2d6 acid damage every round for the duration. The effect does not stack with itself.
Eldritch shapes
Eldritch Chain
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium, touch
Area of effect: Colossal
Transforms Eldritch Blast into Eldritch Chain. The warlock invokes a sprawling chain of eldritch energy. The warlock attempts to hit the main target with a medium-ranged touch attack, dealing eldritch blast damage. If the touch attack is successful, the eldritch chain seeks secondary targets in a colossal area, latching onto them for half damage. The number of secondary targets the chain can hit is equal to warlock levels / 5.
Eldritch Doom
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium
Area of effect: Large
Save: Reflex 1/2
Transforms Eldritch Blast into Eldritch Doom. The warlock invokes a terrifying burst of eldritch energy. All enemies caught in the area take eldritch blast damage, with a reflex saving throw for half damage. This shape does not have a ranged touch attack.
Eldritch Pulse
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Touch
Area of effect: Medium
Save: Fortitude 1/2 for secondary targets
Transforms Eldritch Blast into Eldritch Pulse. The warlock charges an enemy with explosive eldritch energy. The warlock attempts to hit the main target with a close-ranged touch attack, dealing eldritch blast damage. If the touch attack is successful, after a slight delay the main target pulsates with eldritch energy, damaging all secondary targets in a medium radius around them. Secondary targets take a fortitude save for half damage.
Eldritch Spear
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Long, touch
Area of effect: Targets in a straight line
Save: Reflex 1/2
Transforms Eldritch Blast into Eldritch Spear. The warlock hurls a spear of crackling eldritch energy, wilting the flesh caught in its path. The warlock attempts to hit the main target with a long-ranged touch attack, dealing eldritch blast damage. If the touch attack is successful, all secondary targets caught in the spear's path between the warlock and the main target take half damage, with a reflex saving throw to further halve the damage.
Least invocations
Bound One's Own Luck
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 hour / level
The warlock gains favor with an otherworldly benefactor, receiving a +1 bonus to saving throws per 7 Warlock levels, with an additional +1 at Warlock level 30. The bonus saves do not stack with blackguard's Dark Blessing.
Leaps and Bounds
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 hour / level
The warlock gains amazing agility, receiving a +4 ability bonus to Dexterity and a +8 skill bonus to Tumble.
Otherworldly Whispers
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 hour / level
The warlock hearkens to the source of their powers, learning eldritch secrets. The warlock gains a +10 skill bonus to Lore and Spellcraft.
Repel the Hail
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level
The warlock becomes cloaked in a chaotic field that detects incoming ranged attacks, incurring a 25% miss chance. The miss chance increases by 1% for every warlock level. The field obscures the warlock, granting a +4 skill bonus to Hide and Move Silently.
See the Unseen
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level
The warlock gains the ability to see through invisibility and magical darkness as well as the ability to see normally in the dark.
Lesser invocations
Curse of Despair
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Touch
Area of effect: Large
Duration: 1 round / level (curse)
Save: Will partial
Spell resistance: Yes
The warlock curses all enemies in an area, reducing their ability scores by 3 for the duration on a failed will saving throw. The curse does not stack with itself or other curse effects. Even if the enemy makes the save or is immune to the curse, they suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls for the duration.
Dread Seizure
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Area of effect: Medium
Duration: 1 round / level
Save: Fortitude negates
Spell resistance: Yes
The warlock creates an aura of intense pain, scourging enemies around them with a -2 penalty to attack rolls and 20% movement speed reduction on a failed fortitude saving throw. The pain persists for as long as the enemy remains within the aura.
Flee the Scene
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 round / level (haste and uncanny dodge), half a round (sanctuary)
Save: Will negates sanctuary
Spell resistance: Yes
The warlock makes their escape, gaining haste. Nearby enemies must make a will save or the warlock disappears from their sight into a magical sanctuary for half a round.
Walk Unseen
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level
The warlock becomes invisible. The effect ends immediately if they attack or cast a hostile spell.
Writhing Darkness
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium
Area of effect: Huge
Duration: 1 round / level, 1 round (blind)
Save: Will negates blind
Spell resistance: Yes
The warlock invokes a field of magical darkness writhing with eldritch tentacles. Enemies caught in the area must make a will save every round or be blinded for 1 round. Additionally, the tentacles damage the enemies for 1d6 + charisma modifier (up to a maximum of 10) damage per round. Ultravision and True Seeing negate these effects.
Recasting Writhing Darkness dispels any previous casting.
Greater Invocations
Caustic Mire
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium
Area of effect: Large
Duration: 1 turn
Save: None
Spell resistance: Yes
The warlock covers the area in foul acidic sludge. Enemies inside the mire take 1d6 + charisma modifier (up to a maximum of 10) points of acid damage. Additionally, they receive a 10 % vulnerability to fire and are slowed by 50 % while inside the area.
Recasting Caustic Mire dispels any previous casting.
Chilling Tentacles
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium
Area of effect: Large
Duration: 1 round / level
Save: None
Spell resistance: No
The warlock covers the ground in a field of frost growing with eldritch tentacles. Every round that a creature is caught in field, it suffers attacks from 1d4 tentacles, each capable of doing 1d6+4 points of bludgeoning damage. With each hit the target must make a fortitude save or be paralyzed for one round. In addition, each creature within the field takes 2d6 points of cold damage each round regardless of whether they are struck by any tentacles.
Recasting Chilling Tentacles dispels any previous casting.
Tenacious Plague
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium
Area of effect: Huge
Duration: 3 rounds
Save: None
Spell resistance: No
The warlock covers the area in masses of biting and stinging insects. Targets inside the swarm take 2d6 + charisma modifier damage (up to a maximum of 10) and are slowed by 50 %.
Wall of Perilous Flames
Range: Short
Area of effect: Wall
Duration: 6 rounds
Save: None
Spell resistance: Yes
The warlock invokes a curtain of fire that deals 2d12 points plus the warlock's charisma modifier of fire and magic damage to any creature that attempts to pass through it.
Dark invocations
Dark Foresight
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level
The warlock glimpses into the future, reducing incoming damage by 10/+5. After sustaining 10 damage per warlock level (up to a maximum of 150), the effect expires.
Devour Magic
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium
Area of effect: Single or large
Save: None
Spell resistance: No
The warlock attempts to dispel all magical effects from a single target or a single magical effect from each target in an area of effect. If cast upon a single creature, the warlock devours any dispelled magical effect, healing the warlock for 5 hit points for every devoured effect. The dispel check is 1d20 + warlock level against a difficulty class of 11 + the magical effect's caster level.
Shadow Shape
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level
The warlock becomes cloaked in shadows, gaining 50 % concealment and a +4 bonus to saving throws versus Death and Negative effects.
Word of Changing
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 round / level
The warlock utters a powerful word that transforms them into a creation of the Eldritch. The warlock gains the following effects:
100 % spell failure
+d4 Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution
+d6 temporary hit points / level
+1 bonus to attack rolls / 4 levels, up to a maximum of +5