Spell Changes on Amia

An index of Amia's mechanical changes to classes, spells, feats, summons, etc.
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Spell Changes on Amia

Post by Jes »

This is a catalog of spells that have been modified on Amia.

Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
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Arcane Spells

Post by Jes »

Arcane Spells

In Alphabetical Order...

  • Acid Splash
    This spell deals 1d3+1 acid damage. Each spell focus in Conjuration grants an additional 1d3+1 damage, totaling up to 4d3+4 acid damage with all three focus feats.
  • Ball Lightning
    Now functions as an electrical version of Firebrand.
  • Banishment
    Banishment correctly applies at the targeted area, rather than at the caster's location. The area of effect is huge instead of colossal, meaning casters can use it without always affecting themselves.
  • Bigby's Clenched Fist
    Duration has been changed to 5 rounds. Spell Focus: Evocation and Greater Spell Focus: Evocation grant +2 damage inflicted per round. Epic Spell Focus: Evocation grants +1 round to the duration. Additionally, this spell has a concentration check, meaning that if any actions are done while this spell's effects are active, it will immediately end.
  • Bigby's Crushing Fist
    Duration has been changed to 5 rounds. Spell Focus: Evocation and Greater Spell Focus: Evocation grant +2 damage inflicted per round. Epic Spell Focus: Evocation grants +1 round to the duration. Additionally, this spell has a concentration check, meaning that if any actions are done while this spell's effects are active, it will immediately end.
  • Bigby's Forceful Fist
    This spell deals 10d6 bludgeoning damage. It will also knockdown a PC for CL/5 Rounds. In both cases, Fortitude is rolled to save for half damage and to resist the knockdown. This spell is not subject to spell resistance.
  • Bigby's Grasping Fist
    Duration has been changed to 5 rounds. Epic Spell Focus: Evocation grants +1 round to the duration. Additionally, this spell has a concentration check, meaning that if any actions are done while this spell's effects are active, it will immediately end.
  • Black Blade of Disaster
    The Black Blade of Disaster is no longer invulnerable, but has high resistance and immunities to most forms of damage. It also no longer has the planar rift ability (on hit kill), but does deal significantly more damage than previously. Lastly the concentration check has been removed.
  • Blackstaff
    Adds 1 Vampiric Regeneration/6 CL to a melee weapon for Turns/Level.
  • Clairvoyance/Clairaudience
    Each Spell Focus in Divination adds an additional +2 Listen/Spot, totaling up to +16 Listen/Spot with all three focus feats.
  • Confusion
    Duration has been changed to 3 rounds. Successfully confusing a target additionally inflicts a penalty of -2 INT/WIS/CHA for 1 round per level. Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment raises the ability penalty to -4, and adds +1 round to the duration of the Confusion effect.
  • Continual Flame
    Duration is eight hours when cast on an item.
  • Daze
    Each spell focus in Enchantment adds +1 to maximum Hit Dice of creatures affected, totaling up to 8 HD with all three focus feats.
  • Death Armor
    Does not stack with Elemental Shield, Mestil's Acid Sheath, or Wounding Whispers.
  • Dominate Monster
    Duration has been changed to 5 rounds when cast on targets that cannot be controlled. Successfully dazing/controlling a target additionally inflicts a -2 Will Save penalty for 3 turns + 1 turn / 2 CL. Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment adds +1 round to the duration of the daze/control effect.
  • Dominate Person
    Duration has been changed to 5 rounds when cast on targets that cannot be controlled. Successfully dazing/controlling a target additionally inflicts a -2 Will Save penalty for 2 rounds + 1 round / 3 CL. Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment adds +1 round to the duration of the daze/control effect.

    Does not affect characters of the outsider race (Aasimar, Tieflings, Genasi, etc.).
  • Electric Jolt
    This spell deals 1d3+1 electrical damage. Each spell focus in Evocation grants an additional 1d3+1 damage, totaling up to 4d3+4 electrical damage with all three focus feats.
  • Elemental Shield
    Does not stack with Death Armor, Mestil's Acid Sheath, or Wounding Whispers.
  • Endure Elements
    Each Spell Focus in Abjuration adds an additional 4 points of damage absorbed, totaling up to 12 with all three focus feats.
  • Energy Buffer
    Each Spell Focus in Abjuration adds an additional 12 points of damage absorbed, totaling up to 36 with all three focus feats.
  • Fear
    Duration has been changed to 4 rounds. Successfully fearing a target additionally inflicts Doom for 1 round per level. Epic Spell Focus: Necromancy adds +1 round to the duration of the Fear effect.
  • Find Traps
    All traps within range are revealed but are not automatically disarmed.
  • Flame Weapon
    The damage is no longer applied as an OnHit. Instead, it is a temporary damage power applied to a weapon and is scaled according to your CL:
    • CL 1 – 9 : 1d4 damage,
    • CL 10 – 14 : 1d6 damage,
    • CL 15 – 19 : 1d8 damage,
    • CL 20 – 24 : 1d10 damage,
    • CL 25+ : 1d12 damage.
  • Flare
    Each spell in Evocation grants +1 Round to the penalties given, totaling up to 13 Rounds with all three focus feats.
  • Flesh to Stone
    Duration has been changed to 5 rounds. Inflicts a saveless, unstacking -2 STR/CON penalty on top of the petrification effect. Epic Spell Focus: Transmutation adds +1 round.
  • Globe of Invulnerability
    Epic Spell Focus: Abjuration extends the duration to Turns/Level.
  • Greater Magic Weapon
    Duration has been changed to turns per level.
  • Greater Sanctuary
    While under Greater Sanctuary, the caster receives 100% spell failure, CL*5 Temporary Hit Points and 90% Movement Speed Increase. The duration has been changed to 10 Rounds + CL/6 Rounds.
  • Greater Spell Mantle
    Each Spell Focus in Abjuration adds an additional 1d4 + 1 spell levels absorbed, totaling up to 3d4 +3 with all three focus feats.
  • Hold Monster
    Duration has been changed to 4 rounds. Successfully paralyzing a target additionally inflicts a -4 DEX penalty and a 20% movement speed penalty for 1 round per level. Spell Focus: Enchantment and Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment add an additional -1 DEX penalty and 5% to the slow effect. Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment adds +1 round to the duration of the Paralysis effect.
  • Hold Person
    Duration has been changed to 2 rounds. Successfully paralyzing a target additionally inflicts a 20% movement speed penalty for 1 round per level. Spell Focus: Enchantment and Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment add an additional 5% to the slow effect. Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment adds +1 round to the duration of the Paralysis effect.
  • Identify
    Now grants a straight +15 Lore bonus. No bonus from caster level is included.
  • Ironguts
    Spell Focus: Abjuration grants a +5 saving throw bonus to all poisons. Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration grants a +6 saving throw bonus to all poisons. Epic Spell Focus: Abjuration grants complete poison immunity.
  • Isaac's Greater Missile Storm
    The amount of missiles per caster level has been uncapped, reaching up to 30 missiles instead of 20. However, only a maximum of 10 missiles may hit each foe.
  • Keen Edge
    Duration has been changed to turns per level.
  • Legend Lore
    Now grants +5 Lore, +1 / 2 Caster Levels, +5 per Divination Spell Focus feat, totaling up to +15 with all three focus feats.
  • Lesser Spell Mantle
    Each Spell Focus in Abjuration adds an additional 1 spell level absorbed, totaling up to 3 with all three focus feats.
  • Magic Weapon
    Duration has been changed to turns per level.
  • Magic Circle against Alignment
    Works as an instant pulse that imparts the effect upon all nearby allies, rather than a moving aura.
  • Mestil's Acid Sheath
    Does not stack with Death Armor, Elemental Shield, or Wounding Whispers.
  • Meteor Swarm
    Deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage and 1d4 fire damage per caster level, to a maximum of 30d4 bludgeoning and 30d4 fire.
  • Minor Globe of Invulnerability
    Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration extends the duration to Turns/Level.
  • Negative Energy Burst
    Duration has been changed to rounds per level.
  • Power Word, Kill
    Each Spell Focus in Divination adds an additional 7 hit points to the range of targets affected by this spell. This only applies when cast upon a single target.
  • Power Word, Stun
    Each Spell Focus in Divination adds an additional 15 hit points to the range of targets affected by this spell. This only applies when cast upon a single target.
  • Premonition
    Each Spell Focus in Divination adds an additional 2 hit points per caster level of damage absorbed by this spell.
  • Protection from Elements
    Each Spell Focus in Abjuration adds an additional 8 points of damage absorbed, totaling up to 24 with all three focus feats.
  • Ray of Frost
    Each spell focus in Conjuration grants an additional 1d4+1 damage, totaling up to 4d4+4 cold damage with all three focus feats.
  • Resistance
    Spell Focus: Abjuration extends the duration to 2 rounds per caster level. Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration extends the duration to 4 rounds per caster level. Epic Spell Focus: Abjuration extends the duration to 1 turn per caster level.
  • Resist Elements
    Each Spell Focus in Abjuration adds an additional 6 points of damage absorbed, totaling up to 18 with all three focus feats.
  • Scare
    Each spell focus in Necromancy adds +2 to maximum Hit Dice of creatures affected, totaling up to 11 HD with all three focus feats.
  • Shield
    Spell Focus: Abjuration adds 5% magic damage immunity. Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration adds another 20%, totaling up to 25%. Epic Spell Focus: Abjuration adds another 25%, totaling up to 50% with all three focus feats.
  • Sleep
    Duration has been changed to 3 rounds. Successfully putting a target to sleep additionally inflicts a -2 Will Save penalty for 1 round per level. Each spell focus in Enchantment adds +2 to total Hit Dice of creatures affected, totaling up to 10 +1d4 HD with all three focus feats. Each focus also adds +1 to the maximum Hit Dice of creatures that can be affected, totaling up to 8 HD with all three focus feats.
  • Spell Mantle
    Each Spell Focus in Abjuration adds an additional 1d3 spell levels absorbed, totaling up to 3d3 with all three focus feats.
  • Stoneskin
    Each Spell Focus in Abjuration adds an additional 2 hit points per caster level of damage absorbed by this spell (it still caps at caster level 10).
  • Stone Bones
    The AC bonus has changed from Natural to Dodge.
  • Tenser's Transformation
    This spell does not polymorph, instead granting the following bonuses/penalties:
    • +d4 STR, +d4 DEX, +d4 CON
    • Simple Weapon Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency
    • +1 AB per 2 caster levels to a maximum of 10
    • +10 Discipline
    • +d6 Temporary Hit Points per caster level
    • 100% Spell Failure
  • Time Stop
    Radius of 90 feet. Affects all creatures within range besides the caster, friend and foe alike: targets are frozen in time, prevented from taking action, as well as being immune to damage or effects of any kind. Lasts 9 seconds (or 1 and a half rounds).
  • True Seeing
    Changed to give Ultravision, See Invisibility, and adds +10 Spot instead of the Bioware default spell.
    Each Spell Focus in Divination adds an additional +2, totaling up to +16 Spot with all three focus feats.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
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Divine Spells

Post by Jes »

Divine Spells

In Alphabetical Order...
  • Alarm [Added to Amia]

    Caster level: Ranger 1
    Duration: 2 Hours per Caster Level
    Spell School: Abjuration
    Spell Level: 1
    Save: Will
    SR: No

    Creates an AoE field that will alert the caster to the presence of a non party member upon entering the AoE and failing a will save. If the will save is made, no dialogue is sent to the caster, and they cannot be will save checked for 2 rounds.
    Only one Alarm can be active at the same time and the spell has no visual but does have a message pop up to inform you of the placement.
  • Banishment
    Banishment correctly applies at the targeted area, rather than at the caster's location. The area of effect is huge instead of colossal, meaning casters can use it without always affecting themselves.
  • Battletide
    This spell is saveless.
  • Blade Thirst
    Duration has been changed to turns per level. Upon casting a weapon, it will receive these bonuses (works on all types of weapons, and melee/ranged both):
    • CL 1 – 12 : Keen or +1 AB/+1 Mighty
    • CL 13 – 14 : +1 Enhancement, Keen or +1 AB/+1 Mighty
    • CL 15 – 16 : +2 Enhancement, Keen or +2 AB/+2 Mighty
    • CL 17 – 18 : +3 Enhancement, Keen or +3 AB/+3 Mighty
    • CL 19 - 20 : +4 Enhancement, Keen or +4 AB/+4 Mighty
    • CL 21+ : +5 Enhancement, Keen or +5 AB/+5 Mighty
  • Bless Weapon
    Duration has been changed to turns per level.
  • Blood Frenzy
    Imparts a bonus upon the caster for rounds/caster level, according to their level:
    • CL 1 – 9 : +1 Attack Bonus, -1 penalty to AC
    • CL 10 – 14 : +2 Attack Bonus, +1 Regeneration, -1 penalty to AC
    • CL 15 – 19 : +3 Attack Bonus, +1 Regeneration
    • CL 20 – 24 : +4 Attack Bonus, +1 Regeneration, +1 Damage Bonus
    • CL 25 – 29 : +5 Attack Bonus, +2 Regeneration, +2 Damage Bonus
    • CL 30 : +6 Attack Bonus, +2 Regeneration, +3 Damage Bonus, +1 to Universal Saving Throws
    Note that when cast by a non-druid, the spell's strength maxes at the CL 10 variant.
  • Bombardment
    Deals 1d8 per caster level to a cap of 20d8 bludgeoning damage.
  • Confusion
    Duration has been changed to 3 rounds. Successfully confusing a target additionally inflicts a penalty of -2 INT/WIS/CHA for 1 round per level. Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment raises the ability penalty to -4, and adds +1 round to the duration of the Confusion effect.
  • Continual Flame
    Duration is eight hours when cast on an item.
  • Cure Minor Wounds
    Heals 4 hit points + 2 additional hit points per spell focus in Conjuration.
  • Darkfire
    The damage is no longer applied as an OnHit. Instead, it is a temporary damage power applied to a weapon and is scaled according to your CL:
    • CL 1 – 9 : 1d4 damage,
    • CL 10 – 14 : 1d6 damage,
    • CL 15 – 19 : 1d8 damage,
    • CL 20 – 24 : 1d10 damage,
    • CL 25+ : 1d12 damage.
  • Deafening Clang
    Duration has been changed to turns per level.
  • Divine Favor
    Spell progression has been changed to as follows:
    • CL 1 – 5 : +1 AB/damage
    • CL 6 – 10 : +2 AB/damage
    • CL 11 – 15 : +3 AB/damage
    • CL 16 – 20 : +4 AB/damage
    • CL 21+ : +5 AB/damage
  • Divine Power
    No longer adds extra attacks.
  • Dominate Monster
    Duration has been changed to 5 rounds when cast on targets that cannot be controlled. Successfully dazing/controlling a target additionally inflicts a -2 Will Save penalty for 3 turns + 1 turn / 2 CL. Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment adds +1 round to the duration of the daze/control effect.
  • Dominate Person
    Duration has been changed to 5 rounds when cast on targets that cannot be controlled. Successfully dazing/controlling a target additionally inflicts a -2 Will Save penalty for 2 rounds + 1 round / 3 CL. Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment adds +1 round to the duration of the daze/control effect.

    Does not affect characters of the outsider race (Aasimar, Tieflings, Genasi, etc.).
  • Drown
    Doesn't work on Aquatic Elves, Air and Water Genasi.
  • Earthquake
    Deals 1d8 per caster level to a cap of 25d8 bludgeoning damage. On a failed Reflex saving throw, the target is knocked down for one round (there is a separate save made for both the damage and knockdown).
  • Endure Elements
    Each Spell Focus in Abjuration adds an additional 4 points of damage absorbed, totaling up to 12 with all three focus feats.
  • Fear
    Duration has been changed to 4 rounds. Successfully fearing a target additionally inflicts Doom for 1 round per level. Epic Spell Focus: Necromancy adds +1 round to the duration of the Fear effect.
  • Flame Weapon
    The damage is no longer applied as an OnHit. Instead, it is a temporary damage power applied to a weapon and is scaled according to your CL:
    • CL 1 – 9 : 1d4 damage,
    • CL 10 – 14 : 1d6 damage,
    • CL 15 – 19 : 1d8 damage,
    • CL 20 – 24 : 1d10 damage,
    • CL 25+ : 1d12 damage.
  • Flesh to Stone
    Duration has been changed to 5 rounds. Inflicts a saveless, unstacking -2 STR/CON penalty on top of the petrification effect. Epic Spell Focus: Transmutation adds +1 round.
  • Glyph of Warding
    Now lasts 1 turn/CL. Upon triggering, it deals d6 damage per CL, capped at 10d6 Sonic with a Reflex saving throw made for half as per an evasion check. Only one glyph can be active at time which means recasting will delete any previous.
  • Greater Magic Weapon
    Duration has been changed to turns per level.
  • Greater Sanctuary
    While under Greater Sanctuary, the caster receives 100% spell failure, CL*5 Temporary Hit Points and 90% Movement Speed Increase. The duration has been changed to 10 Rounds + CL/6 Rounds.
  • Harm
    Half-damage is taken on a successful Fortitude saving throw for non-undead creatures.
  • Haven
    This is a new spell, only available to clerics.

    The caster becomes ethereal. No other creature can detect the caster. Taking any action which directly influences creatures or the environment around them in a harmful manner causes the effect to immediately vanish. While in this state, the caster is considered to be under a Haste effect.

    Note that, unlike Greater Sanctuary, it is possible to cast spells while under this effect.
  • Heal
    If cast via an item (e.g. a potion), successive uses of the spell reduces the amount it heals, depending on the last time it was cast. Additionally, it will only heal a maximum of 80% of a character's health points if cast this way. If cast the round before, it will only heal 5% maximum hit points. If cast two rounds before, it will only heal 10% maximum hit points. This continues up to fifteen rounds, where it will heal 80% maximum hit points once more.

    Half-damage is taken on a successful Fortitude saving throw for undead creatures.
  • Healing Sting
    Deals 1d6 + 2 per caster level of negative damage to a single target. Heals the caster of an amount equivalent to the damage dealt.

    If the caster's animal companion is present, they also receive the full bonus of the heal.
  • Hold Animal
    Duration has been changed to 2 rounds. Successfully paralyzing a target additionally inflicts a 20% movement speed penalty for 1 round per level. Spell Focus: Enchantment and Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment add an additional 5% to the slow effect. Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment adds +1 round to the duration of the Paralysis effect.
  • Hold Monster
    Duration has been changed to 4 rounds. Successfully paralyzing a target additionally inflicts a -4 DEX penalty and a 20% movement speed penalty for 1 round per level. Spell Focus: Enchantment and Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment add an additional -1 DEX penalty and 5% to the slow effect. Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment adds +1 round to the duration of the Paralysis effect.
  • Hold Person
    Duration has been changed to 2 rounds. Successfully paralyzing a target additionally inflicts a 20% movement speed penalty for 1 round per level. Spell Focus: Enchantment and Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment add an additional 5% to the slow effect. Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment adds +1 round to the duration of the Paralysis effect.
  • Holy Sword
    Enhancement bonus changed to Enhancement bonus versus evil only, so it does not remove the bonus granted by Greater Magic Weapon.

    Can only be used by a Paladin.
  • Implosion
    Additional +3 DC removed.
  • Inflict Minor Wounds
    Deals an extra +1 damage per spell focus in Necromancy, totaling up to 4 negative damage with all three focus feats.
  • Magic Weapon
    Duration has been changed to turns per level.
  • Magic Circle against Alignment
    Works as an instant pulse that imparts the effect upon all nearby allies, rather than a moving aura.
  • Mass Heal
    Half-damage is taken on a successful Fortitude saving throw for undead creatures.
  • Negative Energy Protection
    Negative Damage Immunity changed from standard 100% down to 50% + 5% per Spell Focus in Abjuration (55% for Spell Focus, 60% for Greater Focus, 65% for Epic Focus).
  • Protection from Elements
    Each Spell Focus in Abjuration adds an additional 8 points of damage absorbed, totaling up to 24 with all three focus feats.
  • Quillfire
    The caster launches 1 piercing needle at the target creature for every 5 caster levels. Each needle deals 4d6 points of piercing damage. The amount of needles is capped at 5.

    Each needle's damage may be reduced with a successful Reflex saving throw.
  • Raise Dead
    A PC may not be resurrected for a duration of two minutes if killed in PvM. If killed in PvP, the duration is five minutes.
  • Resistance
    Spell Focus: Abjuration extends the duration to 2 rounds per caster level. Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration extends the duration to 4 rounds per caster level. Epic Spell Focus: Abjuration extends the duration to 1 turn per caster level.
  • Resist Elements
    Each Spell Focus in Abjuration adds an additional 6 points of damage absorbed, totaling up to 18 with all three focus feats.
  • Resurrection
    A PC may not be resurrected for a duration of two minutes if killed in PvM. If killed in PvP, the duration is five minutes.
  • Scare
    Each spell focus in Necromancy adds +2 to maximum Hit Dice of creatures affected, totaling up to 11 HD with all three focus feats.
  • Searing Light
    Deals d8 damage per caster level to a maximum of 10d8 against undead, not d6.
  • Silence
    Silence no longer acts as an area spell. You can only cast it on yourself or another creature. Hostile and neutral targets get a will save and a Spell Resistance check. The Silence effect is only applied to the target.
  • Sleep
    Duration has been changed to 3 rounds. Successfully putting a target to sleep additionally inflicts a -2 Will Save penalty for 1 round per level. Each spell focus in Enchantment adds +2 to total Hit Dice of creatures affected, totaling up to 10 +1d4 HD with all three focus feats. Each focus also adds +1 to the maximum Hit Dice of creatures that can be affected, totaling up to 8 HD with all three focus feats.
  • Stone Bones
    The AC bonus has changed from Natural to Dodge.
  • True Seeing
    Changed to give Ultravision, See Invisibility, and adds +10 Spot instead of the Bioware default spell.

    Each Spell Focus in Divination adds an additional +2, totaling up to +16 Spot with all three focus feats.
  • True Resurrection
    In order to cast this spell, the cleric must have a DM witness the casting as well as pay a full level's worth of XP and 15 diamonds, or the monetary equivalent of 25000 gold. This can be modified if the DM overseeing the roleplay feels the need to.
  • Undeath's Eternal Foe
    Immunity changed from standard 100% down to 50% + 5% per Spell Focus in Abjuration (55% for Spell Focus, 60% for Greater Focus, 65% for Epic Focus). AC bonus changed from Deflection to Natural and duration changed from Rounds/Level to Turns/Level.
  • Virtue
    Grants a bonus +10 temporary hit points per spell focus in Transmutation, totaling up to +31 with all three focus feats.
  • Word of Faith
    Has been given a will save to resist.

    Outsiders are instantly killed if they fail their saving throw (including player character outsiders).
  • Wounding Whispers
    Does not stack with Death Armor, Elemental Shield, or Mestil's Acid Sheath.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
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Epic Spells

Post by Jes »

Epic Spells

REMEMBER: You need at minimum a score of 20 of your casting ability (INT/WIS/CHA) in order to cast Epic Spells! That's a 20 base score, without gear or spell buffs.

  • Dragon Knight
    The duration of this epic spell is increased to Turns/level if Epic Spell Focus: Conjuration is taken. There are also numerous dragon options to choose from. The animated dragon option requires only epic necromancy focus to extend. (Look at the specifics here.)
  • Greater Ruin
    Greater Ruin deals 50d6 positive damage upon the target. If cast upon a construct foe, this spell does 100d6 positive damage instead. This spell is not subject to spell resistance or a saving throw.
  • Hellball
    Hellball now only affects hostiles, though the caster can still hit himself. It deals the following damage: 10d6 fire, 20d6 negative, and 20d6 positive. This spell is not subject to spell resistance or a saving throw.
  • Mummy Dust
    This epic spell has a variety of Summon choices that can be changed at any time. The default duration is Turns/level, but is extended to Hours/level with the correct spell focus. (Look at the specifics here.)

    The possible options:
    • Construct (Epic Transmutation extends)
    • Elemental (Epic Evocation extends)
    • Magical Beast (Epic Conjuration extends)
    • Outsider (Epic Conjuration extends, alignment based summon)
    • Undead (Epic Necromancy extends)
    PnP Epic Spells
    A caster may obtain up to 2 Epic PnP Spells. Evidence of proper role play to obtain the spells should be given before their use.

    A group of casters can also come together to create one-time ritual spells that can be of Epic nature. For this, evidence of role play in assigning who does what for the casting should occur. These one-time group spells do not count toward the two-per-character limit.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
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Book of Transmutation

Post by Jes »

Book of Transmutation

The Book of Transmutation is an item that can be found in-game which allows a caster to change the effect of specified spells (e.g. the damage type, the radius), provided they also possess the relevant transmutation spell scroll. Note that this only affects spells cast by a caster, and not by items. The spells that can be changed are as follows:
  • Bless Weapon (Set damage type to Divine or Positive)
  • Bull's Strength (Changes to Area of Effect, +2 to all in range)
  • Call Lightning (Set damage type to Electric, Acid, Cold, or Fire)
  • Cone of Cold (Set damage type to Cold, Acid, Electric, or Fire)
  • Continual Flame/Light (Change to Area of Effect touch attack to all targets in range)
  • Darkfire (Set damage type to Fire, Cold, or Electric)
  • Dirge (Set drain effect to STR/DEX or INT/WIS; Change to a pulse effect dealing 1d4 STR/DEX or 1d4 INT/WIS with +5 to the save DC)
  • Eagle's Splendor (Changes to Area of Effect, +2 to all in range)
  • Endurance (Changes to Area of Effect, +2 to all in range)
  • Fireball (Set damage type to Fire or Acid)
  • Flame Weapon (Set damage type to Fire, Cold, or Electric)
  • Fox's Cunning (Changes to Area of Effect, +2 to all in range)
  • Greater Magic Weapon (Change to add +5 AB and +5 Mighty to ranged weapons)
  • Greater Sanctuary (Change to unsummon your epic summon and set Greater Sanctuary effect. Default is to keep epic summon and set to Invisible.)
  • Greater Ruin (Set creature damage bonus to Construct or Undead)
  • Ice Storm (Set physical damage type to Bludgeoning or Piercing)
  • Knock (Change to create lockpicks, strength determined by caster level)
  • Light (Change the color of the light granted)
  • Magic Circle against Alignment (Set alignment protection to Good/Evil or Law/Chaos)
  • Melf's Acid Arrow (Set damage type to Acid or Poison; poison effects determined by metamagic, duration by caster level)
  • Mestil's Acid Sheath (Set damage/immunity type to Acid, Cold, or Fire)
  • Owl's Wisdom (Changes to Area of Effect, +2 to all in range)
  • Weird (Set to Will/Fort vs Death, or Will vs Fear and Fort vs. Damage)
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
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Spell Focus Modifications

Post by Jes »

Spell Focus Modifications

  • Aura versus alignment:: Both good and evil versions become a Divine damage shield and that the damage shield is 1d6 + 1/2 CL. SR is equal to 13 + CL, with each Spell Focus adding +2 more to the SR vs alignment.

    Identify: +5 Lore per Spell focus.

    Remove blindness/deafness: ESF adds rounds/level Immunity to Blind and Deafness.

    Entropic Shield: Each Spell Focus adds 10% concealment vs ranged attacks.

    Remove Fear: Epic Spell Focus grants Immunity to Fear for the duration.

    Lesser Dispel: Each Spell Focus adds +2 to the CL cap of the dispel check.

    Dispel Magic: Each Spell Focus adds +2 to the CL cap of the dispel check.

    Greater Dispel: +2 CL to dispel check cap per Spell Focus.

    •  Show Changes

      Goals of this change1) In PvM, were you overwhelmingly dispelled? Or was it once in a while? If you adapted your play style could you avoid it entirely, to the point where it was not un-fun? It's not supposed to happen that often.
      2) In PvP, can you use greater dispel with decent effect? Not even close to being as good as mord's, but has a niche role anyways, potentially.
      3) Mords still seems like the go-to (not trying to undo the balance here)

      Dispel Notes- The colored numbers on this page change depending on which version of the spell you cast for ease of reading.
      - A single dispel can only successfully remove a debuff with a randomized bonus roll (3 / 2 / 1) times (Greater Dispel Magic,Dispel Magic,Lesser Dispel Magic)
      - If the caster's level is 7 below its target, it can't get a bonus roll at all.
      - If the dispel is a PvP dispel, the roll is going to be much more aggressive to pick a higher multiplier (the proc roll gets 50 25 subtracted to it, so the dispels are more likely to be successful)
      - All dispels respect abjuration feat investment.
      - Bonus roll has a 30 second cooldown.

      The Modified Dispel FormulaCASTER Rolls:
      1d20 + 1 (Lesser Dispel [ 5 ], Dispel [ 10 ], Greater Dispel [ 15 ]) + Feat-given DC
      VICTIM Rolls:
      12 + Hit Dice of Target

      The Dispel Bonus Roll Nitty Gritty[ Begin Additional Randomizer Lesser / Regular / Dispel Routine ]

      Lesser Dispel: This can happen 25% of the time dispel rolls against a debuff.
      Dispel Magic: 50% of the time.
      Greater Dispel: 100% of the time.

      * 1d100 roll is thrown *, as a saving throw to check against item types for common versus rarer dispel targets
      An effect created by a potion DC: 70 85 90
      An effect created by a wand DC: 80
      An effect created by a scroll DC: 90
      An effect created by a mage DC: 95 (optional)

      If DC is failed, then no modifier is given to help dispel on this effect. [Do not continue]

      The DC was passed... so we continue!

      * Another 1d100 roll is thrown * And we have a DC range chart to decide the outcome! Also, check if the caster is higher caster level than victim. If so, get the caster's level minus the victims caster level as a bonus to the roller in this randomizer to help people who are naturally gifted at magic.. cap this bonus at 5, then subtract that number from the 1d100 roll to apply that bonus.

      Roll Total Note: All Examples are simulating level 30's.
      1-5: Caster Level Multiplier [4] ( 20, 40, 60)
      // greater dispel avg. 70 vs 42 (success)
      // dispel avg. 50 vs 42 (success)
      // lesser dispel avg. 30 vs 42 (fail)

      6-20: Caster Level Multiplier [3] (15, 30, 45)
      // greater dispel avg. 55 vs 42 (success)
      // dispel avg. 40 vs 42 (fail)
      // lesser dispel impossible

      21-50: Caster Level Multiplier [2] (10, 20, 30)
      // greater dispel avg. 40 vs 42 (fail)
      // dispel impossible
      // lesser dispel impossible

      else: Base multiplier [1] (5, 10, 15)
      // greater dispel impossible
      // dispel impossible
      // lesser dispel impossible

      So lets bring it all together ..When this 'randomly' procs (with all of the aforementioned criteria, the dispel roll becomes)

      CASTER Rolls:
      1d20 + ( 1 (Lesser Dispel [ 5 ], Dispel [ 10 ], Greater Dispel [ 15 ]) * Caster Level Multiplier ) + Feat-given DC
      VICTIM Rolls:
      10 + Hit Dice of Target.

  • Cure Light/Moderate/Serious/Critical Wounds: + 1d8 per spell focus in conjuration. Epic Spell focus makes it an AoE effect.

    Melf's Acid Arrow: +1d6 damage per spell focus in conjuration.

    Mestil's Acid Breath: +1d6 to damage cap per spell focus. Epic Spell Focus adds 1/2 damage on second round.

    Neutralize Poison/Remove Curse/Blindness/Deafness: Epic spell focus conjuration adds 1round/lvl immunitry to the effect removed.

    Cloudkill: +2 to HD for instant death per spell focus in conjurations and for save vs. death. Epic spell focus gives and additional +1d10 acid damage.

    Mestil's Acid Sheath: Damage reduced to 1d6+1/caster level. Also grants 10/- immunity to the element that is used (fire/cold/acid from BoT). Epic spell focus raises resistance to 15/-.

    Monstrous Regeneration: Greater spell focus conjuration increases duration to 1 round/caster level. Epic spell focus increases the duration to 2 rounds/caster level.

    Vine Mine: Entangle has 3d6 piercing damage added, Hamper Movement adds -4 Dex and -2 Reflex saves, Camouflage also adds +4 Move Silently

    Acid Fog: Each spell focus in conjuration added +1d6 to the secondary damage. Epic spell focus also adds +1d6 to the initial damage.

  • Feeblemind: Greater Spell Focus also applies the ability damage to Charisma, Epic Spell Focus allows Feeblemind to damage all 3 mental ability scores.

    Legend lore: Greater Spell Focus allows the ability to add to Craft Armor and Weapons skills. Epic Skill Focus allows the spell to add to Spellcraft skill.

  • Bane: Epic Spell Focus makes this save less.

    Doom: Epic Spell Focus makes this a small (Mass Heal sized) AoE.

    Aid: +1d8 temp HP per Spell Focus.

    Balagarn's Iron Horn: fixed to true strength check.

    Blindness/Deafness: Reduce duration to 2 rounds +1 round for Epic Focus. Greater Focus adds small (Mass Heal sized) AoE.

    Tasha's Hideous Laughter: Could remove the DC modifier due to "language barriers".

    Mind Fog: Each Spell Focus adds -2 Wisdom penalty (so -6 total) to the target on a successful save as long as the target stays in the cloud.

    Confusion: Reduced to 3 rounds Confusion, with a lasting -2 to mental stats for the remaining duration of 1 round/Caster level. Epic Enchantment raises the penalty to -4 mental stats, and adds an extra round to the Confusion.

    Hold Person and Hold Animal: Hold/Paralyze reduced to 2 rounds, with a lasting 20% Slow for the rest of the duration. Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus each add 5% to the Slow, and epic Enchantment adds 1 round to the duration.

    Hold Monster: Paralyze effect lasts 4 rounds, with a lasting -4 Dex penalty and a 20% slow for the rest of the duration. Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus each att -1 more and 5% more to the Dex/Slow penalty, and Epic Enchantment adds 1 round to the duration.

    Sleep: Change to flat 3 rounds duration, gives -2 Will Saves for remaining duration. Spell Foci in enchantment each add +2 to the HD the spell can affect total (so 4/6/8/10+1d4 HD), and +1 to the max HD of the spell (so 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8.

  • Horizikaul's Boom: Spell Focus makes the damage die d6, Greater d8, Epic makes it a small (Mass Heal sized) AoE.

    Ice Dagger: Each Spell focus adds +1d4 damage to the damage cap (so +3d4 total), Epic makes it a small (Mass Heal sized) AoE.

    Magic Missile: Each Spell Focus adds +1 damage per missile, Epic Spell focus makes each missile bounce once to a new target.

    Combust: Each Spell Focus adds +1d6 damage to the initial damage and the DoT secondary damage.

    Flame Lash: Each spell Focus is +1d6 damage. Epic Focus Entangles the target on a failed Reflex save.

    Gedlee's Electric Loop: Each Spell focus is +1d6 to the damage of the spell. Epic Focus doubles the AoE and adds +1 round to the stun's duration.

    Sound Burst: Each Spell focus adds +1d8 to the damage of the spell. Epic Focus adds +1 round to the Stun's duration.

    Call Lightning: Each Spell Focus adds +2d6 to the dice cap of the spell. Epic Focus allows the spell's dice to be d8 when in outdoors and wilderness areas.

    Fireball: Each Spell Focus adds +2d6 to the dice cap of the spell. Epic Focus gives 10% fire vulnerability to targets that fail their save for 5 rounds. Nonstacking.

    Lightning Bolt: Each Spell Focus adds +2d6 to the dice cap of the spell. Epic Focus adds a secondary Will save to stun for 1 round, similar to Gedlee's Loop.

    Scintillating Sphere: Each Spell Focus adds +2d6 to the dice cap of the spell. Epic Focus gives 10% Electric vulnerability to targets that fail their save for 5 rounds. Nonstacking.

    Searing Light: Each Spell Foci adds +2d6 to the dice cap for damage, Epic Focus adds a fort save vs a 3 round Blind.

    Flame Strike: Each Spell Focus adds +2d6 to the dice cap of the spell.

    Hammer of the Gods: Each Spell Focus adds +2d8 to the dice cap of the spell. Epic Focus Evocation makes the damage dice of the spell d10 against the caster's opposing alignment (Good <-> Evil, Law <-> Chaos. TN gets nothing).

    Wall of Fire: Each Spell Focus adds +1d6 to the damage of the spell. Epic Focus applies a Combust effect, burning the target for 2d6 damage a round for 3 rounds after the target leaves the wall. Does not stack.

    Cone of Cold: Each Spell Focus adds +2d6 to the dice cap of the spell. Epic Spell Focus applies slow on a failed save, and -3 saves vs Cold for 5 rounds. For the BoT variations - fire does a 3 round dot like Wall of Fire, acid does a Acid Breath style one round dot and electricity does the one round stun on a secondary will save like gedlees.

    Firebrand: Each Spell Focus adds +2d6 to the dice cap of the spell. Epic Focus applies a -3 penalty to (rest is missing, ask a dev).

    Delayed Blast Fireball: Each Spell Focus adds +2d6 to the dice cap of the spell. Epic Focus makes the trap version do d8 damage dice instead of d6.

    Fire Storm: Each Spell Focus adds +2d6 to the dice cap of the spell.

    Great Thunderclap: Each Spell Focus adds +2d6 to the dice cap of the spell. Epic focus adds +1 round to the various control effects.

    Prismatic Spray: Spell Focus turns the Fire damage portion into 40 (up from 20). Greater Focus turns the Fire and Acid into 60 damage (up from 40 each.) Epic Focus turns all three damage types into 80 damage.

    Earthquake: nerfed to 20d8, spell focus makes it 21d8, greater spell focus makes it 23d8 and epic spell focus makes it 25d8.

    Incendiary Cloud: Each Spell Focus adds +1d6 to the damage of the spell.

    Sunbeam: Each Spell Focus adds +2d6 to the dice cap of the spell, and +1d6 to the damage vs living targets.

    Meteor Swarm: epic spell focus reduces the safe zone around the caster to 0.1 feet.

    Chain Lightening: This now has 3 arcs of lightening + 1 arc per spell focus, all arc do full damage, save for half. Targets may get hit by more than one arc.

    Sun Burst: Reduced blindness on failed save from permanent to 3 rounds.

    Incendiary Cloud: Damage increased to 6d6 from 4d6. Reflex saving through applies when entering the AoE, but there is no save for creatures that remain inside the cloud from round to round. Spell focuses still add +1d6 to the damage for each spell focus (on entering and round to round).

    Ball Lightning: Now works like an Electrical version of Firebrand, dealing 1d6/CL electric damage to targets in an AoE.

    Ball Lightning: Each Spell Focus adds +2d6 to the dice cap of the spell. Epic Focus applies a -3 penalty to saves vs electricity for 5 rounds.

  • Color Spray: Spell Focus adds +1d6 fire damage, Greater Spell Focus adds +1d6 Acid damage, Epic Spell Focus ads +1d6 electric damage and +1 round to the CC effects.

    Ghostly Visage: Each Spell Focus adds +5% Concealment and 5 DR/+1, ending at 25% concealment and 20/+1 DR at epic.

    Displacement: Spell Focus makes 3 rounds per level, Greater Focus makes 5 rounds per level and Epic Focus makes turns turns per level.

    Phantasmal Killer: Each Spell Focus adds +1d6 to the damage on a successful fort save. Even on a successful Fort save, with Epic Spell Focus, the Target is still afflicted with the Doom effect for 5 rounds (-2 attack, damage, saves, skills).

    Shadow Mage Armor: Replace old effect entirely with - Applies 5/- cold and negative energy resistance for duration. Epic Focus each add 5/- resist to each of cold and negative.

    Shadow Magic Missile: Each missile (max of 5 missiles) does 1d4+1 cold and 1d4+1 negative energy damage, with no save.

    Ethereal Visage: Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus add 5% concealment and 5/+3 DR, ending at 35% concealment and 30/+3 DR. Epic Focus allows the spell to last Turns/level.

    Shadow Melf's Acid Arrow: Deals 3d6 cold + 3d6 negative energy damage, and 1d6 cold, 1d6 negative energy every round after for (CL/3) + 1 rounds. Each spell focus adds 1d6 cold/1d6 negative to the secondary damage.
    • Note: Melf's Acid Arrow will stack with Greater Shadow Conjuration Melf's Acid Arrow, but they will not stack with themselves.
      Note: BoT Poison Arrow will stack with either and itself.Note: Melf's Acid Arrow will stack with Greater Shadow Conjuration Melf's Acid Arrow, but they will not stack with themselves.
      Note: BoT Poison Arrow will stack with either and itself.
    Greater Shadow Conjuration Minor Globe of Invulnerability: As normal - adds temporary +5 saves vs Cold and Negative energy. Greater Illusion focus allows spell to last turns/level.

    Greater Shadow Conjuration Web: Targets affected by the web take 2d6 cold and negative damage per round while entangled. Greater and Epic spell focus add +1d6 to each damage type.

    Shades Cone of Cold: Deals half cold and half negative energy damage, Will Save for half instead of Reflex. Each Spell Focus adds +2d6 to dice cap for damage (1d6 of each element). Epic Spell Focus applies http://nwn.wikia.com/wiki/Freeze on a failed save, uses Illusion spell feats to calculate spell save DC

    Shades Fireball: Deals Cold damage with a Will Save for half damage. Each Spell Focus adds +2d6 to dice cap for damage, Epic Focus adds 10% Cold vulnerability and d3 rounds of slow on failed save, non-stacking. Also uses Illusion spell feats to calculate spell save DC.

  • Fear: Reduced to 4 rounds duration control, with a lasting Doom effect (-2 AB, -2 damage, -2 skills, -2 saves) for the remaining normal length duration. Epic Necromancy adds an extra round to the Fear.

    Scare: Each Spell Focus in necromancy adds +2 to the number of HD you can affect, letting an ESF Necromancer affect an 11 HD monster.

  • Flesh to Stone: Reduced to 5 rounds duration, with a saveless -2 STR and -2 CON attached to it. This does not stack. Epic focus Transmutation adds +1 round.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
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Pen & Paper Spell Guidelines

Post by Jes »

Pen & Paper Spell Guidelines

General Clarification of Saves versus Spells:
When a character rolls a save and fails, they do not know they have failed a Save, except for any immediately obvious effects that may have manifested from the spell, such as a Horrid Wilting, a Fireball, or just plain being Dominated. If a character rolls a save and succeeds, the character is aware that a spell was attempted on them, feeling the effect as a fuzzy and immediately identifiable tingle through their body. They do not know the spell or the caster outside of any immediately obvious effects that may manifest from succeeding on your save, such as taking no damage from a Fireball due to Evasion, or seeing through an Illusion due to a successful save.

A character may choose to willingly fail the save of any spell that has a save, but in order to do so, they must be fully aware that the spell is targeting them, and aware of it at the time the spell is being cast on them. For example, a character looking to prove her loyalty to a new faction could willingly fail the Zone of Truth spell being cast on the area in order to be compelled to tell the truth. However, a character could not willingly fail a save vs Scrying out of the blue, even if it were one of the character's friends, because the character is not both 1: aware of the spell targeting them and 2: aware of the spell being cast on them at that moment. A character may willingly lower their effective mental/physical defenses and fail saves as they please if they suspect the need to do so, but during this time, they will fail all saves of all spells directed at them, regardless of who they come from and who they are targeting, if it as an AoE. It takes one full round (6 seconds) for a character to lower their mental defenses, but once they do it takes one full minute to mentally and bodily center yourself to be prepared to fend off powerful magics again. Entirely lowering your spell defense, therefore, is not something characters tend to do lightly, as situations where you know the exact time a spell is going to hit you without also being subject to spells from others, is rare and difficult to discern indeed. A spellcaster may make a DC 30 spellcraft check as a full round action to discern if your spell defenses are currently lowered.
  • Detect Magic:
    • The DM team would like to remind and clarify that the Detect Magic spell is a 3 round concentration spell, and only reveals schools and aura upon a successful Spellcraft check, and if the object is in line of sight. This means that an item in a bag of holding, or similar, is not subject to Detect Magic's school detection properties. If you turn your gaze to a new area, you must restart your three round timer before you properly detect things and make Spellcraft checks.
    Detect Evil (And all other alignment derivatives):
    • Like Detect Magic, detect Evil works off of a three round timer before you get full information from the spell, although presence or absence of "Alignment" is the first round. This spell detects objects of that alignment, and so if you stare at someone for only a round, and they have Evil items on them, even if the character is a Paladin, even if those items are in magic bags, then they will Detect as Evil. However, upon that third round, if the object is in the magic bag, you only discern that the aura emanates from their general person and do not know which object. It is to be noted that you only learn number and location of auras, and not what the aura originates from, if the originator is out of your line of sight. In our above example, there is no distinguishing between an Evil aura from a person, and an Evil aura emanating from an item they carry that you cannot see.

      Finally, this spell does not require the player to report their alignment via the rest menu, since that information is not what the spell gives. It simply gives the presence or absence of evil, and the strength and number of those auras. Under no circumstances in the use of this spell is a player required to report their alignment in order to prove the truth or falsehood of the statements they make.
    • Just a small reminder that no matter how the casting of Sending is achieved be it by object, scroll, ring or actual spell cast, it has a ten minute casting time, and is immediately visible casting to all parties that can witness the caster at any point during the ten minutes. Ceasing to cast the spell mid cast still consumes the spell slot. This may be relevant in DM events or other time sensitive situations.
    Wish / Miracle:
    • Due to the major functions of this spell, including effects that can have wide reaching consequences and XP costs, Wish and Miracle always require DM supervision to cast.
    Teleport (and derivatives such as Dimension Door, Shadow Walk, Gate, Ethereal Jaunt, Door of Decay, Greater Teleport, Plane Shift, Passwall, and any and all other catch-all "Movement Spells"):
    • As a clarification, if these spells are used in any manner to bypass an obstacle that would normally require a DM's presence to arbitrate, such as bypassing NPC guards that would deter you, locks for which you do not have keys, monsters that must be played by a DM, or in general any situation that cannot be resolved 100% under player power, then the casting of that Movement Spell also requires DM supervision in order to confirm the success of the spell and properly play the environment that comes along with jumping past locks, wards, guards, and the like. This means if a PC is being held prisoner in a faction base, you must have DM approval and supervision in order to attempt something like a Teleport into a jail cell. This is in order to remain fair to both sides, who may have erected guards and wards and defenses that may not be immediately apparent to the would be jailbreaker or the prisoner, and would require a DM to arbitrate.

      :arrow: Permanent portals that exist in the world require upkeep to maintain. This is represented by a gold cost attached to all portals. This gold is given to the portal's overseeing authority for the purpose of replacing reagents and attending to the security of the portal, as well as ensuring absolute accuracy in destination regardless of how often the portal may be used or disused. This is not optional, as due to the very high degree of magical disruptions around Amia and her surrounding regions, portals in the world can wear quicker than normal, leading to malfunction and danger.
    • Scrying has a great deal of conditional modifiers that modify the Will Save of the spell, as well as a clause that makes the target immune to that caster's Scrying for 24 Real Life Hours if they succeed on the save. Per the above clarification on saves, a character that makes a save vs Scrying knows a spell was cast on them, but not what spell or who cast it.

      It also creates a Sensor that can be detected:

      A scrying spell creates an invisible magical sensor that sends you information. Unless noted otherwise, the sensor has the same powers of sensory acuity that you possess. This level of acuity includes any spells or effects that target you, but not spells or effects that emanate from you. However, the sensor is treated as a separate, independent sensory organ of yours, and thus it functions normally even if you have been blinded, deafened, or otherwise suffered sensory impairment.

      Any creature with an Intelligence score of 12 or higher can notice the sensor by making a DC 20 Intelligence check. The sensor can be dispelled as if it were an active spell.

      Lead sheeting or magical protection blocks a scrying spell, and you sense that the spell is so blocked.
    Legend Lore:
    • The 11th level clarification of this spell does not apply on Amia. The DMs are the final arbiter of what is and is not legendary on Amia, and what information this spell will give you. As a result, this spell can only be cast with DM supervision and assistance. No player may provide Legend Lore information about their own characters - unless it is to the DMs seeking clarifications on situations.
    • A note to say that all forms of Mindblank, Lesser and Normal (since there is no way to distinguish between the two in NWN) are proof against all forms of Divination magic that attempt to affect the Mindblanked person. While it does not last 24 hours, it can be repetitively cast. Scrying attempts and even Discern Location and Wish simply fail to provide information.
    Mindrape and Programmed Amnesia:
    • This spell does not exist in the Amian Forgotten Realms. Player consent does not matter - even if all parties consent to the spell being used, knowledge of this spell is not available to cast IC by any known source in the world.
    • This spell does not exist in the Amian Forgotten Realms, knowledge of this spell is not available to cast IC by any known source in the world.
    Modify Memory:
    • Modify Memory may be used with mutual consent, but careful examination of the terms of the spell should be exercised. Specifically, that "A modified memory does not necessarily affect the subject’s actions, particularly if it contradicts the creature’s natural inclinations. An illogical modified memory is dismissed by the creature as a bad dream or a memory muddied by too much wine. " This means the players (who knows and understands their character best) is free to determine what actually counts as illogical for them, and what that means for them when they begin to deal with the newly implanted and changed memories.

      As well, as an Amian specific feature - another Bard may make a contested Caster Level Check: their own CL + spell focus (enchantment) feats, vs modifiers CL + spell focus (enchantment) feats. Success indicates the caster may "unmodify" the damage done to the character, provided the damage can be identified. This specific clause applies to player on player application of this spell, and other specific exemptions may apply when DMs make use of memory modifying effects and spells.
    Dominate Person and Dominate Monster:
    • These spells, despite having their duration changed for mechanical reasons, continue to last longer for the sake of RP, if players consent to it per PnP rules. The spells mechanically apply a debuff to Will Saves that helps serve as a timer for how long the Domination effect continues to last beyond the "Dazed"/"Dominated" debuff. Players should use this as a guide for continued RP.
    • Cannot be used on Amia save for explicit DM usage and exceptions. PCs may not create clones to "IC respawn" for any reason. This also applies to "Reincarnate" and any other spell that behaves similarly.
    • Contingency may only be used with DM permission for the effects - generally these effects are short term and involved with a DM event in the immediate future, and not things like "if attacked in PvP I teleport away for free." DMs must approve any and all uses of Contingency.
    Magic Jar (or similar):
    • These spells require specific DM permission to utilize, and must be approved and overseen by a DM in its entirety. "Permanent body changes" utilizing known loophole sin Magic Jar are not allowed.
    Trap the Soul (and other derivations, such as Imprisonment, or Temporal Stasis, or other known "Permakilling Spells":
    • These spells may only be used with DM permission and supervision, and even then, unless the DM team has made a decision overriding it, these spells are still subject to player consent - players may not be permakilled without their permission, and that death may always be rescinded at any time for any reason, save by a decision from the DM team.
    True Seeing:
    • It functions per PnP, with these Amia specific additions and alterations:

      Various special DM granted subraces have un-pierceable disguises, such as Dragons, Fey'ri, and others at our discretion.
      Assassins' Alter Self [per DC requests] - one "Alter Ego" is un-pierceable by True Seeing. This must be maintained and cannot be changed at a whim.
      Druids' and Shifters' Wildshape, Elemental Shape, Greater Wildshapes, all feat-granted forms, and Thousand Faces are un-pierceable by True Seeing.
      Casters with Epic Spell Focus: Transmutation are allowed one Alter Self or Polymorph that is not pierced by True Seeing.
PnP Epic Spells
A caster may obtain up to 2 Epic PnP Spells. Evidence of proper role play to obtain the spells should be given before their use.

A group of casters can also come together to create one-time ritual spells that can be of Epic nature. For this, evidence of role play in assigning who does what for the casting should occur. These one-time group spells do not count toward the two-per-character limit.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
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Re: Spell Changes on Amia

Post by charles1810 »

Warlock Invocations
Warlock Invocations

Eldritch Essences

Beshadowed Essence

Duration: 1 round / 10 levels
Save: Fortitude negates blind
Spell resistance: Yes

Infuses Eldritch Blast with Beshadowed Essence. Creatures struck by the blast become blinded for the duration on a failed fortitude saving throw.

Bewitching Essence

Descriptor: Mind-affecting
Duration: 1 round / 10 levels
Save: Will negates confusion
Spell resistance: Yes

Infuses Eldritch Blast with Bewitching Essence. Creatures struck the blast become confused for the duration on a failed will saving throw.

Binding Essence

Descriptor: Mind-affecting
Duration: 1 round / 10 levels
Save: Will negates stun
Spell resistance: Yes

Infuses Eldritch Blast with Binding Essence. Creatures struck by the blast are stunned for the duration on a failed will saving throw.

Brimstone Essence

Descriptor: Fire
Duration: 1 round / 5 levels
Save: Reflex negates burn
Spell resistance: Yes

Infuses Eldritch Blast with Brimstone Essence. The blast deals fire damage. Creatures struck by the blast catch on fire on a failed reflex saving throw, taking 2d6 fire damage every round for the duration. The effect does not stack with itself.

Draining Essence

Duration: 1 round / 10 levels
Save: Will negates slow
Spell resistance: Yes

Infuses Eldritch Blast with Draining Essence. Creatures struck by the blast are slowed for the duration on a failed will saving throw. Slowed creatures move at 50% speed, suffer a -2 penalty to armor class, reflex saves, and attack rolls, and are limited to one attack per round.

Frightful Essence

Descriptor: Mind-affecting
Duration: 1 round / 10 levels
Save: Will negates fear
Spell resistance: Yes

Infuses Eldritch Blast with Frightful Essence. Creatures struck by the blast become feared for the duration on a failed will saving throw.

Hellrime Essence

Descriptor: Cold
Duration: 1 round / 5 levels
Save: Fortitude negates dexterity damage
Spell resistance: Yes

Infuses Eldritch Blast with Hellrime Essence. The blast deals cold damage. Creatures struck by the blast become frozen for the duration on a failed fortitude saving throw, taking 4 dexterity damage. The effect does not stack with itself.

Screaming Essence

Descriptor: Sonic
Duration: 1 round / 5 levels
Save: Fortitde negates deafened
Spell resistance: Yes

Infuses Eldritch Blast with Screaming Essence. The blast deals sonic damage. Creatures struck by the blast become deafened and suffer a -50 penalty to their Listen skill for the duration on a failed fortitude saving throw.

Utterdark Essence

Descriptor: Negative
Duration: 1 round / 5 levels
Save: Fortitude negates level drain
Spell resistance: Yes

Infuses Eldritch Blast with Utterdark Essence. The blast deals negative damage. Creatures struck by the blast are level drained by two levels for the duration on a failed fortitude saving throw. Level drain incurs a -2 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, caster level, DC of spells, and saving throws. The effect stacks with itself.

Vitriolic Essence

Descriptor: Acid
Duration: 1 round / 5 levels
Save: Fortitude negates acid burn
Spell resistance: No

Infuses Eldritch Blast with Vitriolic Essence. The blast deals acid damage and bypasses spell resistance. Creatures struck by a vitriolic blast suffer from an acid burn on a failed fortitude saving throw, taking 2d6 acid damage every round for the duration. The effect does not stack with itself.

Eldritch shapes

Eldritch Chain

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium, touch
Area of effect: Colossal

Transforms Eldritch Blast into Eldritch Chain. The warlock invokes a sprawling chain of eldritch energy. The warlock attempts to hit the main target with a medium-ranged touch attack, dealing eldritch blast damage. If the touch attack is successful, the eldritch chain seeks secondary targets in a colossal area, latching onto them for half damage. The number of secondary targets the chain can hit is equal to warlock levels / 5.

Eldritch Doom

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium
Area of effect: Large
Save: Reflex 1/2

Transforms Eldritch Blast into Eldritch Doom. The warlock invokes a terrifying burst of eldritch energy. All enemies caught in the area take eldritch blast damage, with a reflex saving throw for half damage. This shape does not have a ranged touch attack.

Eldritch Pulse

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Touch
Area of effect: Medium
Save: Fortitude 1/2 for secondary targets

Transforms Eldritch Blast into Eldritch Pulse. The warlock charges an enemy with explosive eldritch energy. The warlock attempts to hit the main target with a close-ranged touch attack, dealing eldritch blast damage. If the touch attack is successful, after a slight delay the main target pulsates with eldritch energy, damaging all secondary targets in a medium radius around them. Secondary targets take a fortitude save for half damage.

Eldritch Spear

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Long, touch
Area of effect: Targets in a straight line
Save: Reflex 1/2

Transforms Eldritch Blast into Eldritch Spear. The warlock hurls a spear of crackling eldritch energy, wilting the flesh caught in its path. The warlock attempts to hit the main target with a long-ranged touch attack, dealing eldritch blast damage. If the touch attack is successful, all secondary targets caught in the spear's path between the warlock and the main target take half damage, with a reflex saving throw to further halve the damage.

Least invocations

Bound One's Own Luck

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 hour / level

The warlock gains favor with an otherworldly benefactor, receiving a +1 bonus to saving throws per 7 Warlock levels, with an additional +1 at Warlock level 30. The bonus saves do not stack with blackguard's Dark Blessing.

Leaps and Bounds

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 hour / level

The warlock gains amazing agility, receiving a +4 ability bonus to Dexterity and a +8 skill bonus to Tumble.

Otherworldly Whispers

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 hour / level

The warlock hearkens to the source of their powers, learning eldritch secrets. The warlock gains a +10 skill bonus to Lore and Spellcraft.

Repel the Hail

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level

The warlock becomes cloaked in a chaotic field that detects incoming ranged attacks, incurring a 25% miss chance. The miss chance increases by 1% for every warlock level. The field obscures the warlock, granting a +4 skill bonus to Hide and Move Silently.

See the Unseen

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level

The warlock gains the ability to see through invisibility and magical darkness as well as the ability to see normally in the dark.

Lesser invocations

Curse of Despair

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Touch
Area of effect: Large
Duration: 1 round / level (curse)
Save: Will partial
Spell resistance: Yes

The warlock curses all enemies in an area, reducing their ability scores by 3 for the duration on a failed will saving throw. The curse does not stack with itself or other curse effects. Even if the enemy makes the save or is immune to the curse, they suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls for the duration.

Dread Seizure

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Area of effect: Medium
Duration: 1 round / level
Save: Fortitude negates
Spell resistance: Yes

The warlock creates an aura of intense pain, scourging enemies around them with a -2 penalty to attack rolls and 20% movement speed reduction on a failed fortitude saving throw. The pain persists for as long as the enemy remains within the aura.

Flee the Scene

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 round / level (haste and uncanny dodge), half a round (sanctuary)
Save: Will negates sanctuary
Spell resistance: Yes

The warlock makes their escape, gaining haste. Nearby enemies must make a will save or the warlock disappears from their sight into a magical sanctuary for half a round.

Walk Unseen

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level

The warlock becomes invisible. The effect ends immediately if they attack or cast a hostile spell.

Writhing Darkness

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium
Area of effect: Huge
Duration: 1 round / level, 1 round (blind)
Save: Will negates blind
Spell resistance: Yes

The warlock invokes a field of magical darkness writhing with eldritch tentacles. Enemies caught in the area must make a will save every round or be blinded for 1 round. Additionally, the tentacles damage the enemies for 1d6 + charisma modifier (up to a maximum of 10) damage per round. Ultravision and True Seeing negate these effects.

Recasting Writhing Darkness dispels any previous casting.

Greater Invocations

Caustic Mire

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium
Area of effect: Large
Duration: 1 turn
Save: None
Spell resistance: Yes

The warlock covers the area in foul acidic sludge. Enemies inside the mire take 1d6 + charisma modifier (up to a maximum of 10) points of acid damage. Additionally, they receive a 10 % vulnerability to fire and are slowed by 50 % while inside the area.

Recasting Caustic Mire dispels any previous casting.

Chilling Tentacles

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium
Area of effect: Large
Duration: 1 round / level
Save: None
Spell resistance: No

The warlock covers the ground in a field of frost growing with eldritch tentacles. Every round that a creature is caught in field, it suffers attacks from 1d4 tentacles, each capable of doing 1d6+4 points of bludgeoning damage. With each hit the target must make a fortitude save or be paralyzed for one round. In addition, each creature within the field takes 2d6 points of cold damage each round regardless of whether they are struck by any tentacles.

Recasting Chilling Tentacles dispels any previous casting.

Tenacious Plague

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium
Area of effect: Huge
Duration: 3 rounds
Save: None
Spell resistance: No

The warlock covers the area in masses of biting and stinging insects. Targets inside the swarm take 2d6 + charisma modifier damage (up to a maximum of 10) and are slowed by 50 %.

Wall of Perilous Flames

Range: Short
Area of effect: Wall
Duration: 6 rounds
Save: None
Spell resistance: Yes

The warlock invokes a curtain of fire that deals 2d12 points plus the warlock's charisma modifier of fire and magic damage to any creature that attempts to pass through it.

Dark invocations

Dark Foresight

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level

The warlock glimpses into the future, reducing incoming damage by 10/+5. After sustaining 10 damage per warlock level (up to a maximum of 150), the effect expires.

Devour Magic

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium
Area of effect: Single or large
Save: None
Spell resistance: No

The warlock attempts to dispel all magical effects from a single target or a single magical effect from each target in an area of effect. If cast upon a single creature, the warlock devours any dispelled magical effect, healing the warlock for 5 hit points for every devoured effect. The dispel check is 1d20 + warlock level against a difficulty class of 11 + the magical effect's caster level.

Shadow Shape

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level

The warlock becomes cloaked in shadows, gaining 50 % concealment and a +4 bonus to saving throws versus Death and Negative effects.

Word of Changing

Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 round / level

The warlock utters a powerful word that transforms them into a creation of the Eldritch. The warlock gains the following effects:
100 % spell failure
+d4 Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution
+d6 temporary hit points / level
+1 bonus to attack rolls / 4 levels, up to a maximum of +5
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Re: Spell Changes on Amia

Post by Amarice-Elaraliel »

Cantrip update:

Wizard, Sorcerer, Bard, Cleric, and Druid cantrips are now infinite cast
Flare, Ray of Frost, and Acid Splash are now cantrips for all cantrip classes
  • Ray of Frost: Damage scales 1d3 per 2 caster levels (metamagic does not apply)
  • Electrical Jolt: Damage scales 1d3 per 2 caster levels (metamagic does not apply)
  • Acid Splash: Damage scales 1d3 per 2 caster levels (metamagic does not apply)
  • Flare: Damage scales 1d4 per 3 caster levels (metamagic does not apply) in addition to the default -1 attack bonus penalty against a fort save.
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