Every spell or ability which summons a creature has been modified on Amia to better suit the environment.
Summons on Amia
Summons on Amia
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Familiars & Animal Companions
Familiars & Animal Companions
Familiars and Animal Companions have been modified in two ways:
- Firstly, all familiars and companions have been redesigned to improve their utility and roles. There have also been three new familiars added: the phase spider, skeleton, and construct. The phase spider is a stealth and poison specialist, while the skeleton is an undead servant focused on absorbing damage. The construct carries a Greatsword and largely focuses on damage, while trading survivability.
Secondly, they receive a benefit according to their owner's caster level:
- Armor Class +1 / 2 CL
- Claw Enhancement +1 / 5 CL
- Regeneration +1 / 5 CL
- Attack Bonus +2 / 5 CL
- Universal Saving Throw Bonus +1 / 5 CL
- Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage:
- CL 1 – 10 : 5/-
- CL 11 – 20 : 10/-
- CL 21 – 30 : 15/-
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Summon Creature I-IX
Summon Creature I-IX
These spells summon a creature to your side based on your choice from the following types: Animal, Elemental, Vermin, Celestial, Fiendish and Wild. Characters choose their type by selecting the appropriate option in the Rest Menu.
- Animal
Animals are mundane creatures, adept at everything. All casters can choose this type, and non-casters using the Summon Creature spell via items always use this type.
Elementals are sturdy spirits, capable of brushing aside heavy blows. All casters can choose this type.
Vermin are sneaky creatures, immune to mind spells and equipped with poison, diseases and other debilitating abilities. All casters can choose this type.
Celestials are animals with the celestial template. They are better at taking punishment from both weapons and magic than their non-magical kin, and tend to possess healing or supportive abilities. All good or neutral casters can choose this type, save for druids and rangers that are over level 3. Note that neutrals can only cast celestial OR fiendish summons - the first time they choose is a permanent one.
Fiends are animals with the fiendish template. While lacking the endurance of their non-magical kin, they wield wicked talons and claws to deal greater damage, and tend to possess destructive spells and abilities. All evil or neutral casters can choose this type, save for druids and rangers that are over level 3. Note that neutrals can only cast celestial OR fiendish summons - the first time they choose is a permanent one.
Wild is the nature-only type and can be chosen by druids, rangers over level 3 and clerics with the Animal domain. They are a mixture of animals, wild beasts, giants, fey and elementals. They lack a specialized role, but all are fearsome creatures with their own talent.
These are the specific creatures summoned by this spell line. Note that Summon Creature spells cast by items will always use the Animal type.
- Summon Creature I [Duration: 1 Hour / CL]
- Animal (Default): Dire Rat
- Elemental: Tiny Dust Elemental
- Vermin: Dire Maggot
- Celestial: Celestial Rat
- Fiendish: Fiendish Rat
- Wild: Snake
- Animal (Default): Hawk
- Elemental: Small Fire Elemental
- Vermin: Slicer Beetle
- Celestial: Celestial Hawk
- Fiendish: Fiendish Hawk
- Wild: Petal Fey
- Animal (Default): Dire Badger
- Elemental: Small Earth Elemental
- Vermin: Giant Leech
- Celestial: Celestial Badger
- Fiendish: Fiendish Badger
- Wild: Giant Frog
- Animal (Default): Dire Boar
- Elemental: Air Elemental
- Vermin: Giant Ant
- Celestial: Celestial Boar
- Fiendish: Fiendish Boar
- Wild: Leopard
- Animal (Default): Dire Wolf
- Elemental: Water Elemental
- Vermin: Giant Wasp
- Celestial: Celestial Wolf
- Fiendish: Fiendish Wolf
- Wild: Grizzly Bear
- Animal (Default): Dire Bear
- Elemental: Huge Smoke Elemental
- Vermin: Dire Spider
- Celestial: Celestial Bear
- Fiendish: Fiendish Bear
- Wild: Giant Ape
- Animal (Default): Giant Swamp Gator
- Elemental: Huge Mud Elemental
- Vermin: Dire Ankheg
- Celestial: Androsphinx
- Fiendish: Manticore
- Wild: Stone Giant
- Animal (Default): Giant King Cobra
- Elemental: Elder Void Elemental
- Vermin: Giant Funnelweb
- Celestial: Celestial Minotaur
- Fiendish: Greater Barghest
- Wild: Gargantuan Gray Render
- Animal (Default): Bulette
- Elemental: Omnimental
- Vermin: Giant Scorpion
- Celestial: Blink Dog Packlord
- Fiendish: Bebilith
- Wild: Nature Elemental
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Undead Creation
Undead Creation
Undead creation spells all use the same pool of creatures, increasing the power ceiling based on the strength of the spell used (from Animate Dead to Create Greater Undead).
As these spells are of the spell school of Necromancy, Pale Master levels are included toward the caster level for both duration and power.
- Animate Dead [Duration: 24 hours]
- CL 1 – 8 : Mohrg
- CL 9+ : Wraith
- CL 1 – 8 : Mohrg
- CL 9 – 14 : Wraith
- CL 15 – 19 : Dread Wraith
- CL 20 – 23 : Wight
- CL 24+ : Mummy
- CL 1 – 8 : Mohrg
- CL 9 – 14 : Wraith
- CL 15 – 19 : Dread Wraith
- CL 20 – 23 : Wight
- CL 24 – 27 : Mummy
- CL 28+ : Greater Mummy
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Gate & Planar Summoning
Gate & Planar Summoning
All of these spells/abilities summon outsider creatures to the caster, generally being powerful at the cost of being susceptible to spells which target outsiders.
These spells are unaffected by spell focus feats.
- Gate [Duration: 2 Round / CL]
- Clerics with the Portal domain have a +2 bonus toward their caster level for deciding the strength of the summoned creature.
CL 17 – 21 :
- Good: Throne Archon
- Neutral: Gray Slaad
- Evil: Glabrezu Infiltrator [Chaotic]
- Evil: Nycaloth [Neutral]
- Evil: Lesser Cornugon [Lawful]
- Good: Warden Archon
- Neutral: Death Slaad
- Evil: Glabrezu Beguiler [Chaotic]
- Evil: Yagnoloth [Neutral]
- Evil: Cornugon Soldier [Lawful]
- Good: Trumpet Archon
- Neutral: White Slaad
- Evil: Glabrezu Corruptor [Chaotic]
- Evil: Ultroloth [Neutral]
- Evil: Cornugon Veteran [Lawful]
- Good: Justice Archon
- Neutral: Red Slaad
- Evil: Quasit [Chaotic]
- Evil: Canoloth [Neutral]
- Evil: Imp [Lawful]
- Good: Hound Archon
- Neutral: Blue Slaad
- Evil: Succubus [Chaotic]
- Evil: Mezzoloth [Neutral]
- Evil: Erinyes [Lawful]
- Good: Sword Archon
- Neutral: Green Slaad
- Evil: Bebilith Hatchling [Chaotic]
- Evil: Sword Battleloth [Neutral]
- Evil: Gelugon [Lawful]
- Clerics with the Portal domain have a +2 bonus toward their caster level for deciding the strength of the summoned creature.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Epic Mummy Dust & Dragon Knight
Epic Mummy Dust & Dragon Knight
Remember that you need a base Wis, Int or Cha of at least 20 to be able to cast Epic Spells!
Epic Summons are powerful creatures and a worthwhile investment for any caster.
Dragon Knight is generally more powerful, but has a shorter duration. Mummy Dust is a dependable summon with a long duration and a customizable creature type.
- Dragon Knight [Duration: 1 Round / CL]
- The duration is extended to 1 Turn / CL if the caster possesses Epic Spell Focus: Conjuration.
- Brass Dragon, Juvenile
- Bronze Dragon, Very Young
- Copper Dragon, Juvenile
- Gold Dragon, Wyrmling
- Silver Dragon, Very Young
- Black Dragon, Juvenile
- Blue Dragon, Young
- Green Dragon, Young
- Red Dragon, Wyrmling
- White Dragon, Juvenile
- Behir, Juvenile
- Earth Drake, Juvenile
- Prismatic Dragon, Hatchling Runt
- Shadow Dragon, Juvenile
- Skeletal Dragon -Exception, Epic Spell Focus: Necromancy Unlocks this type and extends the duration to turns
- This epic spell has a variety of choices a caster can change by using the Scroll they receive on leveling up when gaining the feat.
The duration is extended to 1 Hour / CL with the correct spell focus.
- Construct: Geared Guardian (Epic Transmutation extends)
- Elemental: Ancient Air Elemental (Epic Evocation extends)
- Magical Beast: Sirrush (Epic Conjuration extends)
- Undead: Pharaoh Sentinel (Epic Necromancy extends)
- Outsider: Alignment dependant (Epic Conjuration extends)
- Good: Arcadian Avenger
- Neutral: Githzerai Savant
- Evil: Corruptor of Fate
- The duration is extended to 1 Turn / CL if the caster possesses Epic Spell Focus: Conjuration.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Shadow Conjuration
Shadow Conjuration
These are the summon options for the Shadow Conjuration spell-line. They summon Outsider shadow creatures, not Undead.
Shadows drain a certain ability on hit (either Strength or Constitution, depending on type). When the enemy reaches 3 in that ability score or less from being hit by this, they are instantly killed.
- Shadow Conjuration: Summon Shadow [Duration: 1 Hour / CL]
- CL 1+ : Shadow
- CL 1 – 12 : Shadow
- CL 13+ : Shadow Fiend
- CL 1 – 12 : Shadow
- CL 13 – 18 : Shadow Fiend
- CL 19 – 24 : Shadow Lord
- CL 25 – 30 : Shadow of the Void
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Blackguard Summons
Blackguard Summons
These are the summon options for the Blackguard prestige class.
These summons compliment the Blackguard's formidable martial prowess with additional support.
- Create Undead [Duration: Special]
- CL 1 – 5 : Mohrg [Duration: 1 Hour / Blackguard Level]
- CL 6 - 11 : Wraith [Duration: 1 Turn / Blackguard Level]
- CL 12+ : Dread Wraith [Duration: 1 Turn / Blackguard Level]
- CL 1 – 14 :
- Chaotic: Succubus Warrior [Duration: 1 Hour / Blackguard Level]
- Neutral: Mezzoloth [Duration: 1 Hour / Blackguard Level]
- Lawful: Erinyes [Duration: 1 Hour / Blackguard Level]
- CL 15+ :
- Chaotic: Glabrezu Infiltrator [Duration: 1 Turn / Blackguard Level]
- Neutral: Nycaloth [Duration: 1 Turn / Blackguard Level]
- Lawful: Lesser Cornugon [Duration: 1 Turn / Blackguard Level]
Epic Fiendish Servant Feat Benefits
- Duration is doubled
- Strength +4
- Armor Class +1 / Blackguard Level
- Regeneration +1
- Bonus Feat: Improved Evasion
- Spell Resistance = 5 + Blackguard Level
- Summon Changes to:
- Lawful: Amnizu Bodyguard
- Neutral: Arcanaloth Minion
- Chaotic: Bound Kelvezu
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Pale Master Summons
Pale Master Summoning
There will be a point progression system for PM. One point per PM level, and half a point for Bard/Wizard/Sorc/Assassin. Level 20 PM will receive a bonus point. The points will correlate to summon amount / summon strength.
10 Wizard / 19 PM / 1 Bard = 24 Points
10 Wizard / 20 PM = 26 Points
20 Bard / 10 PM = 20 Points
20 Wizard / 10 PM = 20 Points
New Summon Details:
These abilities compliment the Pale Master's magical skill with front-line toughness. Animate Dead and Summon Undead both summon henchmen style summons, which means they stack with each other and normal summon. Summon Greater Undead functions as a normal summon, and as a result competes for the same slot as Level 1-9 Summons, EDK, EMD, etc.
- Animate Dead [Duration: Unlimited] [Summon Type: Henchmen]
- 0-7 Points : Mohrg
- 8-10 Points : Mohrg x2
- 11-13 : Lesser Skeletal Archer, Ghoul
- 14-16 : Skeletal Archer, Ghoul Lord
- 17+ : Skeletal Archer, Ghoul Lord (Customization unlocked)
- Customization: You can select any combination of Skeletal Archer, Ghoul Lord, and Allip. Also you can select an additional RP option to summon ten basic skeletons or zombies for labor, etc.
- Every 2 point past 17 creatures get a +1 AB and Damage buff
- 0-11 Points : Wraith
- 12–14 Points : Dread Wraith
- 15-18 Points : Wight
- 19-21 Points : Mummy
- 22+ Points : Greater Mummy (Customization unlocked)
- Customization: You can select Greater Mummy, Lesser Vampire, or Blaspheme. Also you can select an additional RP option to summon ten basic skeletons or zombies for labor, etc.
- Every 2 point past 22 creatures get a +1 AB and Damage buff
- 0-12 Points : Dread Wraith
- 13-15 Points : Wight
- 16-19 Points : Mummy
- 20-23 Points : Greater Mummy
- 24+ Points : Winterwight
- The summoned undead gains +6 to Turn Resistance.
A Pale Master has reached into the depths of necromancy and learned of the arts to maintain and rebuild an army of minions with ease. Pale Masters now have a 10% + 1% per PM level to reanimate their fallen minions automatically when they fall. This ability applies only to Henchmen style summons. At 20 Pale Master they gain an additional +20% to this chance for a total of 50%.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Shadowdancer Summons
Shadowdancer Summons
These are the summon options for the Shadowdancer prestige class.
A Shadowdancer's shade is an extraplanar undead-type. Therefore, the shade is not affected by spells with the healing descriptor, but it is affected by banishment spells and spells with the negative energy descriptor.
Shades drain a certain ability on hit (either Strength or Constitution, depending on type). When the enemy reaches 3 in that ability score or less from being hit by this, they are instantly killed.
- Shadowdancer: Summon Shadow [Duration: 1 Turn / Shadowdancer Level]
- CL 3 - 6 : Shade
- CL 7 - 9 : Greater Shade
- CL 10+ : Shade Lord
Epic Shadow Lord Feat
- Taking the Epic Shadow Lord Feat bestows the Shadowdancer with a more powerful summon - the Epic Shade Lord. This summon boasts additional hit dice over the Shade Lord, scaling in power according to the Shadowdancer's level.
Creature Armor- CL 14 : +1 AC, +1 Saves
- CL 15 : +1 AC, +1 Saves, 10% Slashing/Bludgeoning Immunity
- CL 16 : +2 AC +2 Saves, 10% Slashing/Bludgeoning Immunity
- CL 17 : +2 AC +2 Saves, 20% Slashing/Bludgeoning Immunity
- CL 18 : +3 AC +3 Saves, 20% Slashing/Bludgeoning Immunity
- CL 19 : +3 AC +3 Saves, 30% Slashing/Bludgeoning Immunity
- CL 20 : +6 AC +6 Saves, 50% Slashing/Bludgeoning Immunity
- CL 13 : Drain 1d4 Con: DC 36
- CL 14 : Drain 1d4 Con: DC 36
- CL 15 : Drain 1d4 Con: DC 38
- CL 16 : Drain 1d6 Con: DC 38
- CL 17 : Drain 1d6 Con: DC 40
- CL 18 : Drain 1d6 Con: DC 40
- CL 19 : Drain 1d2 Str, Drain 1d6 Con: DC 40
- CL 20 : Drain 1d2 Str, Drain 1d8 Con: DC 42
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Miscellaneous Summons
Miscellaneous Summons
These are the remaining modified summons that don't fit into any other category.
These spells are not affected by any spell focus feats.
- The Black Blade of Disaster [Duration: 1 Round / CL]
- The Black Blade of Disaster is no longer invulnerable, but has high resistances and immunities to most forms of damage. It also no longer has the planar rift ability (on hit kill), but does deal significantly more damage than previously. Lastly the concentration check has been removed.
- This is now stronger than its original counterpart.
- Consecutively summons random para-elementals to your side. Once one dies, another is automatically summoned until a total of four have been summoned. The para-elementals are as follows:
- Ice
- Magma
- Clerics with the Death domain now call a powerful summon instead of a shadow when they use the Negative Plane Avatar power.
- CL 1 – 7 : Entomber
- CL 8 – 11 : Ghoul
- CL 12 – 16 : Ghast
- CL 17 – 21 : Wheep
- CL 22 – 26 : Lesser Blaspheme
- CL 27+ : Entropic Reaper
- Clerics with the Repose domain call a powerful Outsider when they use their domain power.
- CL 1 – 7 : Soul Raven
- CL 8 – 11 : Deathless Warrior
- CL 12 – 16 : Deathless Soldier
- CL 17 – 21 : Deathless Squire
- CL 22 – 26 : Sacred Watcher
- CL 27+ : Deathless Judge
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow