- Default Base Classes: Added Base Class: Default Prestige Classes: Added Prestige Classes:
This is a catalog of Classes that have been modified and Added on Amia.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Modified Rages
- The Barbarian is a brute of tremendous, if reckless power, thus their raging feats have been modified to reflect this. The following Rages replace the Normal and Greater rages, and work with the Thundering and Terrifying Rage feats if they are present. Their duration is 5 + CON modifier rounds. The Intensity and Ferocity attacks are set by a widget that must be found in-game.
Note: There is a one-turn cooldown after raging before you may do so again.
- Standard Rage
This is the normal Barbarian Rage.
- +1 Attack per 4 Barbarian levels, capped at +6.
+1 Damage per 4 Barbarian levels, capped at +5.
+1 Will saves per 8 Barbarian levels, capped at +3.
+1 Fortitude save per 8 Barbarian levels, capped at +3.
+2 Hit Points per Barbarian level.
- +1 Attack per 4 Barbarian levels, capped at +6.
- Unyielding Rage
10 Barbarian Levels
A focused Barbarian rage that channels their fury into raw speed, ignoring wounds as they blitz around the battlefield.
- +1 Regeneration per 4 Barbarian levels.
+1 Dodge AC per 6 Barbarian levels, capped at +4 AC.
+1 Fortitude save per 8 Barbarian levels, capped at +3.
+1 Will save per 8 Barbarian levels, capped at +3.
+1 Reflex save per 8 Barbarian levels, capped at +3.
+3 Hit Points per Barbarian level.
+1 AB per 8 Barbarian levels, capped at +3.
- +1 Regeneration per 4 Barbarian levels.
- Ferocity Attack
15 Barbarian Levels
A focused Barbarian rage that sends the barbarian into a true frenzy of whipping blades and destructive might. The price for pure offense however, is a lack of defense.
- +1 Attack Per Round, stacks with Haste.
+2 Damage per 4 Barbarian levels, capped at +12.
+1 Fortitude save per 8 Barbarian levels, capped at +3.
50% percent move speed increase, doesn't stack with Haste.
-4 penalty to Dodge Armor Class.
+1 Hit Point per Barbarian level.
- +1 Attack Per Round, stacks with Haste.
- Mighty Rage
Mighty Rage gives the following benefits:
- +1 Universal Saves/7 Barbarian Levels
+5 Vampiric Regen
+10 Bonus HP/Barbarian Level.
- +1 Universal Saves/7 Barbarian Levels
- Thundering Rage
This rage imparts your weapon with 1d8 Sonic Damage and On Hit: Stun DC 20.
- Terrifying Rage
This rage enhances the barbarian with a fear aura.
Barbarian Fear Aura - Will DC calculation:
8 + (Barb level/2) + (Intimidate Base Ranks/2) (Skill Focus feats don't apply)- Ex. (assuming 33 ranks, always rounding down):
16 Barbarian = DC 32
24 Barbarian = DC 36
30 Barbarian = DC 39
- Ex. (assuming 33 ranks, always rounding down):
- Standard Rage
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Bonus Bard Songs
- On Amia the Bard may be awarded special songs by the DM’s for showing excellent bardic roleplay, via quests and good overall commitment to the class.
- Lich Lyrics
You should have at least 4 levels of Bard. It casts Horrid Wilting as per the default spell. A certain NPC within the realm can teach you this song.
- Stonesong
You should have an above-average Perform skill and at least 4 levels of Bard. It casts Greater Stoneskin as per the default spell. A certain NPC within the realm can teach you this song.
- Alarmsong
You should have at least 6 levels of Bard. It casts Glyph of Warding as per the default spell.
- Firesong
You should have at least 8 levels of Bard. It casts Incendiary Cloud as per the default spell. Can be requested after learning from another player or rewarded by a DM.
- Stormsong
You should have at least 12 levels of Bard. It casts Great Thunderclap as per the default spell. Can be requested after learning from another player or rewarded by a DM.
- Sightsong
You should have at least 15 levels of Bard. It casts True Seeing as per the default Amia spell. Can be requested after learning from another player or rewarded by a DM.
- Icesong
You should have at least 17 levels of Bard. It casts Ice Storm as per the default spell.
- Warsong
You should have at least 19 levels of Bard. It casts Battletide as per the default spell.
- Lich Lyrics
Bonus Epic Bard Songs
- From level 21 Bard, an Epic Bard can learn powerful Ballads by the DM’s for showing excellent bardic roleplay, via quests and good overall commitment to the class.
- Ballad of Landscape Decimation
It casts Storm of Vengeance as per the default spell, 3 uses/day maximum.
- Ballad of Jester's Jape
Duration: Bard Class level / 5
Range: Personal
Area of Effect : 10 meters
Save : Will vs Pun (Pun = 10 + Bard's Class Level [character level] / 2 + CHA modifier)
A successful save triggers a reduced effect.
Immunity to Mind-affecting effects applies.
Only sentient creatures (INT>3) understand the pun and are affected.
The Bard delivers a merry song filled with jokes and jibes. A sentient creature (INT > 3) within hearing distance who fails its saving throw will begin laughing hysterically. They will be unable to defend themselves until the punch line. (The target is prone for (Bard Class Level / 5) rounds.)
A successful save means the sentient target will only crack up for the duration of the joke, imposing a -2 penalty to Armor Class and a -5 penalty on Reflex saves.
Caster enters and remains in Defensive Casting mode and is (mechanically) silenced for the duration of the prank.
- Ballad of Naiad's Gift
Bard Song [Compulsion]
Range: Large Aura
Target: 2 Hit Dice per Bard level
Duration: 1 Round/Bard level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: No
Folk tell tales of this Ballad, bestowed as a gift on to the hin Kira Cottonfoot, who then taught it to others. A truly epic song which can lull foes in to a vulnerable state. The Bard can expend 3 charges of her Bardsong ability to sing an enthralling melody that captivates the attention of those who hear it. Those in the area must succeed on a will save equal to 10 + Charisma Modifier + ½ Bard level (as per other PnP bard song-related abilities) or succumb to the alluring power of the song. Undead and Constructs are immune to the song's allure. Creatures with mind protection are warded against the song's alluring power, but still hear the hauntingly beautiful melody. Creatures who are deafened as a result of spells such as Blindness/Deafness or Silence are also immune to this song's effect. A target that fails the save is Fascinated (Dazed) for a number of rounds equal to the Bard's Charisma modifier. The song lasts one round per bard level.
- Ballad of Landscape Decimation
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
One Thousand Faces
- One Thousand Faces feat gives you a wider range of animals and humanoid creatures to shift into. In order to learn this, you must have received tutoring from a druid or shifter with this feat. You may request the feat to use this ability from the DMs after sufficient training with your tutor has been done.
You need at least 13 Druid levels for this feat.
- These skills are now added as class skills to the Druid skill list.
- Spot
- Listen
- These spells are automatically added to the druidic spellbook.
- Cat's Grace
As per the default spell.
- Eagle's Splendor
As per the default spell.
- Endurance
As per the default spell.
- Fox's Cunning
As per the default spell.
- Owl's Wisdom
As per the default spell.
- Flame Weapon
As per the default spell.
- Magic Weapon
As per the default spell.
- Greater Magic Weapon
As per the default spell.
- Cat's Grace
Elemental Shape & Wildshape
- Elemental Shape and Wildshape has been completely overhauled to have both an increase in power and utility. In addition, there are now three stages of power instead of two. For determining the power of the Elemental Shape, druid and shifter levels are added together.
These shapes are obtained with the following amount of druid/shifter levels:
- Level 16: Elemental Shape
- Level 20: Greater Elemental Shape
- Level 25+: Elder Elemental Shape
- Level 5 -> Level 12 -> Level 25
- Pig, pink -> Boar -> Dire Boar = (Physical DPS)
- Brown Bear -> Grizzly -> Dire Bear = (Tank)
- Dog -> Wolf -> Dire Wolf = (Generalist)
- Skunk -> Badger -> Dire Badger = (High AB)
- Lynx -> Cougar -> Dire Cougar = (Sneak/DPS)
For a detailed list of the changes to these shapes, see The Druid & Shifter Spreadsheet. (last updated 04/20/2021)
Additional Forms
Requires 12 level of Druid or 4 levels of Shifter; Found in-game.
Requires 12 levels of Druid or 5 levels of Shifter; Found in-game.
Requires 12 levels of Druid or 6 levels of Shifter; Can be requested after learning from another player or rewarded by a DM.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
- These are extra abilities added to the monk class, found in-game from NPC trainers.
- Pain Touch
3 Monk levels - 1x Stunning Fist per use
Touch Attack. On hit, inflicts an AB penalty of 1 per 5 Monk levels [caps at -6] for Monk Level/Round. Unstackable.
- Axiomatic Strike
5 Monk levels - 1x Stunning Fist per use
Touch Attack. On hit, inflicts divine damage [Monk unarmed base damage + STR modifier + 1d3 per Monk level] versus a chaotic-aligned target. A critical hit doubles the base damage + STR modifier.
- Eagle Claw
8 Monk levels - 1x Stunning Fist per use
Touch Attack. On hit, inflicts magic damage [Monk unarmed base damage + STR modifier + DEX modifier + WIS modifier], as well as applying an Armor Class penalty of 1 per 10 Monk levels [minimum of -1, caps at -3] for Monk Level/Round. A critical hit doubles the base damage + STR modifier. Unstackable.
- Freeze Lifeblood
10 Monk levels - 1x Stunning Fist per use
Touch Attack. On hit, paralyzes [DC: 10 + Monk level / 2 + WIS modifier] their target for 3 rounds.
- Weakening Touch
12 Monk levels - 1x Stunning Fist per use
Touch Attack. On hit, reduces their target's Strength by 1 per 5 Monk levels [caps at -6] for Monk Level/Round. Unstackable.
- Ki Shout
16 Monk levels - 1x Quivering Palm per use
Stuns any enemies within colossal range if they fail a Will save [DC: 10 + Monk level / 2 + WIS modifier]. In addition, all enemies take 1d4 Sonic damage per Monk level. Deafened enemies are not affected.
- Ki Defense
18 Monk levels - 1x Empty Body per use
Any enemies that strike with a melee attack take 1d6 + 2 per 5 Monk Levels of magic damage [caps at 1d6 + 10]. Lasts for Monk Level/Round.
- Pain Touch
- These feats are modified from the default.
- Monk AC Bonus
The AC bonus is capped to Monk level (e.g. a level 3 Monk would only receive a maximum of +3 AC from their Monk AC Bonus, no matter how high their Wisdom modifier is).
Additionally, this feat is not given until level 3 Monk, and will not function while polymorphed.
- Monk AC Bonus
- These weapons are modified from the default.
- Quarterstaff
May be used by Monks with full unarmed attack progression and Flurry of Blows applicable, just like a kama.
- Quarterstaff
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
These Paladin feats have been modified from their default implementations.
- Divine Grace
- The saving throw bonus is capped to Paladin level (e.g. a level 3 Paladin would only receive a maximum of +3 saves from Divine Grace, no matter how high their Charisma modifier is).
Lay on Hands- Half-damage is taken on a successful Fortitude saving throw for undead creatures.
Summon Mount- This feat is disabled on Amia.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Warlock pacts are created with fey, fiends of the lower planes, aberrations of great power or other creatures who call home to hostile and savage worlds. The terms of such a pact and reasons vary greatly depending on the person in question - some may do it simply out of a lust for power, while some out of desperation or a belief that the "ends justify the means". Regardless of their reasons, the powers warlocks wield are devious at best, and at worst, twisted and destructive. Warlocks tend to be wanderers due to the hostility they face from the commonfolk who distrust their strange powers, and only the most foolish (or powerful) of their ilk wield their eldritch gifts openly.
A warlock does not prepare or cast spells as other wielders of arcane magic do. Instead, he possesses a repertoire of attacks, defenses, and abilities known as invocations that require him to focus the wild energy that suffuses his soul. A warlock can use any invocation he knows at will.
Note: Warlock does not unlock Arcane Archer or Pale Master (PM will be fixed mechanically soon; existing Warlock/PMs will need to be rebuilt once that goes into effect).
- Alignment: Any evil or any chaotic
Hit die: d6
Proficiencies: Armor: Light and Medium, Shield, Simple Weapon
Skill Points: 4 + INT modifier
Base Attack Progression: +3/4
Primary Saving Throws: Reflex, Will
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Heal, Intimidate, Lore, Persuade, Spellcraft, Taunt, Use Magical Device
Invocations: Arcane (spell failure from armor is a factor), charisma-based (a base charisma score of 10 + the invocation's level is required to cast an invocation, and the charisma modifier affects invocation DCs), and infinite spontaneous cast. The DC for warlock invocations is 10 + warlock levels / 3 + charisma modifier.
See here for all Essences and invocations. Note: Due to how Essences and Shapes are selected, you need at least 15 CHA to access all invocation levels.
Eldritch Blast
Components: Verbal, somatic
Range: Medium, ranged touch
Area of effect: Single
Spell resistance: Yes
The warlock targets an enemy with Eldritch Blast, an invocation dealing baleful magical damage on a successful ranged touch attack. The blast deals 1d2 magical damage for every warlock level, plus an additional 1 damage per Charisma modifier, up to warlock levels / 2. At Warlock level 30, the damage gained per Charisma modifier is uncapped.
Eldritch Blast can be modified with Eldritch Essences and Shapes. Eldritch Essences infuse the Eldritch Blast with debilitating effects and alter its damage type. Eldritch Shapes alter the range, area, and targeting of the Eldritch Blast. See here for all Essences and invocations.
Armored CasterOtherworldly Pact
The warlock inherits or makes a pact with an otherworldly being. This is the source of the warlock's eldritch powers, with each type of pact granting unique abilities.
(The Warlock will be able to choose their pact using the "Warlock: Pact Chooser" which will appear in their inventory upon taking their first level of Warlock. Choosing a pact type will add one of the following feats to the Warlock. This choice cannot be changed later and must be made immediately.)
Type of feat: Class
Prerequisite: Warlock 1
The warlock incurs no arcane spell failure from wearing light armor or wielding a small shield. This applies only when more than half of the warlock's character levels are warlock levels.
Use: Automatic
Damage Reduction
Type of feat: Class
Prerequisite: Warlock 3 (7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27)
The eldritch powers are protective of their host, fortifying the warlock against physical attacks. The warlock gains 5/+1 damage reduction, with the enhancement bonus required to bypass it increasing by +1 for every four warlock levels.
Use: Automatic
Energy Resistance
Type of feat: Class
Prerequisite: Warlock 10 (20)
The eldritch powers are protective of their host, fortifying the warlock against the elements. The warlock gains 5/- resistance to two of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic. The resistance to the chosen energy types increases to 10/- at warlock level 20.
Use: Automatic
Otherworldly Resilience
Type of feat: Class
Prerequisite: Warlock 8 (13, 18, 23, 28)
The eldritch powers are protective of their host, regenerating the warlock's injuries. When the warlock is injured while she is badly wounded (below 50% hit points), the warlock begins to regenerate for 1 hit point per round. The regeneration increases by 1 hit point for every 5 warlock levels.
Use: Automatic
The epic warlock is a font of supernatural magic, having mastered the terrifying eldritch power. She knows ever deeper secrets of the farthest places of the Realms, strengthening the pact with the otherworldly source of their magic.
Epic warlock bonus feats: Eldritch Master, Epic Eldritch Blast, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Will, Great Charisma, Great Dexterity
Bonus feats: 23, 26, 29
Lvl Feats
21. Epic Warlock
23. Bonus Feat, Damage Reduction 6, Otherworldly Resilience 4
26. Bonus Feat
27. Damage Reduction 7
28. Otherworldly Resilience 5
29. Bonus Feat
Eldritch Master
Type of feat: General (epic)
Prerequisite: Warlock 25, Spellcraft 24
The warlock's eldritch blast deals +25% damage and grants +3 bonus to attack rolls for 1 round. The attack bonus does not stack with itself.
Use: Automatic
Epic Eldritch Blast
Type of feat: Class
Prerequisite: Epic Warlock
Adds +1d6 damage to eldritch blast. This feat can be taken multiple times.
Use: Automatic
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Arcane Archer
Arcane Archer
- BAB 7+
Weapon Focus Longbow or Shortbow
Martial Weapon Prof.
Point blank shot
Rapid Shot
A level of assassin, bard, sorcerer, or wizard
- Death Arrow
- The DC has been changed to 10 + Arcane Archer level + primary arcane casting ability modifier.
Hail of Arrows- Always hits. Deals d3 piercing damage and d3 magical damage per Arcane Archer level, with one arrow fired per Arcane Archer level. The target makes a Reflex save versus DC of 10 + Arcane Archer level + primary arcane casting ability modifier for half damage. A maximum of one arrow hits every target.
Imbue Arrow- Cast the following arcane spells on basic arrows in your inventory via the Imbue Arrow feat to gain the specified bonus damage (Duration: 1 Hour per Arcane Archer level, Extend Spell is included if applicable):
- Ice Storm: Cold
- Mestil’s Acid Breath: Acid
- Fireball: Fire
- Lightning Bolt: Lightning
- Enervation: Negative
- Sound Burst: Sonic
Seeker Arrow- Always hits. Deals d3 piercing damage and d3 magical damage per Arcane Archer level.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Now requires any Non-Good.
Assassin Tools
This is a widget automatically gained upon taking Assassin level 2. It will impart your weapon (be it glove, bow or blade) with the ability to make a special strike once every turn. The DC calculation is 10 + Assassin level + Intelligence modifier. Note that the ability doesn't have to be reapplied each time; it persists for 1 Turn per Assassin level.
- Braining Blow Level 2 Assassin
- (Stun) (2 Rounds, Will)
Head injuries are especially traumatic, and the Assassin knows this. Heavy, blunt force dealt by a pommel or leaden arrow can temporarily stun a foe, leaving them vulnerable to a follow-up strike.
- (Deafness) (Turn/Assassin, Fortitude)
The importance of the sense of hearing in combat is not lost on the Assassin. An attack upon the auditory organs leaves the ears of the Assassin's foe ringing painfully.
- (-d4 all stats) (supernatural permanent, doesn’t stack, Will)
The Assassin becomes adept at turning disadvantage to advantage, weakness into strength, bad luck into blessed fortune. Provided, that this misfortune falls upon the Assassin's victim.
- (Silence) (1 Round/Assassin, Fortitude)
Landing a blow to the throat is one of the most difficult attacks an Assassin can make. By no chance, it is also one of the most rewarding.
- (Blindness) (1 Round/Assassin, Fortitude)
The Assassin knows that something as innocuous as a culinary spice can have more malign uses. Pepper, thrown into the eyes of the foe in the heat of battle, leaves them a bit burned.
- (Paralysis) (1 Round/Assassin, Will)
The appalling viciousness of the Assassin's assault cows the target into submission. The assassin may make a death-attack that causes overwhelming fear to the target of this ability.
- (Level Drain) (supernatural permanent stacks, Fortitude)
The Carotid and Femoral artery are prime targets for a cutting or piercing strike. An accurate slice can cause the most extreme case of profuse bleeding: untreated, such a strike is as good as a death-sentence.
- (Knockdown) (Rounds/3 Assassin, Reflex)
The legs are a promising, if difficult to hit, target. They are often more lightly armored than the torso, as even the most rigid plate armor has many joints and thin parts in its metal.
- (Death, Death Immunity ignored, Fortitude)
The most valuable and feared tool at the Assassin's disposal is not their famed agility or skill with blade or bow, but their knowledge of anatomy and flagrant disregard for the niceties of honorable combat. This attack leaves nothing about the Assassin's motives to question. A feint, a flash of steel from the shadows, or a careful shot: a strike made with the intent to bring their target down instantly, no matter the cost.
- (Stun) (2 Rounds, Will)
Optional Epic Feats
These feats must be taken as epic bonus feats on Assassin level 14 or 18. They are not given freely.
- Crippling Strike
- As per the default feat.
Note: For this to function, the Assassin must have at least one rank of Sneak Attack. Sneak Attack from equipment counts.
- As per the default feat.
- As per the default feat.
- As per the default feat.
On Amia, Assassins have a spellbook. They can select the following spells.
- Level 1
Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Ironguts, Obscuring Mist, Protection from Alignment, Sleep, True Strike
Level 2
Balagarn's Iron Horn, Blindness/Deafness, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Darkness, Fox's Cunning, Ghostly Visage, Invisibility, See invisibility, Ultravision
Level 3
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Clarity, Find Traps, Gust of Wind, Haste, Keen Edge, Magic Circle Against Alignment, Slow
Level 4
Confusion, Fear, Freedom of Movement, Improved Invisibiility, Phantasmal Killer, Polymorph Self, Shadow Conjuration
Edit by bagoffelt to add link to Spell Progression Spreadsheet on 06292022 @ 19:50 GMT
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
This Blackguard feat has been modified from its default implementation.
- Dark Blessing
- The saving throw bonus is capped to Blackguard level (e.g. a level 3 Blackguard would only receive a maximum of +3 saves from Dark Blessing, no matter how high their Charisma modifier is).
This feat must be taken on a Blackguard level. It is not automatically given.
- Extra Turning
- As per the default feat.
These feats are gained automatically upon leveling and are usable once per day.
- Aura of Despair
- Starting at 3rd level, the blackguard radiates a malign aura that causes enemies within 10 feet to take a -2 penalty on all saving throws. This is a permanent effect that cannot be dispelled and does not have any accompanying VFX.
- Starting at 4rd level, a Blackguard gains the ability to cast Eagle's Splendor.
- Starting at 7th level, a Blackguard gains the ability to cast Magic Circle against Good.
- Starting at 10th level, a Blackguard gains the ability to cast Divine Favor.
On Amia, Blackguards have a spellbook, with Wisdom as the casting stat. They can select the following spells.
- Level 1
Bane, Bless, Corrupt weapon, Demon Flesh, Divine Favor, Doom, Endure elements, Inflict light wounds, Magic weapon, Protection from alignment
Level 2
Aid, Aura of Glory, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Darkness, Eagle's splendor, Resist elements, Ultravision
Level 3
Abyssal Might, Contagion, Dispel Magic, Greater magic weapon, Inflict moderate wounds, Magic circle against alignment, Prayer, Veil of Shadow
Level 4
Death ward, Deeper Darkness, Freedom, Inflict serious wounds, Poison, Unholy Sword
These are the descriptions for the unique Blackguard spells listed above.
- Corrupt Weapon
The caster corrupts a melee weapon to strike true against good opponents, granting a +1 enhancement bonus and 2d6 negative energy damage vs. good for Turns/Level.
- Demon Flesh
The caster grows the thick, leather flesh of a demon, granting a +1 natural armor bonus to Armor Class for every three caster levels (at least +1, maximum +5) for Hours/Level.
- Veil of Shadow
Swirling wisps of darkness obscure the caster's form, granting a concealment bonus for Turns/Level.
Vein of Shadow - Conceal Bonus- BG level 3: 20% Conceal
BG level 6 - 30% Conceal
BG level 9 - 40% Conceal
BG level 12 - 50% Conceal
- BG level 3: 20% Conceal
- Deeper Darkness
As per Darkness, but with a duration of Turns/Blackguard level.
- Abyssal Might
The caster summons evil energy from the Abyss and is imbued with its might. The caster gains a +2 bonus to Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity for Turns/Level.
- Unholy Sword
This spell transforms the caster's melee weapon into a powerful Unholy Avenger, a specially blessed weapon that, when wielded by a Blackguard, acts as a +5 unholy weapon that dispels on hit for Two Rounds/Level.
Edit by bagoffelt to add link to Spell Progression Spreadsheet on 06292022 @ 21:30 GMT
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Divine Champion
Divine Champion
Champions of Torm are no longer considered only followers of Torm on Amia. Instead the class has been changed to be the more general Divine Champion. They have a free range of deity choices, can be any valid worshiper alignment of their deity, and to meet the prerequisites, any Weapon Focus feat may be taken; they are not restricted to melee weapons.
In addition, Divine Champions do not gain Smite Evil at level 3. In its place, they gain the Purge Infidel feat. Divine Champion levels count toward the damage of Paladin Smite Evil, even if they do not gain the feat.
Purge Infidel
- Gained at 3rd level, the Divine Champion gains bonus damage equal to their class level for the duration of their Charisma modifier as rounds. The bonus damage only works against creatures of an alignment that is different than the Divine Champion. Usable once per day.
Divine Wrath
- Cool down of base 5 minutes
Duration: 10 + Cha Mod / 2 + 5 (If Level 20 DC)
Level 5: +2/5, +3 Ab/damage/saves
Level 10: +3/10, +5 Ab/damage/saves
Level 15: +4/10, +7 Ab/damage/saves
Level 19: +5/15, +7 Ab/damage/saves
Level 20: +6/20, +9 Ab/damage/saves
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Dragon Disciple
Dragon Disciple
The Red Dragon Disciple is not limited to only red dragon types on Amia. The following dragon types may be chosen freely (alignment - element type):
- Gold (LG - Fire)
- Silver (LG - Cold)
- Bronze (LG - Electricity)
- Brass (CG - Fire)
- Copper (CG - Acid)
- Red (CE - Fire)
- Blue (LE - Electricity)
- Green (LE - Acid)
- Black (CE - Acid)
- White (CE - Cold)
- Shadow (CE - Negative)
This choice affects the disciple's wing color, immunity, and breath weapon type. In order to choose a dragon type, a DM must be asked to grant the benefit in-game. Note that a DM does not have to grant this perk, especially if a PC wildly differs from the established canon details of that dragon type or is not within one-step of their dragon type's alignment. After 10 levels, alignment restrictions grow more strict.
IMPORTANT: See this post for Amia's rulings and server lore for the Dragon Disciple class. It's important to follow these RP guidelines, due to the nature of the class.
These feats are modified from the default Red Dragon Disciple.
- Draconic Armor
- The Armor Class gained by this feat has been trimmed. See the progression chart below.
- Abilities gained by this feat have been both trimmed and expanded. See the progression chart below.
- This ability allows the Dragon Didciple to breathe a cone of energy, 20-feet long, dealing 1d10 damage per Dragon Disciple level. It has a Reflex Save [DC 10 + DD Level + Constitution modifier] for half damage. This may be used an unlimited amount of times per day, but has a cool-down between each use:
- Level 3: Cooldown is 8d6 rounds (48-288 seconds)
Level 10: Cooldown is 6d6 rounds (36-216 seconds)
Level 15: Cooldown is 4d6 rounds (24-144 seconds)
- Level 3: Cooldown is 8d6 rounds (48-288 seconds)
- Full Immunity to the dragon type's element is not granted at level 10 anymore, but 50% immunity instead. Further levels can improve this. See the progression chart below.
- Dragon Disciples on Amia have access to a limited number of spells. These spells, while mechanically presented in your spell book, are actually spell-like abilities, which means they are not affected by Arcane Spell Failure but are still limited to just the spells listed. No PnP spells are available (unless approved in a separate request) and you can't use them for anything requiring a caster level. The spells otherwise function like Bard/Sorcerer spells and are Charisma-based.
Dragon Disciple
- Requirements:
- Bard or Sorcerer
8 Lore
Not of the Outsider or Fey subraces
- d6 HP, +1 AC
- +2 STR, +1 Caster Level
- Dragon Breath (Cooldown 8d6)
- d8 HP, +1 Caster Level
- ----
- d10 HP, +1 Caster Level
- +2 CON
- +1 AC, +1 Caster Level, (RP Note: No willful removal of DD levels beyond this point.)
- +2 INT, Free wings or tail or vfx horns or legs
- +2 STR, +2 CHA, 50% immunity to element, Darkvision/immunity to paralysis/immunity to sleep, +1 Caster Level, Dragon Breath (Cooldown 6d6)
- d12 HP
- +1 AC, +1 Caster Level
- ----
- 1 Caster Level
- 75% immunity to element, Dragon Breath (Cooldown 4d6), Free wings or tail or vfx horns or legs
- +1 Caster Level
- ----
- 24 SR, +2 CON, +2 STR, +1 Caster Level
- ----
- +1 AC, 100% immunity to element, +2 CHA, 32 SR, +1 Caster Level, Free wings or tail or vfx horns or legs
- Bard or Sorcerer
IMPORTANT: +1 Caster Level applies to scripts and abilities that check Caster Level, such as Spell Resistance checks. It does not add additional new spells learned. See Sorcerer and Bard on the wiki to see the base spells per day differences. For example, a 10 Sorcereer/20 DD has base Sorcerer spell castings 6|6|6|6|5|3|0|0|0|0, which changes to 6|6|6|6|6|6|6|6|6|6* with the additional +10 CL from DD. Because no new spells are learned in this way, any spell levels you cannot access with your base class remain unchanged unless you have metamagic. (This also means that any DD levels added to 20 or more levels of Bard or Sorcerer will not have any effect on spell castings per day.) Additional bonus spells from high Charisma can also apply.
*If you have metamagic feats, then you will have access to the bonus spell slots for those spell levels that you don't know spells for. So for the example above, a character with Maximize spell can cast 6 Maximized Lesser Spell Mantles without CHA bonus spells. If you do not have Metamagic feats, then the underlined spell uses above will be 0 since you can't access them.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
- The Dwarven Defender has been changed to Defender on Amia. There are two paths one may take as a Defender: the Dwarven Defender and the Defender. Dwarven Defender requirements remain the same as default, but non-dwarves can take the Defender route, which has slightly stricter requirements:
- BAB 8+
Skill Focus: Discipline
- This feat has been changed to grant the following traits and can be used an unlimited number of times per day. The bonuses scale based on level.
- +1 Strength at level 1. +1 per 5 Levels after level 1 (Max of +4, Level 20 DwD increases this to +5) (Eg. Increases at 5, 10, 15, 20)
- +10 Temp HP at level 1. +10 per 7 Levels after level 1 (Max of +30, Level 20 DwD it increase to +40 Temp HP)
- +1 Resistance Bonus at level 1. +1 per 4 Levels after level 1. (Max of +5, Level 20 DwD increases this to +7)
- +1 Dodge Bonus to AC at level 1. +1 per 5 Levels after after level 1 (Max of +5, Level 20 DwD increases this to +6)
- Epic Dwarven Defender/Defender (11 or more levels) with 20+ base CON now gain the following with the use of Defensive Stance:
- AB bonus equal to 1/4 CON Mod (this counts towards the +20 AB cap)
These feats are gained automatically upon leveling.- Resist Poison
- Gained at 5th level, as per the default feat.
- At 7th level, the Defender can use their action to redirect an enemy targeting an adjacent ally to themselves instead.
- Gained at 9th level.
Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round per Constitution modifier
Range: 5-meter radius centered on the Defender
Cooldown: 30 rounds minus Constitution modifier (Means a cooldown of 2 minutes on average for most defenders)
Allies within the AoE gain:
Damage Reduction: 3/- + 1 per 4 Defender levels
AC Bonus: +1 per 5 Defender levels
At 12th level, this ability provides a +1 bonus to saving throws
At 16th level, the base damage reduction increases to 6/-
At 20th level, this ability's radius increases to 10 meters
The defender is not affected by their own Stoneguard, but may be bolstered by another defender's Stoneguard.
Resist Disease- Gained at 10th level, as per the default feat.
Defender’s Duty- Gained at 11th level. The Defender manifests their desires and sense of duty in physical form. Much like a monk manifests their Ki to perform feats of super human ability, Defenders of exceptional training and skill do the same. Defender's Duty allows the Defender to swap spots with any ally within a tile and a half range on a cool down, this is an instant ability. The cool down will be 12 Rounds at level 11, and reducing by 1 every level after 11 Defender. Level 20 Defender reduces this to 2 rounds.
- A Defender receives this automatically at 20 Defender.
- BAB 8+
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Master Scout
Master Scout
The Harper Scout no longer exists on Amia. It has been replaced by the Master Scout, a unique 5-level prestige class that blends abilities from the Ranger and the Rogue classes to create the ultimate outdoor survivalist.
"The wilderness is a harsh, unforgiving place of danger and intrigue. Some, however, call this dangerous land their home. They are the Master Scout, a specialist in survival and fortitude. While they retain similarities to other wardens of the wilderness, the Master Scout stands apart in that their skills lie in the navigation itself. In this, they are unparalleled."
- Master Scout
Hit Die: d6
Proficiencies: Light armor and simple weapons
Skill Points: 4 + INT modifier
Base Attack Progression: +3/4
Primary Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex
Class Skills: Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Disable Trap, Discipline, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Search, Set Trap, Spot and Tumble
Requirements- Feats: Skill Focus: Listen, Skill Focus: Spot
Skills: Craft Trap 2 ranks, Set Trap 2 ranks, Discipline 8 ranks, Spot 2 ranks, Listen 2 ranks, Search 2 ranks and Lore 6 ranks
- Level 1:
Dash: Master Scout becomes 10% faster in wilderness areas.
Level 2:
Craft Survival Gear: Master Scout can craft various tools and items for a gold cost. The items assist in ambushing enemies and in survivability. Through levels, more items become available for crafting.
Uncanny Dodge I: As per default feat.
Level 3:
Battle Fortitude: Master Scout can call on his hardiness and knowledge and receive +1 to all saves per Master Scout level, for 1 hour per Master Scout level.
Nature Sense: As per default feat.
Level 4:
Trackless Step: As per default feat.
Level 5:
Flawless Stride: Master Scout gains permanent Freedom.
Bonus Feats
At level 1 and 5, the Master Scout can choose a bonus feat from the following lists:- Bonus Feat List
Lightning Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Toughness
Epic Bonus Feat List
Great Strength, Great Constitution, Great Dexterity, Epic Will, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Prowess
- Feats: Skill Focus: Listen, Skill Focus: Spot
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Pale Master
Pale Master
Note: Pale Master cannot be unlocked by Warlock (this will be fixed mechanically soon, but any Warlock/PMs will need to be rebuilt once it goes into effect). It can be unlocked by Assassin.
The Pale Master has been adjusted as follows:
- Caster Level
Pale Master levels count toward caster level when casting spells of the Necromancy school, but only if they are arcane in origin. This includes damage, duration and casting level for the purposes of piercing spell resistance, though due to engine limitations, monk spell resistance is not affected.
Undead Grafts
The Pale Master has access to an extended selection of undead grafts in order to strengthen their deathless arts.- Paralyzing Touch
6 Pale Master levels
Paralysis on melee touch attack. Fortitude Save at DC 10 + INT mod + PM level, with a duration of round/Pale Master level.
Weakening Touch
6 Pale Master levels
1d6 STR damage on melee touch attack, Fortitude Save at DC 10 + int mod + PM level. Lasts 1 hour/Pale Master level.
Degenerative Touch
7 Pale Master levels
Level Drain of 1 level on melee touch attack, Fortitude Save at DC 10 + int mod + PM level. Lasts 1 hour/Pale Master level.
Commanding Touch
8 Pale Master levels
As "Control Undead" on melee touch attack, with caster level (wizard + sorcerer + PM levels), lasting for (wizard + sorcerer + PM level) rounds. Will Save at DC 10 + int mod + PM level.
Destructive Touch
9 Pale Master levels
1d6 CON damage on melee touch attack, Fortitude Save at DC 10 + int mod + PM level, successful save negates CON damage. Lasts 1 hour/Pale Master level.
Deathless Touch
10 Pale Master levels
Death on melee touch attack. Fortitude Save at DC 10 + INT mod + PM level.
- Paralyzing Touch
Pale Master Summoning Rework
Pale Master will gain Toughness 1-10, EDR1-3, and all of the spell focus necromancy as new bonus feat options.
New Point System:
There will be a point progression system for PM. One point per PM level, and half a point for Bard/Wizard/Sorc/Assassin. Level 20 PM will receive a bonus point. The points will correlate to summon amount / summon strength.
10 Wizard / 19 PM / 1 Bard = 24 Points
10 Wizard / 20 PM = 26 Points
20 Bard / 10 PM = 20 Points
20 Wizard / 10 PM = 20 Points
New Summon Details:
These abilities compliment the Pale Master's magical skill with front-line toughness. Animate Dead and Summon Undead both summon henchmen style summons, which means they stack with each other and normal summon. Summon Greater Undead functions as a normal summon, and as a result competes for the same slot as Level 1-9 Summons, EDK, EMD, etc.
- Animate Dead [Duration: Unlimited] [Summon Type: Henchmen]
- 0-7 Points : Mohrg
- 8-10 Points : Mohrg x2
- 11-13 : Lesser Skeletal Archer, Ghoul
- 14-16 : Skeletal Archer, Ghoul Lord
- 17+: Skeletal Archer, Ghoul Lord (Customization unlocked)
- Customization: You can select any combination of Skeletal Archer, Ghoul Lord, and Allip. Also you can select an additional RP option to summon ten basic skeletons or zombies for labor, etc.
- Every 2 point past 17 creatures get a +1 AB and Damage buff
- 0-11 Points : Wraith
- 12–14 Points : Dread Wraith
- 15-18 Points : Wight
- 19-21 Points : Mummy
- 22+ Points : Greater Mummy (Customization unlocked)
- Customization: You can select Greater Mummy, Lesser Vampire, or Blaspheme. Also you can select an additional RP option to summon ten basic skeletons or zombies for labor, etc.
- Every 2 point past 22 creatures get a +1 AB and Damage buff
- 0-12 Points : Dread Wraith
- 13-15 Points : Wight
- 16-19 Points : Mummy
- 20-23 Points : Greater Mummy
- 24+ Points : Winterwight
- The summoned undead gains +6 to Turn Resistance.
A Pale Master has reached into the depths of necromancy and learned of the arts to maintain and rebuild an army of minions with ease. Pale Masters now have a 10% + 1% per PM level to reanimate their fallen minions automatically when they fall. This ability applies only to Henchmen style summons. At 20 Pale Master they gain an additional +20% to this chance for a total of 50%.
Note: See this post for the ruling about In-Character consequences for Pale Master.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Knight Commander
Knight Commander
The Purple Dragon Knight has been replaced by the Knight Commander, a party support specialist whose abilities focus on increasing ally strength and weakening enemies via auras. As with Purple Dragon Knight, the maximum level for this class is 5.
"Whether it is leading the charge on a group of regal knights or cutting down fleeing victims, the Knight Commander stands forefront with a mastery over leadership, co-ordination and discipline. The Knight Commander is a shining example of why a handful of well-organised soldiers can best an army of rabble, gaining abilities to bolster his troops and control the battlefield with expert prowess. While such commanders come from many walks of life, all possess natural talent at direction and tactical supremacy."
- Knight Commander
Hit Die: d10
Proficiencies: All types of armor, shields, simple and martial weapons
Skill Points: 2 + INT Modifier
Base Attack Progression: +1
Primary Saving Throws: Fortitude, Will
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Craft Trap, Discipline, Heal, Listen, Lore, Parry, Persuade, Ride and Taunt
BAB: +5
Feats: Skill Focus: Discipline, Toughness
Skills: Persuade 4 ranks, Taunt 4 ranks, Discipline 8 ranks and Lore 4 ranks
The Knight Commander has access to a number of auras which apply a myriad of effects.
Level 1:- Barricade of Swords: Defensive Aura: Barricade of Swords creates a damage shield around all allies within the aura and allows them to shrug off a minor amount of physical damage. The shields damage is 1d10 slashing damage, +2 per Knight Commander level, +1 per Charisma modifier, to a maximum of Knight Commander level. They also gain 5% damage immunity to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage, +1% per Charisma modifier, to a maximum of Knight Commander level.
Entreatment: Ability which can be used once per Knight Commander level. If they fail a Will save versus the Knight Commander's Taunt, the enemies change targets to instead attack the Knight Commander. Where used against other player characters, this feat simply causes the target to break their action queue and become flat-footed. Enemies failing their Will save are also inflicted with a -2 Attack Bonus penalty for five rounds.
Stand Down: This is an unlimited feat which allows the Knight Commander to dismiss all of their auras instantly.
Level 2:- Bulwark of Vigilance: Offensive Aura: Upon entering this aura, enemies lose 8% movement speed per Knight Commander level, and receive a -5 Tumble penalty multiplied by their Charisma modifier, to a maximum of Knight Commander level. The Tumble decrease does not lower AC.
- Medicant: Defensive Aura: All allies within this aura gain +2 regeneration, which improves to +3 at 5th Knight Commander level. Allies also gain +5 Heal skill per Charisma modifier, to a maximum of Knight Commander level.
- Ordnance Support: Offensive Aura: All enemies within this aura suffer a 3% immunity decrease to acid/cold/fire/sonic/electricity per Knight Commander level. Additionally all enemies gain -2 penalty to their spell resistance per Charisma modifier, to a maximum of Knight Commander level.
- Vehement Charge: Defensive Aura: All allies within this aura gain immunity to blindness, charm, confusion, deafness, fear, daze, sleep, slow and stun. Allies also gain 3% movement speed increase per Charisma modifier, to a maximum of Knight Commander level. This aura also inflicts a penalty of -10 discipline to all allies.
Shield Ally: Knight Commander can shield one ally within 20 foot, giving him +4 dodge AC, while doing so the Knight Commander receives -4 to his attack. This ability may be used unlimited times per day; the Knight Commander cannot use it on himself.
NOTE: You can only have one defensive and one offensive aura active at the same time. All defensive auras have a radius of 30 foot, while offensive auras have a radius of 10 foot. All auras are infinite use with an unlimited duration. - Barricade of Swords: Defensive Aura: Barricade of Swords creates a damage shield around all allies within the aura and allows them to shrug off a minor amount of physical damage. The shields damage is 1d10 slashing damage, +2 per Knight Commander level, +1 per Charisma modifier, to a maximum of Knight Commander level. They also gain 5% damage immunity to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage, +1% per Charisma modifier, to a maximum of Knight Commander level.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Shadowdancers often work in troupes, never staying in one place too long. Some use their abilities to entertain. Others operate as thieves, using their abilities to infiltrate past defenses and dupe others. All shadowdancer troupes maintain an aura of mystery among the populace, who never know whether to think well or ill of them.
- Shadowdancer (Prestige Class, 20 levels max)
Hit Die: 1d8
Proficiencies: simple weapons, light armor
Skill Points: 6 + INT modifier
Base Attack Progression: 3/4
Primary Saving Throws: Reflex
Class Skills: heal, hide, listen, lore, move silently, persuade, pick pocket, search, spot, tumble
- Feats: dodge, mobility
Skills: hide 10 ranks, move silently 8 ranks, tumble 5 ranks
- Darkvision, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge I
- Shadow Daze, Summon Shadow
- Shadow Evade, Shadow Jump
- Defensive Roll, Uncanny Dodgy II
- Hide in Plain Sight
- Slippery Mind
- Stealthy Feat
- Improved evasion, Uncanny Dodge III, Embracing Cold 1
- Umbran Arts 1
- BONUS FEAT, Embracing Cold 2
- Umbran Arts 2
- BONUS FEAT, Embracing Cold 3
- BONUS FEAT, Embracing Cold 4
- Umbran Arts 3
Epic Bonus Feats:
blinding speed, epic skill focus (all but animal empathy, perform), epic dodge, epic reflexes, epic shadowlord, improved whirlwind attack, self concealment, superior initiative, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Great Dex
Shadow Daze
Instead of being 1 use per day, Shadow Daze has been changed to a cool-down dependent on Shadowdancer level.
The base cool-down is 5 turns (or 300 seconds). For every Shadowdancer level past 5, the cool-down is decreased by 3 rounds (or 18 seconds). For example, a level 10 Shadowdancer has a cool-down of 210 seconds. A level 20 Shadowdancer has a cool-down of 30 seconds.
Summon Shadow
The Shadowdancer's summon has been redesigned. See here for the relevant details.
Summon Shade will receive some minor buffs. This will clone the users appearance for the shadow. More damage through enhancement + cold damage. Duration is now doubled with the Epic Shadow Feat.
Shadow Evade
Three times per day the shadowdancer can call upon the shadows in the area to help conceal her. She gains a 5% concealment bonus, damage reduction of 5/+1, and a +1 AC bonus. The effect lasts for 1round/shadow dancer level. This improves as the shadowdancer goes up in levels.
How Shadow Evade Improves with levels
Shadow Jump
Shadow Jump is a method of transportation used by Shadowdancers to "jump" from a shadow equal to at least half the size of the Dancers body, to another shadow following the same restrictions. Shadow Jump utilizes the transplanar space between the Shadow and the Material Planes. This transplanar space can -not- safely be reached on the Shadow Plane and must only be used while on the Material Plane. There can also be no obstacles in the Dancers Jump path. Obstacles include but limited to, doors, gates, walls, boulders, fences, etc. Anything that hinders the straight line to where the Dancer is jumping to. Shadow Jump can get the Dancer airborne, either from jumping over pitfalls or up or down cliffs.
The Dancer can not bring any other living matter with them through the jump exclusive of other Shadowdancers.
Usable unlimited amount of times with a cooldown of 12 seconds.
Hide in Plain Sight
There is a cool-down on Hide in Plain Sight. When stealth mode is deactivated, Hide in Plain Sight will not function for another six seconds.
If someone casts Light on you, you cannot use HiPS anymore. This is not restricted mechanically, so you have to manage this yourself. Do not abuse the lack of mechanical implementation, please.
Embracing Cold
The very shadows that they use to hide in embraces them. Once leaving hiding they will receive a damage buff. For 2 round their weapon will recieve bonus damage.
1d6 Cold Damage at Embracing Cold 1.
1d12 Cold Damage at Embracing Cold 2.
2d8 Cold Damage at Embracing Cold 3.
2d12 Cold Damage at Embracing Cold 4.
Umbran Arts I (Night Eyes)
Through attuning to the shadows, the user gains complete immunity to the spell Darkness.
Umbran Arts II(Tenebrous Tempo)
Increases the user's movement speed by 25% for rounds/Shadowdancer level, using shadows to travel quickly.
Umbran Arts III (Vestment of Shadows )
The user draws in Shadows to create a powerful magical vestment around their person, gaining Damage Reduction (10/+5 absorbing 150 Melee Damage before collapsing), Immunity to Death Magic, and 50% cold immunity for Turns/Shadowdancer level.
- Feats: dodge, mobility
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
- Tip 1: Characters are not saved while polymorphed, so remember to save often after unpolymorphing
- Tip 2: Make sure you have a weapon equipped before shifting to receive gear merge benefits to polymorphed forms
- AC Progression
Shifters gain a unique bonus AC progression which applies when shapeshifted. Note that certain forms may have additional AC on top of what Shifter levels provide.
At level 20 Shifter, a total bonus of +28 AC is gained when shifted.Code: Select all
Shifter Level -> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armor | 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 Deflection | 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 Dodge | 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 Natural | 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 Shield | 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8
Ability Overwriting
If a Shifter shifts into a form with a physical ability higher than their own (for instance, a Shifter with 12 Strength shifts into Drow with 20 Strength), then the higher value will overwrite. This works in reverse, too: if a Shifter with 24 Strength shifts into Drow with 20 Strength, then their Strength would remain at 24 as it is the superior amount.
DC Calculations and Spells
DCs on Shifter abilities are calculated from a unique formula: 10 + 1/2 of Shifter Level + Wisdom Modifier. In cases where an ability has a duration, it is calculated as Druid + Shifter level. For abilities which have a scaling damage amount, the amount is again calculated as Druid + Shifter level.
Note that metamagic feats do not work on Shifter spells, and Expertise/Improved Expertise cannot be used on Shifter abilities or spells.
Epic Form Progression
There is an epic version of every non-feat obtained form. Epic forms will usually have increased damage over non-epic forms, or have access to a further range of abilities.
They are obtained with the following amount of Shifter levels:- Shifter Level 20: Epic Greater Wildshape I
Shifter Level 21: Epic Greater Wildshape II
Shifter Level 22: Epic Greater Wildshape III
Shifter Level 23: Epic Humanoid Shape
Shifter Level 24: Epic Greater Wildshape IV
Shifter Level 25: Epic Humanoid Shape II
Shifter Shape Details
Due to the sheer amount of information, the details are contained in a xls file (openable by Excel or any similar program which deals with spreadsheets). It's a valuable source of information for Shifter players, so you should really download it and look it over. Seriously.
Shape Info as of 4/20/2021
Additional Forms- Goblin Mage
Requires 1 level of Shifter; Found in-game.
Faerie Dragon
Requires 3 levels of Shifter; Can be requested after learning from another player or rewarded by a DM.
Requires 12 level of Druid or 4 levels of Shifter; Found in-game.
Requires 5 levels of Shifter; Found in-game.
Requires 12 levels of Druid or 5 levels of Shifter; Found in-game.
Requires 12 levels of Druid or 6 levels of Shifter; Can be requested after learning from another player or rewarded by a DM.
Requires 7 levels of Shifter; Can be requested after learning from another player or rewarded by a DM.
Requires 9 level of Shifter; Can be requested after learning from another player or rewarded by a DM.
Outsider Shape - Bear Rakshasa
Requires feat: Outsider Shape; Can be requested after learning from another player or rewarded by a DM.
Shifters gain the following feats at the indicated levels:- Wild Shape 4x day
Gained at 7th level.
Wild Shape 5x day
Gained at 13th level.
Elemental Shape
Gained at 14th level.
Elemental Shape 2x day
Gained at 15th level.
Wild Shape 6x day
Gained at 16th level.
Elemental Shape 3x day
Gained at 17th level.
Improved Elemental Shape
Gained at 18th level.
Infinite Wild Shape
Gained at 19th level.
Infinite Elemental Shape
Gained at 20th level.
This skill has been added as class skill to the Shifter skill list:- Move Silently
One Thousand Faces
One Thousand Faces gives you a wider range of animals and humanoid creatures to shift into. In order to learn this, you must have received tutoring from a druid or shifter with this ability. You may request this ability on the forums after you have completed sufficient training roleplay with your tutor.
You need at least 13 Shifter or Shifter/Druid levels for this feat. - Shifter Level 20: Epic Greater Wildshape I
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
- Amarice-Elaraliel
- Posts: 3712
- Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2020 6:19 pm
- Location: As every good cat, in a box.
- 1st level = Bless, Divine Favor, Alarm
2nd level = Barkskin, Bull Strength, Endurance, Owls wisdom, Fox's Cunning
3th level = Bane Bow
4th Level = Bloodfire Arrows, Bloodfreeze Arrows, Awaken
Bane Bow = Grants a +1 attack and mighty bonus per 3 ranger levels till 25 (Caps at +5), then an additional +1 at 26, and +1 at 27. Level 27 also grants keen. Cast on the person, not the weapon for it to function properly.
Bloodfire arrows = Creates 2d6 fire damage arrows for 100 gold. and both are added.
bloodfreeze arrows = Creates 2d6 cold damage arrows for 100 gold.
New Level 25 Ranger Epic Companion Feat (Can be taken as a bonus feat or general feat):
- Badger becomes a Wyvern
~+6 STR/DEX/CON, 200 Temp HP
~+40 Discipline (enough for PVE, not enough for PvP)
(Badger is already really good, just adding a little extra on top of the default)
Wolf becomes a Displacer Beast
~+6 STR/DEX/CON, 200 Temp HP
~50% Concealment
~Permanent Ultravision
~+6 Bludgeoning Damage
(Bit of a boost here and there with the niche of having 50% Concealment and can shrug off darkness)
Bear becomes a Dire Bear
~+6 STR/DEX, +12 CON, 300 Temp HP
~Remove Power Attack feats
~+10 bludgeoning damage
~+50 Discipline
Boar becomes a Dinosaur, Raptor
~+6 STR/DEX/CON, 200 Temp HP
~Removes Power Attack
~+10 Bludgeoning Damage
Hawk becomes a Giant Eagle
~+6 CON, +10 STR, +4 DEX, 200 Temp HP
~+13 Spot (this will give it 80 spot, which is enough to beat most sneaks, but not all)
~ +5 Piercing Damage
Panther becomes a Male Lion
~+6 STR/DEX, + 8 CON, 200 Temp HP
~+10 percent physical DR
Dire Wolf becomes Fierce Guardian
~+10 STR/DEX/CON, 200 Temp HP
~+10 Bludgeoning Damage
Spider becomes a Gargantuan Spider
~+6 DEX/CON, +9 STR, 200 Temp HP
~+2d6 Acid damage
~+5 Piercing damage
Dire Rat becomes Giant Scorpion
~+8 STR/DEX/CON, 200 Temp HP
~+10/- Fire resist
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"The Arbalest is a master of the crossbow. Skilled at reloading and taking aim at vulnerable spots, letting their mighty weapon puncture through with little to no trouble. Crossbowmen are slower compared to their bow counterparts but pack a significantly larger punch."
- Arbalest (Prestige Class)
Hit Die: 1d8
Proficiencies: None
Skill Points: 4 + INT modifier
Base Attack Progression: +1
Primary Saving Throws: Reflex
Class Skills: Concentration, Heal, Hide, Listen, More, Move Silently, Spot, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Ride
- Base Attack Bonus: +5
Feats: Weapon Focus (Light or Heavy Crossbow)
- 1. Piercing Shot
3. Craft Bolt
5. +1 AB, +1 damage
10. +1 AB, +1 damage
13. Epic Bonus Feat
15. +1 AB, +1 damage
16. Epic Bonus Feat
19. Epic Bonus Feat
20. +1 AB, +1 damage
Epic Bonus Feats:
Epic Weapon Focus (Light or Heavy Crossbow), Great Dexterity I-X, Epic Prowess, Blinding Speed, Epic Toughness I-X, Epic Reflexes, Overwhelming Critical (Light or Heavy Crossbow), Devasting Critical (Light or Heavy Crossbow)
Piercing Shot
"A master crossbow user knows how to aim their weapon to bypass most armor and hit the vulnerable weak portions."
This is a togglable ability. It takes an action to activate/deactivate. You gain 1 AB every two levels of Arbalest, and 1 Damage every one level of Arbalest. The damage is divine to represent armor piercing properties. This stacks with the natural damage/ab progression you earn leveling up.
Craft Bolt
"A master crossbow user learns how to craft their ammunition in the field, out of the materials on hand."
Every 3 levels, starting at level 3, you gain the ability to craft a new type of bolt.- 3. 1d8 Fire bolts
6. 1d8 Electrical bolts
9. 1d8 Magical bolts
12. 1d10 Fire, 1d10 Cold bolts (both effects on the same bolt)
15. 2d10 Acid bolts, On-Hit: Blind bolts (both effects on the same bolt)
18. 1d10 Bludgeoning, Extra damage type: Bludgeoning bolts (both effects on the same bolt)
- 3. 1d8 Fire bolts
- Base Attack Bonus: +5
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"A warrior who has mastered the art of mounted combat on horseback. They forge a trusted bond with their animal and learn to fight as one. Many Cavalry are vastly superior combatants on horse than they are on foot as a result."
- Cavalry (Prestige Class, 5 levels max)
Hit Die: 1d10
Proficiencies: All types of armor, shields, simple and martial weapons
Skill Points: 2 + INT modifier
Base Attack Progression: +1
Primary Saving Throws: Fortitude
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Discipline, Heal, Lore, Parry, Ride, Spot, Taunt, Intimidate
- Base Attack Bonus: +10
Skills: 10 Ride
(Class opened to all races (Static Skins will not work, obviously)
- Cavalry Mount (3/day), 10% Speed Increase, 40 Temporary HP
- Bonus Feat, 10% Speed Increase, 80 Temporary HP
- 10% Speed Increase, 120 Temporary HP, +1 AB, +1 Damage
- Bonus Feat, 20% Speed Increase, 160 Temporary HP, +1 AB, +1 Damage
- 30% Speed Increase, 200 Temporary HP, +2 AB, +2 Damage
Bonus Feats:
At levels 2, and 4, the Cavalry can choose a Bonus Feat from the fighter bonus feat list, save for Weapon Specialisation.
Cavalry Mount
At level one, upon gaining the feat, you are given a widget that lets you alternate between different horse styles. There are currently 20 different horses you can switch between. There are four main colors (Walnut, Gunpowder, Spotted, and Black) and each of these four has 5 main variants. These variants are standard horse with saddle, horse with leather barding, horse with scale mail barding, horse with purple bardings, and horse with red bardings.
Your AC while mounted will be calculated based off of your riding skill. You will lose tumble AC while mounted and instead gain 1 AC per 5 base ranks of Ride.
Some ranged weapons can be used when mounted, but only after you have taken the Mounted Archery feat. (Note: Mounted Archery does not grant any additional benefits as it does in the base game. It also no longer requires Mounted Combat in order to take it.) Allowed ranged weapons:- Shortbow
Light Crossbow
- Shortbow
- Base Attack Bonus: +10
Cavalry - Custom Mounts
Cavalry characters get one free bottled companion OR generic summon of their mount. If you don't want one of the generic mounts available on the Cavalry Mount widget already, you can get a single free custom mount of the "normal" mount options of your choice (at the delivering DM's discretion - it should fit the character). In addition to other horse models not available by default (such as a white horse), any of the following racial alternatives can be purchased from a racially appropriate location (A dwarf can buy a riding boar from Barak Runedar, for example.) The special Class Combination alternatives can only be chosen if the listed class is your primary class for a base class or at least 10 levels for a PrC.
In other words, you can switch your "default" mount to a racial or class selection as outlined below for free. You can also get a bottled companion (or generic summon) of that mount for free. You do not need to write a request for these.
If the mount you want is not in the lists below, you will pay normal skinchanger/summon reskin/bottled companion DC fees (it's 10 DCs for both a new mount and a summon/BC of it), and you must write a request for it. If you want more than one mount beyond what's available on the widget, you will have to pay for those, too. Only the first mount change + summon is free for Cavalry characters.
General Guideline for Racial Alternatives to Horses:
- Dwarves - Riding lizard (Not Peylio). Boar. Polar Bear.
- Elves - Deer. Elk.
- Gnomes/Halflings - Any goat. Riding dog (Only have wolves, but if it's a dog in RP, it's fine.)
- Half-Elf - Any camel. Deer. Elk.
- Half-Orc - Boar. Riding Wolf.
- Humans - Any camel.
- Drow - Riding lizard (Not Peylio).
- Other Monsters - Riding lizard (Not Peylio). Boar. Riding Wolf.
General Guideline for Class Combination Alternatives to Horses:
- Pale Master - Any undead horse.
- Blackguard - Any Nightmare.
- Ranger - Any Griffon.
- Paladin - Any white unicorn.
If you choose a custom normal mount, that will be the one we make into your free BC/summon (so you can't get a bear mount but ask for a riding lizard summon).
If you want your Cavalry character to use one of the exotic mounts, listed in this post, but your race or class does not grant access to it, then those still require a request, suitable RP, and the 10 DC cost for the mount change and BC/summon.
- charles1810
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"The Duelist is an expert of fighting with a single, one handed weapon. These masters range from fast, quick, rapier-wielding duelists to the legendary katana users who can take down their foe in one quick slash. Their fighting style is a one that allows flexibility through one hand being free for balance, a quick punch, or a sudden shift of their stance where they can use their weapon in both hands for added power."
- Duelist (Prestige Class, 5 levels max)
Hit Die: 1d10
Proficiencies: Weapon Proficiency (Martial)
Skill Points: 2 + INT modifier
Base Attack Progression: +1
Primary Saving Throws: Fortitude
Class Skills: Discipline, Heal, Lore, Parry, Spot, Tumble, Intimidate, Ride
- Base Attack Bonus: +8
Skills: 18 Parry
Note: Duelist can not be taken with Monk levels, neither can Monk be taken with Duelist levels. This is mechanically enforced so you physically are unable to take this combination in game. Further, Duelist abilities are disabled when you polymorph, since polymorphs are already balanced around the form's lack (or use) of a shield.
- +1 Shield AC, +1 Piercing damage
- +3 Shield AC, +2 Piercing damage
- +4 Shield AC, +3 Piercing damage, Improved Parry
- +5 Shield AC, +4 Piercing damage
- +7 Shield AC, +5 Piercing damage, +1 AB
These bonuses only apply while wielding a single, one-handed weapon.
- Base Attack Bonus: +8
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Escape Artist
Escape Artist
"The Escape Artist is a master of getting out of a situation completely unharmed. Their own personal safety is the only thing on their mind."
- Escape Artist (Prestige Class, 10 levels max)
Hit Die: 1d6
Proficiencies: Weapon Proficiency (Rogue)
Skill Points: 8 + INT modifier
Base Attack Progression: +3/4
Primary Saving Throws: Reflex
Class Skills: Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Persuade, Pick Pocket, Search, Spot, Tumble, Open Lock
- Feats: Dodge
Skills: 10 Tumble, 5 Open Lock
- Uncanny dodge I
- Self Concealment I
- Uncanny Dodge II, Evasion
- Self Concealment II
- Uncanny Dodge III, Vanish I
- Self Concealment III
- Uncanny Dodge IV, Defensive Roll
- Self Concealment IV
- Uncanny Dodge V, Slippery Mind
- Uncanny Dodge VI, Improved Evasion, Self Concealment V, Vanish II
At level 5 upon death the Escape Artist revives instantly with 1/2 hp and invisibility. Upon level 10 the Escape Artist will revive instantly with full hp and invisibility
- Feats: Dodge
- charles1810
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Field Medicus
Field Medicus
"Most individuals in the realm are not capable of summoning forth their gods power to heal others; They must do it the old-fashioned way. Field Medicus are experienced healers who spend most of their time in the battlefield tending wounds and preventing death. They are usually the unsung heroes of war bands or even bandit groups."
- Field Medicus (Prestige Class, 5 levels max)
Hit Die: 1d10
Proficiencies: None
Skill Points: 3 + INT modifier
Base Attack Progression: +3/4
Primary Saving Throws: Fortitude, Will
Class Skills: Concentration, Discipline, Heal, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Parry, Search, Spot, Taunt
- Feats: Skill Focus: Heal
Skills: 8 Heal, 5 Discipline
- Combat Bandage I
- Bonus Feat, Strong Soul
- Combat Bandage II
- Bonus Feat, Iron Will, Great Fortitude
- Combat Bandage III, Manufacture Heal Kits, Perfect Health
Combat Bandage
An ability with a 20 second cooldown. In touch range, it imparts the target with regeneration equal to the users Wisdom modifier, to a maximum of five, for rounds equal to two rounds per level of Field Medicus.
At class level 3, it additionally grants a +2 universal save bonus for one turn per level of Field Medicus. This bonus improves to +3 at level 5.
At class level 5, it also grants 50 temporary hit points for 5 rounds
Manufacture Heal Kits
At fifth level, the Field Medicus is adept at having to create various forms of healing kits, they can create Healing Kits +25, which are untradeable and bound to the player, for a 5,000 gold price for a stack of 10.
- Feats: Skill Focus: Heal
- charles1810
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Path of Enlightenment
Path of Enlightenment
"The Path of Enlightenment is one few reach. The ones who do, though, unlock untold potiental within themselves. Their abilities and mastery of their own bodies becomes supernatural and their understanding of their ki unparallelled."
- Path of Enlightenment (Prestige Class, 5 levels max)
Hit Die: 1d8
Proficiencies: None
Skill Points: 4 + INT modifier
Base Attack Progression: N/A
Primary Saving Throws: N/A
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Discipline, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Parry, Persuade, Tumble
- Feats: Perfect Self (20+ Monk levels)
- On level 1, the Monk must choose a Path, granting different Enlightement effects depending on the path. Enlightenment can only be used with fists, and is a tun on/off ability.
Path of Mists
"A monk that chooses the enlightened Path of Mists learns how to use their inner ki to establish a semi-permanent state of unrestricted movement. They are harder to hit, and impossible to restrict or trap."- +2 AB, 10% Concealment, +1 cold damage
- +2 AB, 20% Concealment, +2 cold damage
- +2 AB, 30% Concealment, +3 cold damage
- +2 AB, 40% Concealment, +4 cold damage
- +2 AB, 50% Concealment, +5 cold damage, Freedom
"A monk that chooses the enlightened Path of Elements learns how to use their inner ki to establish a semi-permanent connection with the elements. Fire, electricity and cold are all sources of power that the monk can freely generate and use."- +2 AB, 5/- elemental damage resistance, +4 elemental damage
- +2 AB, 7/- elemental damage resistance, +6 elemental damage
- +2 AB, 10/- elemental damage resistance, +8 elemental damage
- +2 AB, 12/- elemental damage resistance, +10 elemental damage
- +2 AB, 15/- elemental damage resistance, +12 elemental damage
"A monk that chooses the enlightened Path of Life learns how to use their inner ki to repel death itself. They develop super human regeneration and iron will to resist death magic."- +2 AB, +2 Regeneration
- +2 AB, +4 Regeneration
- +2 AB, +6 Regeneration
- +2 AB, +8 Regeneration
- +2 AB, +10 Regeneration, Immunity: Death Magic
"A monk that chooses the enlightened Path of Ironskin learns how to use their inner ki to harden their exterior from harm. Their flesh becomes like stone and many physical attacks bounce right off. They become dense and heavy while pursuing this path."
Note: Movement speed is reduced while active.- +2 AB, 5/- Damage Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage
- +2 AB, 10/- Damage Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage
- +2 AB, 15/- Damage Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage
- +2 AB, 20/- Damage Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage
- +2 AB, 25/- Damage Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage
"A monk that chooses the enlightened Path of Anti-Magic learns how to use their ki to amplify their already significant resistance to magic."
Note: Path of Enlightenment doesn't benefit from normal monk SR progression. Instead, Path of Anti-Magic is built to emulate the normal SR level progression with added boosts.- +2 AB, +3 Spell Resistance
- +2 AB, +4 Spell Resistance
- +2 AB, +7 Spell Resistance
- +2 AB, +8 Spell Resistance
- +2 AB, +11 Spell Resistance, 5/- Damage Resistance versus Magic damage
"A monk that chooses the enlightened Path of Pain learns to unlock the hidden potiental of ones body. They push themselves beyond any known limit to the point that while they enter this state they become super-human, at the cost of their own health. Their body destroys itself the longer they reside in this state: Muscles and ligaments tearing themselves apart as the user fights."
Note: While Enlightment is active you are dealt 5 divine damage on the first round and 5 more damage per consecutive round after. Round one you deals 5 damage, round 2 deals 10, round 3 deals 15, and so on.- +2 AB, +2 AC, +4 Bludgeoning damage, 4/- Damage resistance versus Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage
- +2 AB, +2 AC, +6 Bludgeoning damage, 6/- Damage resistance versus Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage
- +3 AB, +3 AC, +6 Bludgeoning damage, 6/- Damage resistance versus Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage
- +3 AB, +3 AC, +8 Bludgeoning damage, 8/- Damage resistance versus Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage
- +4 AB, +4 AC, +10 Bludgeoning damage, 10/- Damage resistance versus Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage, Haste
Path of Zen
"Placeholder"- 1/4 Wisdom mod damage
- +1 Uni Saves
- 1/3 Wisdom mod Damage
- +2 Uni Save
- 1/2 Wisdom mod AB
- charles1810
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Two Weapon Fighter
Two Weapon Fighter
"A warrior who has mastered the art of two swords. They excel at striking from multiple angles at one time, or striking and defending in one fluid motion. They are a rare breed of warrior but truly a terror on the battlefield for those few who learn to master the style."
- Two Weapon Fighter (Prestige Class, 5 levels max)
Hit Die: 1d10
Proficiencies: None
Skill Points: 2 + INT modifier
Base Attack Progression: +1
Primary Saving Throws: Fortitude
Class Skills: Concentration, Discipline, Heal, Listen, Lore, Parry, Search, Spot, Taunt, Intimidate
- Base Attack Bonus: +7
Feats: Power Attack, Lightning Reflexes
- Ambidexterity, Two Weapon Defense I
- Two-Weapon Fighting
- Two Weapon Defense II
- Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
- Epic Prowess, Two Weapon Defense IV, medium weapons are now treated as small for medium characters, and small weapons are treated as tiny for small characters for dual-wielding AB penalty purposes
Two Weapon Defense
When dual-wielding or using a double-sided weapon, you will receive a shield AC bonus of +1 at level 1, +2 at level 3, and +4 at level 5.
- Base Attack Bonus: +7
- charles1810
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"The Warslinger is an expert in the use of the weapon commonly associated with the halfling race."
- Warslinger (Prestige Class, 5 levels max)
Hit Die: 1d10
Proficiencies: Light and medium armors, shields
Skill Points: 2 + INT modifier
Base Attack Progression: +1
Primary Saving Throws: Fortitude
Class Skills: Discipline, Craft Weapon, Move Silently, Listen, Hide, Spot, Search, Tumble
- Base Attack Bonus: +5
Feats: Weapon Focus: Sling, Point Blank Shot
- Precision Ammo Crafting I
- Rapid Shot, Called Shot
- Precision Ammo Crafting II
- Improved Critical: Sling
- Precision Ammo Crafting III
Bonus Feats:
At levels 1, 3, and 5, the Warslinger can choose a Bonus Feat from the following lists:- Bonus Feat List
Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Armor proficiency (heavy), Dodge, Blind Fight, Power Attack, Improved Power Attack, Skill Focus in the following skills: Discipline, Craft Weapon, Move Silently, Listen, Hide, Spot, Search, Tumble
Epic Bonus Feat List
Epic Weapon Focus: Sling, Epic Weapon Specialisation: Sling, Overwhelming Critical: Sling, Devastating Critical: Sling, Epic Prowess, Epic Skill Focus in the following skills: Discipline, Craft Weapon, Move Silently, Listen, Hide, Spot, Search, Tumble
Warslingers are capable of bringing forth a wide variety of bullet types to take down their foes. More types of bullets become availible at levels 3 and 5.- Bullet types
Level 1: 2d6 Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage
Level 3: 2d6 Acid, Cold, Fire, or Electrical damage
Level 5: 1d6 Magical damage and +3 Vampiric Regeneration, On-Hit: Silence, On-Hit: Dispel, or 2d6 Magical damage
- Bonus Feat List
- Base Attack Bonus: +5
- charles1810
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A Paladin, Ranger, Druid, or Cleric of a faith can serve in an army under the banner of one capable of granting them Bloodsworn boons as long as the deity and the Bloodsworn's Master do not conflict. Blackguards and Warlocks may also become Bloodsworn to their pact holders/patrons.
- Bloodsworn(Prestige Class)
Hit Die: 1d10
Proficiencies: Simple Prof., Martial Prof., Shield, and Heavy Armor
Primary Saves: All
Skill Points: 4+ Int Modifier.
Skills: Concentration, Discipline, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Parry, Search, Spot, Taunt, Intimidate, and Ride
Attack Bonus Progression: 1
- Bloodsworn Feat (Gained via DM atm)
BAB 4+
Lore 6
(Max 5 Levels for this class)
- 1. Blood Gifts Ability gained, Pick any Boon
2. Pick any Boon
4. Pick any Boon
Boon of Strength
Boon of Strength: Toggleable ability. When active, it provides the Bloodsworn with an undispellable bonus to their Strength equal to 1 at Bloodsworn level 1, 2 at Bloodsworn level 3, and 3 at Bloodsworn level 5.
(There's one of those for each of the stats, DEX, CON, INT, etc)
Boon of Life
Boon of Life: Toggleable ability. When active, it provides the Bloodsworn with an undispellable regeneration equal to 1 at Bloodsworn level 1, 2 at Bloodsworn level 3, and 3 at Bloodsworn level 5
Boon of Luck
Boon of Luck: Toggleable ability. When active, it provides the Bloodsworn with an undispellable bonus to their saving throws equal to 1 at Bloodsworn level 1, 2 at Bloodsworn level 3, and 4 at Bloodsworn level 5.
Boon of Shadows
Boon of Shadows: Toggleable ability. When active, it provides the Bloodsworn with an undispellable bonus to hide and move silently equal to 2 per Bloodsworn level. Also provides an undispellable ultravision.
Boon of Perception
Boon of Perception. Toggleable ability. When active, it provides the Bloodsworn with an undispellable bonus to spot and listen equal to 2 per Bloodsworn level. Also provides an undispellable see invisibility.
Boon of Magical Defense
Boon of Magical Defense: Toggleable ability that gives the Bloodsworn an amount of spell resistance equal to their character level-8, plus 2 per level of Bloodsworn.
Boon of Stability
Boon of Stability: Toggleable ability. When active, it provides the Bloodsworn with an undispellable bonus to discipline equal to 2 per Bloodsworn level. - Bloodsworn Feat (Gained via DM atm)
- charles1810
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Abyssal Corrupted
Fiendish Corrupted
(UNIQUE CLASS) Twisted, deformed, and mutated. Fiendish Corrupted are infused with and affected by the very energies that cause the endless unique spawning of demons in the Abyss, or with other fiendish magics.
- Fiendish Corrupted(Prestige Class)
Hit Die: 1d10
Proficiencies: Simple Prof., Shield, and Light Armor
Primary Saves: All
Skill Points: 4+ Int Modifier.
Skills: Concentration, Discipline, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Parry, Search, Spot, Taunt, Tumble, Intimidate, and Ride
Attack Bonus Progression: 1/2 (Epic only class so always 1/2)
- Corruption Feat (Gained via in game means)
Epic Character Feat
(Max 5 Levels for this class)
Level 1: Abyssal Ability (Gain a new unique ability based on what form your corruption takes. You can pick how it manifests ingame.)
Level 2: Bonus Ability Point (Bonus feat you can pick any of the Epic attribute feats)
Level 4: Bonus Ability Point (Bonus feat you can pick any of the Epic attribute feats)
- 1. Abyssal Abilities (Unlimited use ability)
Wings = Level 1: Unlimited Flight, Level 3: Unlimited Flight + Damage Buffet on Landing (3Abyssal Corruption Levels of Bludgeoning Damage) in a Medium Radius Sphere (DC 20 Reflex Save), Level 5: Unlimited Flight + Damage/KD Buffet on Landing (3Abyssal Corruption Levels of Bludgeoning Damage) in a Medium Radius Sphere with a 3 second KD (DC 25 Reflex Save).
Tail = Whirlwind Attack but with an additional 5*Abyssal Corruption Level of Bludgeoning Damage, and a KD effect (d20 + Targets Str Versus 3*Abyssal Corruption Level + d20) to all targets around.
Horns ( 8 Round Up Time, 2 Round Cool down ) = Electrical Damage on hit shield (Like Death Armor, etc) that is 2*Abyssal Corruption Level of damage. 1d4 random bonus damage will be gained at level 3 to shield, and at level 5 you gain 5% physical immunity.
Legs ( 8 Round Up Time, 2 Round Cool down ) = Level 1: 25% Speed Increase, Level 3: 50% Speed Increase + Evasion, Level 5: 50% Speed Increase + Improved Evasion.
- Corruption Feat (Gained via in game means)
- charles1810
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(UNIQUE CLASS) Peer's are powerful leaders who are responsible for the survival of the people or land under their care. They claim or are bestowed upon them titles.
- Peerage(Prestige Class)
Hit Die: 1d10
Proficiencies: Simple Prof., Martial Prof., and Light Armor
Primary Saves: All
Skill Points: 4+ Int Modifier.
Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Discipline, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Parry, Persuade, Search, Spot, Taunt, Intimidate, and Ride
Attack Bonus Progression: 1
- Peer Feat (Gained via DM)
Persuade Skill 5
(Max 5 Levels for this class)
Level 2: Summon Vassal (You can summon your personal guard and vassal to your side)
Level 5: Summon Superior Vassal (Upgraded Vassal after level 20)- Summon Vassal
Summon Vassal - If you have base Persuade skill of 10 you will receive bonuses to your vassal. You motivate them to be better.
Persuade 10-14 = +2 Constitution
Persuade 15-19 = +3 Constitution
Persuade 20-24 = +4 Constitution
Persuade 25-29 = +5 Constitution, +2 Strength
Persuade 30+ = +6 Constitution, +4 Strength, +1 Regeneration
- Peer Feat (Gained via DM)
- charles1810
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(UNIQUE CLASS) Lycanthropes are a curse to many but a gift to those who can master their affliction.
- Lycanthropes (Prestige Class)
Note 1: On Amia Bard Song, Curse Song, and Defensive Stance are disabled while polymorphed.
Note 2: All items merge on transformation.
Note 3: AC Progression is based on level, and Shield AC progression is based on Lycan Level
AC Progression
Shifters gain a unique bonus AC progression which applies when shapeshifted.
At level 20, a total bonus of +26 AC is gained when shifted.Code: Select all
Character Level -> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armor | 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 Deflection | 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 Dodge | 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 Natural | 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 Shield | Lycan Level + 1
Hit Die: 1d10
Proficiencies: Simple Prof., Shield, and Light Armor
Primary Saves: All
Skill Points: 4+ Int Modifier.
Skills: Animal Empathy, Concentration, Discipline, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Parry, Search, Spot, Taunt, Tumble, Intimidate, and Ride
Attack Bonus Progression: 3/4
Infection Feat
DM approval
Those with fey racial and disease immunity cannot be infected by hostile werecreatures.
(Max 5 Levels for this class)
Level 1: Lycanthrope Transformation Feat (You can take the form of your type of Lycan)
Level 2-5: You unlock upgraded Lycanthrope forms that scale to your character level. You require both the overall character level and class level to get the lycan forms listed below.
- Lycanthrope Transformation(Unlimited use ability)
Level 1-5 (Lycanthrope Level 1 as well) = Lycan Form 1
Level 5-10 (Lycanthrope Level 1 as well) = Lycan Form 2
Level 10-15 (Lycanthrope Level 2 as well) = Lycan Form 3
Level 15-20 (Lycanthrope Level 3 as well) = Lycan Form 4
Level 20-25 (Lycanthrope Level 4 as well) = Lycan Form 5
Level 25-30 (Lycanthrope Level 5 as well) = Lycan Form 6
- Lycanthrope Transformation(Unlimited use ability)
New stats: Str 28 Con 24, and Dex 20.
Hide: Darkvision, Evasion, Weapon Focus Creature, Epic WF Creature, Damage Resistance Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing 5/-, Regeneration +4, Skill bonus Concentration, Discipline, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, and Spot all +25
Damage Form:
Temp HP 30
Claws: +5, 2d8 Monster Damage, On Hit Blind DC 20
Hide: Same as standard, and Blind Fight gained
Abilities: Fear Howl, Ferocity (+3 Dex and Str)
Tank Form:
Temp HP 60
Claws: +5, 1d8 Monster Damage, On Hit Poison with low 20s DC that targets DEX
Hide: Same as standard, and Epic Damage Reduction 1+2 Gained.
Abilities: Fear Howl, Rage (+3 Con and Str)
Evasive/Nimble Form:
Temp HP 30
Claws: +5, 1d8 Monster Damage
Hide: Same as standard, Blackguard Sneak 2d6, Improved Evasion + Uncanny Dodge gained.
Abilities: Fear Howl, Intensity (+3 Dex and Con)
Form Categories
Damage Type: Werewolf, Werebat, Wereshark, and Werechicken
Tank Type: Werecroc, Wereboar, and Werebear
Evasive/Nimble Type: Wererat, Wereowl, Werefox, Wereraccoon and Werecat
This is an ooc class being used to emulate a template of Lycanthrope, with very specific lore that is indepth to understand to play correctly. To gain access you are required to submit a request.