The Calendar of Harptos - In-Game Dates

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The Calendar of Harptos - In-Game Dates

Post by Jes »

This is the current In Game year for the Amia campaign setting:

1392 DR
Amia-Specific Year Names:
1388 DR - The Year of Desolation
1389 DR - The Year of Rebirth
1390 DR - The Year of Tumult
1391 DR - The Year of Schism
1392 DR - Undecided


Calendar of Harptos

Most of Faerûn uses the Calendar of Harptos, named after the long-dead wizard who invented it. Few bother to refer to Harptos by name, since the calendar is the only calendar they know.

Each year of 365 days is divided into 12 months of 30 days, and each month is divided into three tendays. Five special days fall between the months. These annual holidays mark the seasons or the changing of the seasons. The months of Faerûn roughly correspond to the months of the Gregorian calendar. We've chosen the following days to represent the bigger Faerun holidays. Shieldmeet is an extra holiday which occurs every four years, coinciding with our leap years. 1392 DR (2024) is a Shieldmeet year.

  • 1. Hammer (Deepwinter)1. Hammer = January
    Midwinter = Hammer 31Midwinter (Observed) = January 28th
    2. Alturiak (the Claw of Winter or the Claws of the Cold)2. Alturiak = February
    3. Ches (the Claw of Sunsets)3. Ches = March
    Spring Equinox = Ches 19Spring Equinox (Observed) = March 17th
    4. Tarsakh (the Claw of Storms)4. Tarsakh = April
    Greengrass = Tarsakh 30Greengrass (Observed) = April 28th
    5. Mirtul (the Melting)5. Mirtul = May
    6. Kythorn (the Time of Flowers)6. Kythorn = June
    Summer Solstice = Kythorn 20Summer Solstice (Observed) = June 22nd
    7. Flamerule (Summertide)7. Flamerule = July
    Midsummer = Flamerule 30Midsummer (Observed) = July 27th
    SHIELDMEET (every 4 years)SHIELDMEET (Observed) = Jul 28th
    8. Eleasis (Highsun)8. Eleasis = August
    9. Eleint (the Fading)9. Eleint = September
    Autumn Equinox = Eleint 18Autumn Equinox (Observed) = September 21st
    Highharvestide = Eleint 30Highharvestide (Observed) = September 29th
    10. Marpenoth (Leafall)10. Marpenoth = October
    11. Uktar (the Rotting)11. Uktar = November
    The Feast of the Moon = Uktar 30Feast of the Moon = November 30th
    12. Nightal (the Drawing Down)12. Nightal = December
    Winter Solstice = Nightal 18Winter Solstice (Observed) = December 21st

Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Also seen as [DM] Hlal or [DM] Dragonlady.