This is a catalog of feats, skills, and weapons that have been modified on Amia.
Feats, Skills, Armors & Weapons on Amia
Feats, Skills, Armors & Weapons on Amia
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
These feats are modified from their default implementations.
- Blinding Speed
- This feat is no longer single-use per rest. It now has a cooldown of 90 seconds before it can be used again. The cooldown begins when it is cast, so there is an effective 30 seconds between Haste effects.
- Brew Potion
- Brewing potions no longer consumes XP, instead only using gold. For this, it uses the formula of Caster Level (of the potion) × innate level × 12.5.
- Craft Wand
- Crafting wands no longer consumes XP, instead only using gold. For this, it uses the formula of Caster Level (of the wand) × innate level × 750.
- Devastating Critical
- This feat no longer instantly kills on a failed fortitude save. Instead, it knocks the opponent down for X rounds, along with inflicting Blind, Deafness and Silence for X turns. X is determined by the weapon's base critical hit range:
- Large-sized weapon, 20x Critical: 4 rounds/turns
- Other sizes of weapons, 20x Critical: 3 rounds/turns
- 19-20x Critical: 2 rounds/turns
- 18-20x Critical: 1 round/turns
- This feat no longer instantly kills on a failed fortitude save. Instead, it knocks the opponent down for X rounds, along with inflicting Blind, Deafness and Silence for X turns. X is determined by the weapon's base critical hit range:
- Disarm & Improved Disarm
- Disarming an opponent no longer causes the weapon to be dropped or to go into the inventory of the character performing the Disarm attack (in the case of unarmed Disarm attempts). The weapon that is being Disarmed will instead be unequipped and any quick-slot that it was attached to will be cleared, causing a delay in any re-equipping of that weapon.
- Divine Might
- The damage this feat gives is capped to the total amount of your cleric, paladin and blackguard levels added together (e.g. A level 4 Cleric/level 3 Monk with 20 Charisma will only receive +4 damage, rather than +5). This cap does not apply to the duration.
- Divine Shield
- The AC this feat gives is capped to the total amount of your cleric, paladin and blackguard levels added together (e.g. A level 4 Cleric/level 3 Monk with 20 Charisma will only receive +4 AC, rather than +5). This cap does not apply to the duration.
- Dragonshape
- The Druid's Dragonshape now requires 28 Wisdom instead of 30.
- Improved Whirlwind Attack
- No longer requires 23 Dexterity.
- Scribe Scroll
- Scribing scrolls no longer consumes XP, instead only using gold. For this, it uses the formula of Caster Level (of the scroll) × innate level × 25.
- Spell Focus (And Greater/Epic Spell Focus)
- These feats grant additional bonuses. See this post for more information.
- Weapon Finesse
- This feat affects the following weapons in addition to the default NWN weapons: Bastard Sword, Club, Katana, Longsword, Scimitar, Spear, Trident, Two-Bladed Sword[/url]
These are feats we have added for Amia.
- Craft Wondrous Items
- Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisites: The ability to cast 5th circle spells, Level 12 Caster Level
This crafting feat allows you to craft any non-consumable magical item. It adds an ability to your class feat radial that you can use on specific "Unfinished" items to finish crafting them. The cost for you to do this is 25,000 gp. If you have base ranks in Craft Armor or Craft Weapon, the cost will be reduced by 5,000 gp for each 10 base ranks you have in both skills added together. Example: if you have 25 base ranks in both skills, for a total of 50 ranks combined, then the gold cost is fully removed. Skill bonuses from items do not apply to this discount.
Additionally, you can target a standard Job System crafted weapon in your inventory. This will open a dialogue to allow you to add additional properties to the item in exchange for a gold cost. This feature will not work on anything but Job System weapons. These additional qualities can be used in tandem with the mythal system and thus can allow casters with this feat to bypass the power limits of the mythal system if performed on a job system weapon that has already been fully mythaled. (Note: This feature will be removed when the mythal crafting system overhaul is completed.)
Options:- Steel/Iron Weapon = +1 Enhancement, +1d6 Damage*
Silver Weapon = +2 Enhancement, +1d6 Damage*
Mithral/Adamantine Weapon = +3 Enhancement, +1d8 Damage*, Keen
*Damage is Fire, Acid, Cold, Electric, or Sonic
- Steel/Iron Weapon = +1 Enhancement, +1d6 Damage*
- Type of Feat: Class
- Heritage Feat
- Some of our subraces have an optional Heritage Feat that will allow the character to gain some extra traits normally inherent to their particular subrace, such as Svirfneblin gaining more Spell Resistance. This feat must be taken in Epic Levels, but is not required to play the character. DO NOT take this feat if your race does not have one. It will be a wasted feat. See the Races page for more information.
Note: This feat grants your character neither any IC bloodline enhancements nor justification for access to additional perks. This is an OOC mechanic implemented for balance purposes, not an indication that your character is more [insert race] than another character of the same race that doesn't have this feat.
- General Feat
Prerequisite: Heavy Armor Proficiency
You have been trained to use heavy armor in a manner that no longer needs a shield due to the armor acting as a shield in its own capacity. This does not come without its costs, as you find yourself less nimble and thus less capable of employing your reflexes.
You gain +4 Shield AC while in heavy armor with a two-handed weapon. You lose 3 reflex, and the x2 strength modifier bonus to damage is reverted to x1.5. You retain the +2 attack bonus.
The effects of this feat do not function with monkey grip.
- Class feat
Prerequisite: 25 Warlock, Spellcraft 24
The Warlock's Eldritch Blast deals +25% damage and grants +3 bonus to attack rolls for 1 round. The attack bonus does not stack with itself.
- Class feat
Prerequisite: Epic Warlock
Adds +1d6 damage to Eldritch Blast. This feat can be taken multiple times.
- General
- Sticky Combat Modes has been turned on for Amia. This means that combat modes such as Power Attack or Expertise will remain on after combat ends. Actions that would normally turn a combat mode off, such as casting spells when Expertise is on, will still turn such combat modes off, however moving your character alone will no longer turn them off.
- Some of our subraces have an optional Heritage Feat that will allow the character to gain some extra traits normally inherent to their particular subrace, such as Svirfneblin gaining more Spell Resistance. This feat must be taken in Epic Levels, but is not required to play the character. DO NOT take this feat if your race does not have one. It will be a wasted feat. See the Races page for more information.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
These skills are modified from their default implementations.
- Appraise
- Appraise affects the buy/sell prices of merchants to a certain margin. Take your Appraise skill (ranks + buffs) divided by three with a cap of 15. Thus you can get up to 15% discount. (Racial Bonuses from 1.69 Amia do not apply at this time.)
In numbers: Discount at shops = ( Appraise / 3 ) %, in which ( Appraise / 3 ) cannot be more than 15. This means that the highest Appraise score you need to cap the merchant discounts will be 45 points (gear can be used to reach this).
- Appraise affects the buy/sell prices of merchants to a certain margin. Take your Appraise skill (ranks + buffs) divided by three with a cap of 15. Thus you can get up to 15% discount. (Racial Bonuses from 1.69 Amia do not apply at this time.)
- Pickpocket
- The Pickpocket skill no longer functions as normal on Amia. See here for a full description of how Pickpocket works on our server.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
These weapons are modified from their default implementations.
- Quarterstaff
- May be used by Monks with full unarmed attack progression and Flurry of Blows applicable, just like a kama.
- Trident
- Tridents are treated as a simple, one-handed weapon with 1d8 base damage and 20/x2 critical range, ergo can be used with a shield.
- General: Two-Handed Weapons
- +2 Attack Bonus
- Bonus Damage is equal to 2x your strength modifier, instead of 1.5
- This change affects all two-handed weapons except Quarterstaff. For small characters, it also applies to usually one-handed weapons that become two-handed due to small size.
- Bastard Sword, Club, Katana, Longsword, Scimitar, Spear, Trident, Two-Bladed Sword
- These weapons can benefit from the Weapon Finesse feat on Amia.
- Magic Staff, 2h version
- On amia there is both a 1h and 2h version of the magic staff, both sharing same aesthetics. Note: echantments currently wont work on these.
Moonseer Sui'Aerl Valis - Guardian of Moonpier
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
Cromlech - Protector of Ostland and Wanted Criminal
Zellani Simmons - Regent of Kohlingen, Mother, Widow
- charles1810
- Posts: 3749
- Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2020 6:59 pm
- Location: EST
These armors are modified from their default implementations.
- Leather
- AC 2 Max DEX Bonus 7
- Studded Leather
- AC 3 Max DEX Bonus 6
- Hide
- AC 3 Max DEX Bonus 6
- Chain Shirt
- AC 4 Max DEX Bonus 5
- Scale Mail
- AC 4 Max DEX Bonus 5
- Breastplate
- AC 5 Max DEX Bonus 4
- Chainmail
- AC 5 Max DEX Bonus 4
- Banded Mail
- AC 6 Max DEX Bonus 3
- Splint Mail
- AC 6 Max DEX Bonus 3
- Half Plate
- AC 7 Max DEX Bonus 2