Moon Elves receive +2 DEX and -2 CON at character creation.
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Most supported races on Amia are available at character creation. The few which require a bit more than simply clicking the right option have the additional instructions listed next to them below. Generally speaking, those races require little more than choosing the appropriate "base" race (which is one of the default Neverwinter Nights races, like Moon Elf or Shield Dwarf) and typing the name of the race into the Subrace field in the race selection screen. The keyword is not case-sensitive, but take care to spell it correctly or you'll have to remake the character! After you have done this, your race will automatically be activated when you use the statue to enter the game world.
The stats presented in the tables below override the racial modifiers for the "base" race you choose (for example, you will not receive both Moon Elf and Fire Genasi ability adjustments). This can be a little confusing, since the abilities you put into the Ability screen at character creation won't reflect accurately on one of these other subraces. Just try to keep in mind that moon elves will receive +2 CON and -2 DEX before applying Fire Genasi +2 INT and -2 CHA. You can see a more detailed example below:
Moon Elves receive +2 DEX and -2 CON at character creation.
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Shield Dwarf |
Racial Traits |
Survivors of age-old wars against the goblinoid races and the mysterious and powerful creatures of the Underdark, the Shield Dwarves are most commonly found in the northern reaches of western and central Faerûn. Larger than their gold dwarven kin, a shield dwarf averages at four and a half foot tall and weighs around as much as an adult human. Their skin is often fair or lightly tanned, and their eyes are generally a green or silvered blue. Males often bear a finely groomed beard or moustache. Stubborn at heart, a shield dwarf never goes against their word or their oaths, only ever breaking a bond or agreement should there be no alternative. Traditionally slow to trust and even slower to forget a slight against them, shield dwarves bear a rather clear-cut outlook on the world and its many inhabitants. Many are adventurers out of proudly held traditions, and many follow this route simply to equal or exceed their predecessors. Shield Dwarves tend toward Lawful alignments. |
Default Race
Gold Dwarf |
Racial Traits |
Generally residing in the South in the immediate area surrounding the Great Rift, the Gold Dwarves are the dominate southern branch of dwarves. Around four foot tall, and weighing as much as a full grown human, thanks to being short and stocky. Their skin is light brown to deep tan, often with (esp. males) finely groomed beards. They are proud of their heritage and themselves, and often believe that anything worth doing is worth doing well, and bear a consistent and strong amount of confidence in what they do. They tend to measure people by the wealth and honour they gain, in addition to their heritage. They strongly believe that the ancient traditions of the Deep Realm are best, and live by the them to the letter. Gold Dwarves tend toward Lawful alignments. |
Moon Elf |
Racial Traits |
Moon elves are the most common elven subrace on Faerûn, inhabiting most of Faerûn's land on some level. Fair skinned with an occasional hinting of blue, with hair of silver-white, blue, or black; humanlike colours are rare. Moon elves by their very nature are more impulsive than the elves of other types, unable to ever remain in one place for any significant amount of time. Generally happiest when traveling, they tend to meet many adventurers of varied races; leading to them being far more accepting of their non-elven comrades they're likely to encounter. Moon Elves tend towards Chaotic Good. |
Default Race
Aquatic Elf- Requires DM Permission: See this post. Type Aquatic Elf exactly as written (space and all) into the Subrace field after choosing the Moon Elf default race (and after gaining DM approval through a request). |
Racial Traits |
The Aquatic Elves are civilized and good-hearted at their core, inhabiting the seas of Faerûn. They're rather tall, standing at six feet or more in height, their body also being larger than usual. Their limbs are long and trained for swimming, with thick webbing between their fingers and toes. The color of their skin often depends on their home land, with those of the Great Sea having deep green skin with brown hinting, to those of the Sea of Fallen Stars having blue skin with white patches and stripes. Aquatic elves tend to only trust their close neighbors and family, despite sharing many strong bonds of history and culture with any land-dwelling elf acquaintance. Aquatic Elves tend toward Chaotic Good. Reminder: Type Aquatic Elf in the Subrace field of a Moon Elf and click the statue to activate this subrace. You will not see the Aquatic Elf changes until you do this. Don't do this unless you have an approved request, however. |
Avariel- Requires DM Permission: See this post. Type Avariel exactly as written into the Subrace field after choosing the Moon Elf default race (and after gaining DM approval through a request).- This Race has a Heritage Feat option. |
Racial Traits |
The avariels, or winged elves, are without a doubt the most reclusive and least numerous of the elven subraces on Faerûn. Many scholars have long dismissed them as creatures of myth. In truth, small numbers of avariels still dwell in Faerûn, concealed in hidden enclaves and remote regions. The most striking feature of the avariels is their soft, feathered wings. These wings have spans of anywhere from twelve to sixteen feet and are usually white, but may also be gray, brown, black, or speckled. Avariels take great pride in their wings and spend long hours grooming them. Their skin is pale, often porcelain white, with tinges of blue or faint silver. They have silverwhite or black hair, with other shades being rare but not unheard of. The avariels' eyes are rather large and more expressive than those of other elves, and they tend to be brilliant shades of blue or green. A few avariel have scintillating violet eyes as pure as amethysts. Avariels stand 5'9" tall on average, with thin, graceful limbs and angular facial features. They are the most beautiful and striking of the elven races, although too often this beauty is marred by haughtiness and condescension toward their landbound kin, whom they often pity. Avariels are even more delicate than other elves, and their movements are quick, calculated, and graceful. They prefer to wear loose fitting, diaphanous clothing that catches the wind in flight and ripples and weaves in the air. Armor is almost never worn, because it tends to weigh the avariels down and hinder their graceful motion. Avariels cannot fly while wearing heavy armor. Reminder: Type Avariel in the Subrace field of a Moon Elf and click the statue to activate this subrace. You will not see the Avariel changes until you do this. Don't do this unless you have an approved request, however. |
Heritage Feat:
Centaur- Requires DM Permission: See this post. Type Centaur exactly as written into the Subrace field after choosing the Moon Elf default race (and after gaining DM approval through a request). |
Racial Traits |
Centaurs are large creatures that live in temperate forest. A centaur has the upper body of a humanoid and the lower body of a large horse. They stand around 7 feet tall and weigh approximately 2,100 pounds. Centaurs are a strong and proud race. Although they typically strive to find peace and balance with nature, they can act with violence when the need arises. Although some are solitary, centaurs generally live in tribal hunter-gatherer societies. Those who feel a sense of wanderlust to explore the world make excellent companions, and occasionally offer a ride to allies. The suggestion that they be used as a pack animal however is instantly met with derision. Centaurs have good relations with elves, as they are both creatures of the forest. They generally despise humans and dwarves but aren't actively hostile toward them. They tolerate gnomes and halflings. It is said centaurs have a superstitious fear of dragons and giants. Centaurs tend to be Neutral Good. Note: You can choose between four different centaur color options. The default is a walnut horse color. A DM can change you to gunpowder, black, or spotted horse colors when you set up the character for the first time. Reminder: Type Centaur in the Subrace field of a Moon Elf and click the statue to activate this subrace. You will not see the Centaur changes until you do this. Don't do this unless you have an approved request, however. |
Drow- This Race has a Heritage Feat option |
Racial Traits |
The drow, or dark elves, are an offshoot of the surface elves. Once a glorious nation, they were cast down during the Crown Wars for the terrible crimes they committed. They now live in the depths of the Underdark, the endless tunnels and caverns below Faerûn's surface. The drow are built much like surface elves – slim and lithe. They may be marginally smaller than their surface dwelling kin, though. Their dark skin and often white hair sets them apart from the rest. Most drow worship Lolth. Drow compete with each other constantly; manipulation, subtlety and betrayal are the tools of drow politics. In Lolthite society, status is everything. The cities are matriarchal, with females ruling over males. While drow are generally chaotic, their society is very orderly on the outside, even to the extent of being totalitarian. They think of themselves as better than the barbaric lesser races, and will seemingly respect the hierarchy. However, this is only the facade: As long as you're not caught, everything goes. Those drow who abhor Lolth's way usually flee to the surface, where they often turn to Vhaeraun. Some may take to the ways of Eilistraee, as well. These drow are quite unorganized and not common, though they flock to Amia in hopes of sanctuary at the Eilistraee's Shrine located on the island. Drow tend toward Chaotic Evil. Eilistraeen Drow tend toward Chaotic Good. |
Heritage Feat:
Sun Elf |
Racial Traits |
Sun Elves mostly inhabit the land of Evermeet, after abandoning life on the mainland in the time following the fall of Cormanthyr. They're only now starting to regain their land. They have bronzed skin with hair of a golden blond, copper or black, and their eyes are gold, silver or green in coloration. Sun elves are the most patient of the elven races, with a tendency toward devoting their time to perfecting a task rather than just merely completing it. They have no love for combat, but they are nevertheless well trained in its ways, often being talented warriors or mages. It is not unheard of for some to blend these two styles into one; wielding sword in one hand and magic in the other. Sun elves are deliberate, patient, and solemn, and their society reflects this. Their art, poetry, and songs also reflect their deliberate and regal attitudes. They prefer tales of ancient battles, songs of the gods, and stories of great heroes beset with terrible tragedies. Their solemn and reserved ways often make them far less approachable than their cousins, the moon elves, as they tend to be slow to trust and difficult to read, but their loyalty to elven culture and life is unwavering. Sun Elves tend towards Chaotic Good. |
Wild Elf |
Racial Traits |
The green (Wild) elves are rarely seen outside their forest homes, living a life of seclusion in any natural area they can survive. Wild elves are stockier and generally bear a stronger build than their other elven kin, with skin tending towards a darker brown and hair ranging from blacks to light brown; shifting to a silvered white with age. Insular and savage, the wild elves have become less civilized due to their history against the drow; being driven by force out of the many once beautiful cities they maintained. As such, they've grown to seclusion and embraced nature to a level rivaling that of many druids. Untrusting of outsiders by nature, they often resort to stealth and observation of those they do not deem allies; capturing if need be. They revel in chaos and excel in combat to a point which rivals that of many fighters. Wild Elves tend towards Chaotic Neutral. |
Wood Elf |
Racial Traits |
Heirs to the second generations of elven nations, the wood elves can usually be found around their old homes. Also known as copper or sylvan elves, they tend to have coppery skin tinged with green, accompanied by brown, green or hazel eyes. Hair is usually brown or black, occasionally blond or even a coppery red. Wood elves are stockier than the other elven races. Knowing that whether they like it or not, the wood elves understand full well that their fates are bound with those of the humans, dwarves, and hin that often surround them. Calm and careful, a wood elf is difficult to catch off guard; with a patience so grand it's spoken in legend at times. They are at one with the natural world, and find heavy civilization to be uncomfortable; though withstandable. They believe that nature will reclaim all in time; and they've got a long enough lifetime to see it through its course. Wood Elves tend toward True Neutral. |
Rock Gnome |
Racial Traits |
Rock gnomes are the most common type of gnomes in Faerûn. They can be found in small villages all across the continent, but they have no specific homeland or great influence anywhere. Known as masterful alchemists, inventors, gemcutters, illusionists and all sorts of artisans, rock gnomes have good relations with most peoples and get along spectacularily with dwarves and halflings. In spite of contacts with other races, they prefer to live in hidden, out-of-the-way places where they don’t have to get involved in wars or politics. Rock gnomes are friendly and outgoing people who enjoy life to the fullest. They choose a profession they truly are interested in and are enthusiastic about it. Despite working hard, they know how to have fun and often play pranks or tell jokes during work days. Wild celebrations that last for days aren’t uncommon, either. Rock gnomes are 3 to 3 ½ feet tall with skin of varying shades of brown. At young age, their hair can be a variety of colours, but it usually turns gray or white as the gnome matures. Their natural curiosity makes some choose the adventurer’s path, to learn everything about the world and their chosen profession. Many are illusionists, rangers, bards or rogues, while clerics mostly stay with the communities. Rock Gnomes tend toward Neutral Good. |
Default Race
Svirfneblin- This Race has a Heritage Feat option. |
Racial Traits |
Svirfneblin, or deep gnomes, are gnomes who live in the Underdark. They pay little mind to history, living in the moment, so how they came to be is a mystery. Gnomish legends tell svirfneblin, like forest and rock gnomes, were born out of gems their god Garl Glittergold discovered – in the deep gnome’s case, rubies. They are wiry and hard, and their skin is gray as the rock among which they live. The males are completely bald and beardless, but females have dark gray hair. The deep gnomes are often thought to be a twisted version of their surface kin, like duergar and drow, but they are actually good-hearted folk. They are suspicious of any outsiders and usually only trust deep gnomes of their own family and city – a necessary trait in the unfriendly Underdark. They like to keep to themselves and appear sullen and quiet in the company of strangers. Svirfneblin live in hidden cities across the Underdark, where they mine for valuable gems and minerals and herd deep rothe, sheep and goats. A svirfneblin’s idea of a good life includes quiet and calm years of labour, looking for riches of the earth and taking care of one’s family. Deep gnomes rarely wander out of their cities other than on mining expeditions. Those who do leave are often illusionists seeking more knowledge, or prospectors in search of rich mineral veins. Svirfneblin tend toward True Neutral. |
Heritage Feat:
Half-Elf |
Racial Traits |
Humans and elves sometimes wed, the elf attracted to the human’s energy and the human to the elf’s grace. These marriages end quickly as elves count years because a human’s life is so brief, but they leave an enduring legacy—half-elf children. The life of a half-elf can be hard. If raised by elves, the half-elf seems to grow with astounding speed, reaching maturity within two decades. The half-elf becomes an adult long before she has had time to learn the intricacies of elven art and culture, or even grammar. She leaves behind her childhood friends, becoming physically an adult but culturally still a child by elven standards. Typically, she leaves her elven home, which is no longer familiar, and finds her way among humans. If, on the other hand, she is raised by humans, the half-elf finds herself different from her peers: more aloof, more sensitive, less ambitious, and slower to mature. Some half-elves try to fit in among humans, while others find their identities in their difference. Most find places for themselves in human lands, but some feel like outsiders all their lives. |
Default Race
Half-Drow |
Racial Traits |
The Half-Drow are a mix of two races whom most people would never expect to mix: the Drow of the Underdark, and a normal human. Most instances of Half-Drow children born in the Underdark never see the light of day, as they are either murdered by the Drow at birth, or live a short, harsh violent life as a slave. In some instances, however, a half-Drow child is born to a human-Drow coupling, where the Drow lives on the surface, and is perhaps Eilistraeean, or otherwise escaped from the clutches of that dark place beneath the sand and soul. These Half-Drow find some small measure of acceptance, and at the very least, a family that cares for them, but they often find that life outside of their home is just as difficult as a life below. Intolerance and a hatred for the Drow race abounds on on the surface, and many find themselves treated just as badly as a full blooded member of their race. Half Drow look much like Half Elves, though they bear the traits of their drow parent, instead of their Elf parent. Dusky skin, or grey-white hair, or even the infravision red eyes are common traits for a Half Drow to have. |
Elfling |
Racial Traits |
Elflings are the stuff of legends. Halfling legends, at least. A result of elf and hin love, elflings aren’t often seen in Faerûn. Even when one is spotted, few think the fellow is anything more but a graceful halfling. Elflings resemble hins more than elves: they are short and merry. They’re considerably prettier and more graceful than normal halflings. Elfling skin and hair colour depend on the subrace of the parents, though few manage to grow as impressive moustache or sideburns as the short side of the family. Combining the enthusiasm and love for life hins have and the aesthetical interests of the elves, elflings are often considered a blessing in the hafling community they happen to be born in. They are celebrated as gifts from the gods. Due to this, many elflings develop a strong confidence, even a slight sense of superiority. Charismatic and pleasant folk as they are, this does not make them any less popular, though. One trait all elflings have in common is the inevitable wanderlust that burns in them. Coming from both sides of the family, its allure is simply too great for an elfling to resist for long. Virtually all elflings are adventurers of some sort. Most excel in the arts of the bard and those who don’t, often become skilled rogues. Because of their unusual bloodline, many elflings also have an exceptional tie to the Weave: a good deal of elflings manifest sorcerous powers at one point in life. Elflings are hardly ever evil in nature, being simply too good-hearted and care-free for that. Elflings tend toward Good. |
Lightfoot Halfling |
Racial Traits |
Lightfoots are the most well-known of the three hin peoples. They can be found all across Faerûn, from human, dwarven and elven settlements to the ancient hinhome Luiren. They have a talent for fitting into most any society they find themselves in. It is impossible to describe Lightfoot mindset or society, since they are as varied as the people they live among. Generally, Lightfoots can be separated into three categories: Those that live with other hinfolk, those that live in human settlements, and those that are constantly on the move. Wanderlust is characteristic of most Lightfoots. Lightfoots often adopt deities of the surrounding society, but worship of the halfling pantheon, especially Brandobaris, Yondalla and Cyrrollalee is still popular. Adventurous Lightfoots often choose a class that fits their wanderous lifestyle, such as bard or rogue. Travel magic is especially favoured. Lightfoot Halflings tend toward Neutral alignments. |
Ghostwise Halfling |
Racial Traits |
Ghostwise are the most mysterious of the halfling races and few have ever visited their secluded homes. After the savagery they fell into during the Hin Ghostwars, the few remaining Ghostwise halflings imposed an exile upon themselves and left Luiren, settling into Chondalwood. They now avoid contact with other races, wandering the woods quietly. Ghostwise society consists of several clans, each of which inhabits their own slice of the Chondalwood. Family and clan are extremely important to Ghostwise halflings, and the clan follows their leader where ever he or she goes. Each clan has their own patron deity picked from the halfling pantheon, though Sheela Peryroyl and Urogalan are perhaps the most important powers to the Ghostwise. Their nomadic lifestyle means that most Ghostwise are barbarians, rogues or rangers. Some clans befriend giant owls and mount them to defend their territory from the air. These champions are known as nightgliders. There are very few arcane casters among the Ghostwise, and wizards are virtually non-existent: the Ghostwise are generally illiterate. Clerics and druids, on the other hand, are rather common. Ghostwise Halflings tend toward Neutral alignments. |
Strongheart Halfling |
Racial Traits |
Stronghearts are the halfling subrace that chose to stay in Luiren after the Hin Ghostwars. The land is almost exclusively inhabited by hin, and the vast majority are Stronghearts. They are industrious folk who build permanent settlements and practice agriculture. Luiren’s culture is a curious blend of the Stronghearts’ personality: on one hand, they enjoy things that last, but on the other, they feel the halfling wanderlust as well. This has resulted in a way of life unknown elsewhere. The Stronghearts do build stationary communities in which they farm and craft, but they don't live in one place all their life. Whole families or clans can move from one settlement to the other, just for the sake of not staying in one place for too long. Because of this, Stronghearts have a very strong appreciation of cooperation, and they always work for the well-being of the community. Despite being peace-loving people, Stronghearts can be fierce warriors when their homes are threatened. They are ready to defend against attackers at a moment’s notice. The most revered god is Arvoreen, the Vigilant Guardian, as he reflects the Strongheart mentality quite accurately. Yondalla is also deeply respected, but Stronghearts frown upon the worship of deities outside of the halfling pantheon. Strongheart Halflings tend toward Neutral alignments. |
Half-Orc |
Racial Traits |
Product of a human and an orc, the half-orc has an uphill battle to fight on both fronts if he or she wants to be accepted by society. Half-orcs are about the height of humans, but heavier and burlier. They’re often ugly, hairy and flat-nosed, which makes their lineage apparent. In human communities, half-orcs are often met with suspicion due to their savage heritage. On the other hand, they’re often bullied in orc tribes because they’re not strong enough. It is true that some half-orcs become the kind of beasts their orcish family is, but many can grow up to be quite decent and civilized citizens. In fact, the peaceful city of Palischuk in the barren lands of Vaasa is inhabited mostly by half-orcs who rebuilt it from ruins. Apart from a few settlements like this, there is no half-orc nation or society. Despite exceptions, the majority of half-orcs are loners and wanderers by nature. The half-orc mercenary or adventurer is hardly an uncommon sight on the roads of Faerûn. Depending on the society in which they grew up, half-orcs can either worship orcish gods or human deities of their home region. Half-orc professions and combat styles vary greatly, but most take advantage of their natural strength and toughness, becoming fierce, barbaric warriors. |
Default Race
Non-Regional Human |
Racial Traits |
Humans are exactly what you'd think they'd be. Humans are the largest majority in all of the Forgotten Realms, and they come in pretty much every size, shape, and color under the sun. They're short lived compared to almost every other well known dominant race, but this short lived-ness has given them a fierce drive and ambition to accomplish in decades what other races would draw out over centuries. The best and the worst of things are found in humankind. From the most valorous Paladin to the foulest murderer, humans span the alignment spectrum on all sides. |
Default Race
Calishite |
Racial Traits |
Calimshan is a wealthy land of merchants, slaves and thieves on the south-western coast of Faerûn. Calishite value wealth and status, but mostly as means to an end: a luxurious and idle life. People in Calimshan are separated by social class and respecting them is very important. Status alone does not define one’s influence, however, as underground plotting and backstabbing are a large part of the decadent Calishite culture. Calishite consider themselves superior to the “barbarian” humans in neighbouring lands and like to think they are among the few civilized peoples of Faerûn. Family is the most important unit in a Calishite’s life, and loyalty to kin often surpasses loyalty to a deity. Speaking of deities, the whole of the Faerûnian pantheon is revered in Calimshan, but Tyr, Azuth, Talos, Shar and Ilmater are among the more popular ones. The Calishite people have dusky brown skin and hair, and are generally a bit smaller than other humans. Other than Calimshan, they can be found in Tethyr, Amn, Vilhon Reach and other nearby areas. |
Chultan |
Racial Traits |
These tall, ebony-skinned humans inhabit the jungle peninsula of Chult. The Chultan humans refer to themselves as Tabaxi - a great clan of their ancestors. Regardless of this common name, the Tabaxi live in small clan villages, recognizing no central ruler. Each clan is lead by a council of the eldest members, male and female alike. The Tabaxi get their living from the jungle, mostly foraging and hunting. They distrust those who seek wealth and power, and prefer to only own goods they can use. The jungle is full of strange creatures, from wild dwarves to dinosaurs, but goblins must be the most common of the Tabaxi’s enemies. The Chultans’ attitude towards magic is contradictory: On one hand, the arcane is respected and each clan has one or a couple of arcanists in its ranks. On the other, unsanctioned practice of the Art is considered dangerous and is not allowed. The welfare of the clan is always above that of an individual, which is why magic must be used only by the clan mage, to further the clan’s cause. There are three dominant forms of religion among Tabaxi people, though all differ greatly from the usual Faerûnian traditions. Most dominant is the worship of Ubtao, who is considered to have created the jungle and everything in it. Another group, spirit-worshippers, may recognize Ubtao as the creator, but worship a plethora of spirits and elementals as active powers in the Realms. Jungle druids are concerned with the jungle itself, and do not take part in the argument between Ubtao-priests and spiritlords. The Tabaxi do not know or wear heavy armor, as metal is a precious commodity. They use spears, maces, axes and other weapons that require little metal, and wear leathers and cloths. |
Damaran |
Racial Traits |
Damarans are the dominant ethnic group around the Easting Reach in north-eastern Faerûn. They make up the bulk of the population in Thesk, Impiltur, the Vast and of course Damara. Many can also be found in Vaasa and the Moonsea region. They are medium-sized folk with tawny-to-fair skin and usually straight, brown or dark hair. In Damaran minds, there is a very stark contrast between good and evil, and they expect people to earn trust with their actions. Many are drawn to adventure in order to prove their heroism – or to escape the bonds of the moralistic society. Damaran society is quite lawful, apart from Aglarond, where strong elven presence and the rule of the Simbul leave their mark on society, and the Vast. Social status is determined by deed rather than birth, so there is no distinct separation between the lower and upper classes. Damarans are very religion-centered people, and most go to a church school to learn their chosen profession. The most central deity in Damaran culture is Ilmater, who represents their endurance and self-sacrifice. A variety of other gods from the Faerûnian pantheon are revered, including Chauntea, Tempus, Torm, Selûne, Valkur, Umberlee and Mystra, among others. Due to their moral character, many Damaran adventurers become paladins or monks. Other divine classes are common as well, due to their tendency for religious devotion and self-sacrifice. Fighters and rogues are not as common as elsewhere, since there is no mercenary tradition and only one notable thieves' guild. Arcane magic is oft treated with suspicion, though wizards that help society are accepted. Sorcerers are shunned due to the demonic history of Narfell. Damarans favour magic that provides some sort of protection, and this tradition is visible both among clerics and wizards, who are often abjurers or diviners. |
Durpari |
Racial Traits |
The Durpari are the relatively short, dark-skinned inhabitants of Durpar, Estagund, Veldorn, and Var the Golden. They are considered skilled traders and are a warm and friendly people. The Durpari have dwelt along the shores of the Golden Water since before the rise of the Imaskari empire. The fall of Imaskar precipitated the fall of the Durpari kingdoms and two millennia of barbarism. During this period, the Mulan of Mulhorand often slaughtered or enslaved the Durpari tribes. In –623 DR, the first Durpari kingdoms after the fall of Imaskar arose along the shores of the Golden Water, as Mulan influence over the region ebbed in the face of the burgeoning threat from Narfell and Raumathar. With the exception of Estagund, which was briefly conquered by the armies of Dambrath during the reign of Reinhar I in 551 DR, the Durpari have remained independent ever since, trading among themselves and with their neighbors. The Durpari speak a language of the same name—derived from a mixture of Draconic, Mulhorandi, and Rauric—and employ the Thorass alphabet brought back from the west. The Durpari venerate a small pantheon of deities known collectively as the Adama, and thought to include Selûne, Oghma, Gond, Torm, and Waukeen. |
Ffolk |
Racial Traits |
The Moonshae islands are located in the Sea of Swords, due west of Amn and the southern Sword Coast. In fact, Amia lies north-west of the Moonshaes, and many ships sailing between Faerûn and Amia stop by the islands on their way. The native people of the Moonshaes are known as the Ffolk, as opposed to the seafaring Northmen in the northern sections of the islands. Their hair is dark and their skin tan. The islands of Moray, Gwynneth and Alaron are split into several small nations of the Ffolk, though they are ultimately lead by High Queen Alicia Kendrick who resides in Caer Callidyrr. The Ffolk practice agriculture and therefore interact little with other cultures. They are an isolated people who are generally suspicious towards outlanders. The Ffolk are very close to nature. Their religious worship is centered around the Earthmother whom they believe to be the land itself, instead of a human-shaped goddess. The Earthmother is actually an aspect of Chauntea, but she is not merely the goddess of agriculture on the Moonshaes: she is the supreme goddess of nature and life, the maintainer of Balance. Native Ffolk usually do not worship other gods; instead, they regard foreign clerics as threats to the Balance. Due to the Ffolk's strong religious beliefs, it stands to reason that druids are the most honoured individuals on the Moonshaes. Youngsters are encouraged to take up the path of the druid if only they are capable, and the islands are full of small druid groves. Bards are respected as sages, entertainers, spies and heroes. There are no native clerics among the Ffolk, as the Earthmother doesn't seem to care about them. Arcane magic is mostly disdained and due to the harsh penalties for theft, thieves are few and far between. |
Halruaan |
Racial Traits |
Halruaa is a sheltered land on the southern coast of Faerûn. Its people are descendants of the Netheril Empire, and cherish their heritage with pride. One in three Halruaans possesses a strong tendency to magic which is cultivated from a young age. Wizards are respected, whereas sorcerers are considered raw and dangerous. Halruaans are determined not to make the same mistakes as their ancestors, so the use of magic is highly regulated. These rules are enforced by inquisitors of Azuth, also known as Magehounds. The nation is lead by a magocratic oligarchy; a Council of Elders and a king. The people of Halruaa, while ambitious and focused in their studies, are generally Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral or Neutral Good. Churches of Mystra and Azuth are dominant, though Velsharoon and Savras are revered to a much lesser extent. |
Mulan |
Racial Traits |
The Mulan are a human ethnic group non-native to Toril. The Mulan are distinguished by the shaving of the head of both genders and flowing body and cranial tattoos that indicate an individual's social status, education, sect amid the Red Wizards of Thay and specialized school of magic (the latter two pertaining only to the Mulan of Thay). The Mulan dominate the demographics of Mulhorand, Unther and Semphar. They are the ruling class of Thay and are also present as a sizable population in Chessenta. Mulan culture is heavily stratified into castes. Non-mulan ethnic groups such as the Turami and Rashemi are considered an underclass and openly despised in Unther. Slavery is common and almost universally accepted in Mulan lands. Mulan slave traders can be found as far away as Calimshan and amid the Tuigan tribes of the Endless Wastes. The Mulan were first brought to Toril by the Imaskar Empire as slaves from another world. Years of fervent prayers were finally answered when avatars of the Mulan gods were able to breach the wards created by the Imaskari and liberate their people. Where once the Imaskari Empire stood millennia ago, now stand the 'old empires' of Mulhorand and Unther. Thay, a breakaway state of Mulhorand, formed under the leadership of a cabal known as the Red Wizards, who rule there to the present day. |
Shadovar- Requires DM Permission: See this post. Type Shadovar exactly as written into the Subrace field after choosing the non-regional Human default race (and after gaining DM approval through a request). |
Racial Traits |
The Shadovar are the last remaining "pure" remnants of the Netherese Empire of old. While several of the societies on Faerun today trace some lineage or history back to ancient Netheril, such as Halruua or Thay, the Shadovar today are precisely as they were 1700 years ago before the fall of the Empire. Having been shifted into the Plane of Shadow when Krasus committed his Folly that destroyed the Netherese Empire, the Shade Enclave (known as Thultanthar in Loross, the language of Netheril) was saved from that same fate. Since that time they have had to adapt both physically and as a society in order to survive the harsh environment and constant threats found in the Plane of Shadow. Battling Malaugrym and all manner of shadowy horrors of the realm, each generation saw them more attuned to the Plane. Today Shadovar are universally of pale, greyish skin with hair in shades of dark brown and black. Even their eyes have become muted by the pervasive energy of the Plane of Shadow, taking on a pale grey or black hue, sometimes with flecks of dark brown. Relying more on whits and agility than brute strength to survive the hostility of the Plane, they are usually slimmer than most other humans as well. As a culture, the Netherese were always a rather lawful society who held those with magic in the highest regard, but the Shadovar have since taken these traits to the extreme in order to survive their exile. Their entire society is now formed around a strict caste system, with those who show magical talent held in the highest regard. As an extension of this, Shar is the universal patron of all Shadovar for Her role in the continued survival of Thultanthar. Shar is viewed by the Shadovar as the true Goddess of Magic and as such Her clergy hold a position in the Enclave that is largely on par with that held by those with arcane talent. All arcane spell casters among the Shadovar have denounced Mystra as a jealous pretender, and have embraced Shar and make use of her Shadow Weave. Selfish and insular, every action the Shadovar take as a people is carefully plotted to advance the goals of the Shade Enclave, as ruled by the Shade Princes. An incredibly secretive council of twelve, lead by their father High Prince Telamont, the Princes of Shade are at the very peaks of the rigid caste hierarchy. Since Thultanthar's recent return to Faerun, they have set about searching out the remnants of the Netheril of old and seeking information about how the world has changed during their long exile. Only the Shades who serve the twelve Princes, or the Princes themselves, have the authority to send any of the Shadovar people outside the the Enclave, and they do so sparingly. Any Shadovar found outside the the Enclave that have not received permission from their superiors, are branded as traitors of deserters and are hunted by any other Shadovar who encounter them. OOC Note: The Shadovar have very specialized lore and as such require a request to play. It his highly recommended that you research the race using the sources listed below, as well as read this post for details pertaining to the Shade Enclave as it pertains to Amia specifically. Please also note that all Arcane casters (Wizards, Sorcerers, Bards) among the Shadovar make use of the Shadow Weave, and this should be included in your request; the staff will want to see that you understand the differences between the Shadow Weave and the "traditional" Weave as well. Lords of Darkness Page 78 Player's Guide to Faerun Page 167 Races of Faerun Page 147 Reminder: Type Shadovar in the Subrace field of a Non-Regional Human and click the statue to activate this subrace. You will not see the Shadovar changes until you do this. Don't do this unless you have an approved request, however. |
Tuigan |
Racial Traits |
The Tuigan are nomads of the Endless Wastes and Quoya desert, also known as the Hordelands. They're closely related to Kara-Turans, which means their skin is yellowish-bronze and hair is black. Their features are broad and flat, and they are a hardy lot, used to the freezing winters and hot summers. Tuigan are expert horsemen and masters of the short bow. Boys and girls are trained equally in these skills. The Tuigan nomadic tribes have no clear leadership; instead, one tribe can have several khans who act on their own as long as they don't interfere with each other's doings. There are no permanent towns in the Hordelands, the tribal folk live in portable tents. Religion and tradition are very important to the Tuigan, and they have a complex web of customs almost impossible for foreigners to understand. Their two main deities are the lord of the sky, Teylas, and Etugen, the goddess of the earth. Elsewhere on Faerûn they're known as Akadi and Grumbar. Each tribe also has several lesser deities and spirits they worship. Beast cults, such as that of the horse, are common. Important locations like mountains and oases also have their own guardian spirits who must be revered. The Tuigan have no evil gods, as misfortunes are blamed either on evil spirits or angering a deity. The tribal customs are supposed to keep this from happening. In 1359-1360, Tuigan hordes united under the banner of Yamun Khahan and attacked Shoul Lung in the east and the border lands of Faerûn in the west. They were defeated on both fronts, but Tuigan immigrants still live in the lands around Thay, Rashemen, Thesk, Narfell and Semphar. |
Note: Characters with these races MUST be non-good only, unless you submit a request otherwise.
See this post for information about requests.
Bugbear |
Racial Traits |
Bugbears resemble hairy, feral goblins standing 7 feet tall. They get their name from their noses and claws, which are similar to those of bears. Their claws are not long or sharp enough to be used as weapons, so bugbears often armor and arm themselves with a variety of purloined gear. Most often, this gear is second-rate and in poor repair. Bugbears prefer to ambush opponents whenever possible. When hunting, they normally send scouts ahead of the main group that, if they spy prey, return to report and bring up reinforcements. Bugbear attacks are coordinated and their tactics are sound, if not brilliant. Most bugbears are chaotic evil in alignment. |
Duergar |
Racial Traits |
Duergar, or gray dwarves, are the Underdark cousins of shield dwarves. They were enslaved by Illithids for millenia and transformed into their current form. They are about 4 feet tall, but unlike other dwarves, they’re wiry and lean, their limbs corded with tough muscle. Their skincolours range between different tones of gray. Both genders are generally bald, though males sport dark gray beards and moustache. They harbor bitterness and hatred towards the shield dwarves and their Underdark rivals, but are willing to trade with almost any race. They’re grim and hardworking people with hardly any pleasures in life. Most adventuring Duergar are outcasts who adventure to survive. Duergar tend toward Lawful Evil. |
Gnoll |
Racial Traits |
Gnolls are hyena-headed, evil monstrous humanoids that wander in loose tribes. Most gnolls have dirty yellow or reddish-brown fur. A gnoll is a nocturnal carnivore, preferring intelligent creatures for food because they scream more. A gnoll is about 7½ feet tall and weighs 300 pounds. Gnolls speak their own Gnoll language. Gnolls like to attack when they have the advantage of numbers, using horde tactics and their physical strength to overwhelm and knock down their opponents. They show little discipline when fighting unless they have a strong leader; at such times, they can maintain ranks and fight as a unit. While they do not usually prepare traps, they do use ambushes and try to attack from a flanking position. Gnolls are usually Chaotic Evil. Note: On Amia, there is a tribe of Beastmen located on the northern side of the island. These "beastmen" are gnolls, and so you can use them as a basis for your character - although the spawns will still be hostile to you if you go there. If you do utilize them in your backstory, give yourself a good reason to now be an enemy to them. |
Goblin |
Racial Traits |
Smallest of the goblinoid races, goblins stand only some 4 feet tall. They have flat faces, broad noses and sharp fangs. Goblins are violent, ruthless and cowardly. They live in large bands that know no privacy: usually only the tribe leader has his own room or corner of a cave. Goblins bully each other constantly, trying to establish a pecking order of the strongest. A goblin needs luck to survive to adulthood, since they are always looking to get rid of any competition within the tribe. Goblin tribes are usually lead by their stronger cousins, either hobgoblins or bugbears. Usually considered but a minor pest, a tribe of goblins under a skilled leader can prove a considerable threat to nearby settlements. Often they prefer to simply raid caravans or sneak into villages to steal in order to survive. Females have no place among the warriors, and no real social status. Goblins don’t like even other goblinoids, and they do not get along with other races at all. They especially hate dwarves and elves, and the feeling is mutual. Adventuring goblins are usually runaways whom their tribe seeks to kill. Relying on wits and cowardice rather than strength, they often excel as rogues. Goblins worship their own god, Maglubiyet. Goblins are usually Chaotic Evil. |
Hobgoblin |
Racial Traits |
Hobgoblins are the larger cousins of goblins. Towering at least six feet tall, these burly brutes have an easy time bullying their smaller kin around – until an even larger bugbear comes around, at least. Like goblins, they lead a tribal life. Unlike goblins, however, hobgoblins are disciplined and live for warfare. They are canny tacticians, and can often be found leading goblin or orc warbands. Some also enter the service of humanoid warlords as mercenaries. Adventuring hobgoblins often have this background, as they’re skilled warriors and rarely have any other place in human society. Hobgoblins usually dress in bright, colourful clothes and leather. They keep good care of their weapons, relying on physical prowess in combat. Most of them worship Maglubiyet, god of goblinkind. Hobgoblins are usually Lawful Evil. |
Kenku- Requires DM Permission: See this post. Type Kenku exactly as written into the Subrace field after choosing the Non-Regional Human default race (and after gaining DM approval through a request). | Racial Traits |
Kenku are a race of flightless avian humanoids. They tend to be selfish and secretive in nature and are often engaged in plots to acquire wealth and power. They operate in small gangs and often live in large human cities, especially in southern Faerûn where they work as spies, assassins, or thieves. Although they evolved from avians, kenku have neither wings nor the capacity for flight. Instead they have arms in place of wings and bird-like talons for hands and feet. They retain other bird-like features, however, with black and beady eyes and a long, dark beak. Their heads and torsos are covered with soft feathers, usually a dark russet-brown color, while their scrawny limbs are bare and scaled like a bird's limbs. They most resemble ravens both in appearance and personality. Kenku tend to be slightly smaller than the average human, standing at around 5 feet (1.5 meters). Because they have partially hollow bones, they are lighter than most creatures their height, averaging only 75 pounds. They are therefore not as strong, but they are more agile and dexterous. They typically wear nondescript brown robes, under which they conceal tools and weaponry. Kenku tend toward Neutral Evil. Reminder: Type Kenku in the Subrace field of a Non-Regional Human and click the statue to activate this subrace. You will not see the Kenku changes until you do this. Don't do this unless you have an approved request, however. |
Kobold |
Racial Traits |
Kobolds are small reptilian creatures about the size of gnomes. They have a naked rat-like tail and a canine head with small horns. Their scaly hide ranges from rusty brown to rusty black in colour. Kobolds are cowardly sadists, who enjoy setting traps to protect their lairs but flee combat when the odds aren’t in their favour. They usually eat whatever prisoners they catch, but occasionally sell them as slaves. Kobolds generally live underground or in deep forests. They’re skilled miners, though their hate and distrust of all other races – especially gnomes – keeps them from having any real business with other communities. Kobolds speak Draconic, but they sound more like dogs than dragons when doing so. Kobolds are often considered a minor pest to be killed on sight, but other races are known to hire or enslave kobolds to act as the blade-fodder of their armies’ frontlines. In such cases, a force of panicking kobolds, more afraid of their masters than the enemy, is something to be reckoned. Some of the so-called adventuring kobolds are leftovers of such armies, their tribes scattered and homes lost. Kobolds are usually Lawful Evil. |
Lizardfolk- Requires DM Permission: See this post. Type Lizardfolk exactly as written into the Subrace field after choosing the Non-Regional Human default race (and after gaining DM approval through a request).- This Race has a Heritage Feat option. |
Racial Traits |
Living mostly in the marshy areas of Faerûn, lizardfolk are large, scaly humanoids who are savage marauders and scavengers. They have no traditions for cultivating food, so they arrange their meals by either hunting prey or raiding the larders of others. Lizardfolk grow to between 6 and 7 feet tall, and weigh between 200 and 250 pounds. Their scales range in color from dark green to gray to brown. Their thickly muscled tails run from 3 to 4 feet long. Most nonlizardfolk have a very hard time telling the difference between males and females, but the lizardfolk have no such troubles, of course. Lizardfolk have the same life expectancy and age categories as humans. In Faerûn, lizardfolk are found anywhere there are temperate or warm marshes and swamps. This includes the Deepwash, the Flooded Forest, the Marsh of Chelimber, the Marsh of Tun, and Rethild, the Great Swamp. A large population of lizardfolk is also found in the Lizard Marsh, despite the relatively cold climate of the Sword Coast. There are very many found in and around Amia. Lizardfolk tend to be Neutral or Evil. Reminder: Type Lizardfolk in the Subrace field of a Non-Regional Human and click the statue to activate this subrace. You will not see the Fey'ri changes until you do this. Don't do this unless you have an approved request, however. |
Heritage Feat:
Ogrillon- This Race has a Heritage Feat option. |
Racial Traits |
Ogrillons are horrid crossbreeds of orcs and ogres. They are not much taller than usual mountain orcs, but their muscular, bulky bodies are protected by a layer of thick, hard skin. Other traits include tusks, flat faces, and a myriad of different mixtures of orc and ogre, varying between individuals. Stronger, more enduring and more ferocious than their orcish cousins, ogrillons are treated with caution even among orc tribes. They love battle and pillaging, which is why they’re often found at the front ranks of any larger warband of orcs and ogres. Few ogrillons have the patience, cunning or personal charisma to actually lead tribes for any long (as perceived by orcs) period of time. Ogrillons tend to disdain sophisticated weapons and complicated suits of armor. They enjoy plunging into battle with their bare claws, protected only by their thick skin and perhaps a layer of studded leather. Whenever they use weapons, they prefer simple clubs, spears, axes and maces. Ogrillons are most often chaotic and evil in nature, favoring the martial skills of the barbarian or the fighter. Ogrillons are usually Chaotic Evil. |
Heritage Feat:
Orc |
Racial Traits |
Orcs of all kinds usually had grayish skin, coarse hair, stooped postures, low foreheads, large muscular bodies, and porcine faces that feature lower canines that resemble boar tusks. Many also have wolf-like ears that are pointed on the ends, similar to elves. Orcs are roughly the same size as humans and other similar humanoids, though usually much more robust and muscular. Orcs have poor temperaments and are given to anger more easily than other races. Easily offended and impatient, orcs generally prefer violent solutions and rarely consider multiple ways of approaching a problem. In spite of this, many orcs are excellent at getting results because they are creatures of action - not thought. Orcs tend toward Chaotic Evil. |
Orog- This Race has a Heritage Feat option. |
Racial Traits |
Orogs are fierce orcs of the Underdark, chased underground by elves and Netheril thousands of years ago. They stand six and a half feet tall and look like big mountain orcs. They have large pale eyes which are sensitive to light. Orogs live in large cavern cities. Recently, however, many have wondered towards the surface and taken control of mountain orc tribes. Due to their their charisma and strength, they’ve found it easy to bully the lesser orcs into subservience. It’s not uncommon to find orog warlords leading orc armies in northern parts of Faerûn. Orogs are masterful smiths; forging weapons and armor is a skill practiced in all orog communities. They prefer heavy, spiked armor and simple weapons, such as greatswords. They sometimes trade with drow and duergar, who acknowledge the productivity of their mines. The orogs’ superior equipment and the fact they enjoy the spoils of war rather than the mindless fighting make them considerably dangerous and successful in their campaigns. Orogs are usually Chaotic Evil. |
Heritage Feat:
Note: In order to choose one of these characters, you must select one of the Default Races:
-Shield Dwarf, Moon Elf, Rock Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Lightfoot Halfling, or Human (Non-Regional).
Type these race names (exactly as written, spaces and all) into the Subrace field after choosing one of the above default races.
Your race will automatically be activated when you use the statue to enter the game world.
Aasimar- This Race has a Heritage Feat option. |
Racial Traits |
Aasimar are planetouched beings: children of humans, who manifest celestial heritage from generations past. Their ancestors vary in type, from trumpet archons to couatls to servants of deities and whatever else inhabits the good-aligned planes. Aasimar generally have one distinguishing feature which sets them apart from normal people. These are related to the kind of outsider they descend from, and include traits such as silver hair, emerald skin, small feathers somewhere on their body, small patches of iridescent scales or a strong, clear voice. Aasimar are rare and therefore have no society of their own. They are regarded as strange outsiders in most places, which can be very frustrating to aasimar who just wish to blend in. Many have become cautious and distant towards humans because of this, and get along better with other half breeds, such as half-elves. Due to their heritage, most aasimar feel the pull of the divine strongly, and become clerics, or paladins if their ancestor was a lawful creature. Even those who stick to mundane careers are usually compelled to do good by their very nature. Evil aasimar, disappointed and embittered by how lesser beings treat them, are not completely unheard of. Most aasimar on Faerûn trace their bloodlines to the incarnations of Mulhorandi deities and their noble offspring. Through marriage, the blood of Mulhorandi deities spread far and wide. It's common for these aasimar to serve the deity they descend from, and to feel affection for the type of animal that symbolizes their deific ancestor. There are more aasimar in Mulhorand, Unther and Chessenta than anywhere else on Toril, as aasimar with different descent are relatively random cases with no common origin. Aasimar tend toward Good alignments. Reminder: Type Aasimar in the Subrace field of a "base" race outlined above and click the statue to activate this subrace. You will not see the Aasimar changes until you do this. |
Heritage Feat:
Feytouched- This Race has a Heritage Feat option. |
Racial Traits |
The fey are known for their curiosity (some would say obsession) with humanoids, and sometimes a fey falls in love with one of these creatures. The creatures known as feytouched have a half-fey and a humanoid ancestor. Feytouched are a widely varied group of beings -- some are wispy and beautiful, while others are ugly and brutish. Some resemble elves, with pointed ears and almond-shaped eyes. Others look more like trolls, with warty skin and disproportionate limbs. Regardless, all feytouched have at least one feature or characteristic that is out of the norm -- vibrantly colored hair, feathered eyebrows, or a propensity for speaking in rhyme, for example. Despite their actual appearance, all feytouched are highly charismatic beings that draw attention wherever they go. Feytouched have no cohesive culture; either they become isolated loners, or they immerse themselves in cosmopolitan society, sampling everything life has to offer. They are also drawn to the same natural settings that other fey called home. Most fey respond favorably to feytouched and consider them distant cousins. Feytouched tend toward the alignment of their fey ancestry. Reminder: Type Feytouched in the Subrace field of a "base" race outlined above and click the statue to activate this subrace. You will not see the Feytouched changes until you do this. |
Heritage Feat:
Tiefling- This Race has a Heritage Feat option. |
Racial Traits |
Tieflings are planetouched, which means that they have the blood of outsiders running through their ways. More specifically, tieflings are humans with distant evil outsider ancestors. The children of, for example, demons, devils or rakshasa may produce tiefling offspring. Contrary to popular belief, they are not half-fiends. Tieflings come in many shapes and sizes, but are always born of humans or other planetouched. They often look like their human parents but have a few features to set them apart from normal people; it might be horns, fur, scales, black eyes or anything horrific. They’re treated as abominations and usually end up as loners, thieving, murdering or adventuring to get by. They’ve learnt to be suspicious of others since very few ever get accepted by society. Most tieflings are evil by nature. Due to magical breeding experiments, there is a high tiefling population in the land of Thay. The tieflings there are often enslaved to thralldom or used as assassins and spies. Some manage to escape into the world. Mulhorand also produces many tieflings as a result of their religious practices. Tieflings tend toward Evil alignments. Reminder: Type Tiefling in the Subrace field of a "base" race outlined above and click the statue to activate this subrace. You will not see the Tiefling changes until you do this. |
Heritage Feat:
Half-Dragon- Requires DM Permission: See this post. Type Half-Dragon exactly as written into the Subrace field after choosing one of the listed universal default races (and after gaining DM approval through a request).- This Race has a Heritage Feat option. |
Racial Traits |
Half-Dragons come from all over Faerun, with as many potential variations as there are kinds of dragons. One thing can be certain, however: half-dragons are not a usual sight for the majority of the people of Faerun. When they grow up among the people of their non-dragon parent, they are often ostracized or treated like a beast. Whether good or evil, these beings do belong amongst regular people. Often they are bred by their dragon parent for a particular purpose. Sometimes a half-dragon may be born of love or a bout of mutual lust, but such is uncommon. All half-dragons have a general set of enhanced traits for being born of such powerful stock. They always stand out in a crowd and can have a variety of different physical traits dependent on the dragon parent. Half-Dragons can have a variety of different alignments, but usually tend toward that of their dragon parent. Reminder: Type Half-Dragon in the Subrace field of one of the listed universal default races and click the statue to activate this subrace. You will not see the Half-Dragon changes until you do this. Don't do this unless you have an approved request, however. |
Heritage Feat:
Air Genasi |
Racial Traits |
Air Genasi are the descendants of Djinn or Air Elementals, along with other planar creatures of air. Faerûnian Air Genasi tend to come from Calimshan, where the Djinn once ruled. Others often come from the Plane of Air out of a desire to explore. Air Genasi are wild, free spirits, refusing to be contained in any manner. Exceptionally proud of their heritage, often times well into arrogance, the Air Genasi see themselves as above most mortals, though the one who gains an Air Genasi's companionship often as a friend for life. The Air Genasi often embodies the traits of a wild, free roaming Elf, and, along with their other personality traits, Air Genasi often find themselves getting along well with Elvenkind. Emotionally charged like Fire Genasi, Air Genasi are prone to mood swings and unpredictability, and tend towards the Chaos end of the Law/Chaos spectrum. Their language, Auran, sounds like the wind whistling through the air, severity depending on the emotions and words being expressed. Not breathing, grey and light blue skin or hair, light colored eyes, hair that looks to be eternally disheveled or windblown, mysterious breezes surrounding them, and unnaturally well-carrying voices are some of the traits that embody Air Genasi. Air Genasi tend slightly toward Chaotic alignments. Reminder: Type Air Genasi in the Subrace field of a "base" race outlined above and click the statue to activate this subrace. You will not see the Air Genasi changes until you do this. |
Earth Genasi |
Racial Traits |
Earth Genasi are humans who trace their lineage back to outsiders from the Plane of Earth, such as Dao, or even to earth deities and their servants. Most Faerûnian Earth Genasi originate in the North, as there are several portals to the Plane of Earth in the Spine of the World region. Somewhat more uncommon are the ones from eastern Faerûn, distantly connected to the Mulhorandi gods. Stoic, stubborn and patient are the traits that define Earth Genasi. Like all elemental planetouched, earth genasi are proud of their nature and abilities, but their pride is usually a quiet, confident sort rather than a boastful one. They are slow to speak, slower to move, and even slower to act, though once in motion, almost impossible to stop; they are almost like Dwarves in many ways. Earth Genasi are often shunned for their brutish traits, and their strength and girth means that they sometimes become bullies, attracting sycophants out of fear and respect for their power. However, Earth Genasi find themselves drawn towards the Lawful end of the spectrum, and more often embody values such as honor, stability and endless loyalty. They speak Terran, the gravelly rumble like language of the Earth Elementals, but there is no unified Earth Genasi society or history on the Prime. Heavily muscular and stocky, Earth Genasi are obviously not human by appearance, but have mostly human features except for one or two distinguishing traits related to their elemental ancestry: craggy facial features, earth-like skin, mossy hair or very large hands and feets, for example. Earth Genasi tend slightly toward Lawful alignments. Reminder: Type Earth Genasi in the Subrace field of a "base" race outlined above and click the statue to activate this subrace. You will not see the Earth Genasi changes until you do this. |
Fire Genasi |
Racial Traits |
Fire Genasi hail from the Elemental Plane of Fire, typically, or are conceived or descended from a creature that relates to the Elemental Plane of Fire. Fire Elementals, Efreeti, and more are capable of producing Fire Genasi spawn. Fire Genasi native to Toril often originate from Calimshan, where Efreet once ruled. Fire Genasi are moody, temperamental, highly emotionally charged, and relatively quick to anger. They act impulsively, and tend highly towards the chaotic end of the Law/Chaos spectrum. They're often seen as dangerous in society, since a Fire Genasi's natural tendency to Wizardry and Magic, combined with impulsiveness, is an incredibly dangerous mixture. Their language, Ignan, sounds like the crackle of a gentle fire, or the roar of a wild blaze, depending on the emotions of the speaker. Fire Genasi tend to have a few traits reflecting their heritage. Fire red hair or eyes, hair that waves like fire, a perpetual smell of soot and smoke, perpetually "hot" or sweaty skin, and an unnatural resistance to non-magical fire are only some of the factors that Fire Genasi often experience. Fire Genasi tend slightly toward Chaotic alignments. Reminder: Type Fire Genasi in the Subrace field of a "base" race outlined above and click the statue to activate this subrace. You will not see the Fire Genasi changes until you do this. |
Water Genasi |
Racial Traits |
Water Genasi hail from the Plane of Water. Marids (Water Genies), and Water Elementals, are the two most common sources for Water Genasi. Most Water Genasi on Faerûn are born in the regions around the Sea of Fallen Stars. Water Genasi are generally calm, level headed, and have a tendency to "go with the flow". They're somewhat stoic, and easy going, like the waters that they represent. Like those waters though, they're capable of being whipped into a frenzy if they get disturbed enough. These occasions are rare, but something to be feared. Water Genasi tend towards the Lawful end of the Law/Chaos spectrum, and their contemplative, thoughtful nature makes them excellent Clerics and Monks. Their language, Aquan, varies between babbling brooks and waterfall torrents, depending on the words and meanings conveyed. The ability to breathe underwater, blue or green skin, hair, and eyes, webbed fingers and toes, vestigial gill slits, and clammy skin are some of the factors that manifest themselves in Water Genasi. Water Genasi tend slightly toward Lawful alignments. Reminder: Type Water Genasi in the Subrace field of a "base" race outlined above and click the statue to activate this subrace. You will not see the Water Genasi changes until you do this. |